• Before i bought i scoured this site. The help here has been amazing. you would have never convinced me 5 years ago that this little toaster could do what it does. (originally thought this was one homely amp), but it gets prettier by the day. got a H9 in the x slot that sounds great..heard some say in other forums that the effects are lacking, they could not be more wrong..these are some top notch effects, now to cull the heard on my pedal board...thanks guys nice to be welcomed

  • In the 44 years of gigging and recording, and just plain playing and spending thousands on gear, all can say is holy shit, this amp is amazing. i got it yesterday and haven't even scratched the surface and it is by far the best purchase i have ever made. amazing!!! i am out of adjectives. anyone want to buy some amps. i am one of the most skeptical guys in the music business cuz there is so much bullshit surrounding the whole scene , but this is the Real Deal. to say i am impressed is an understatement. That is all

    You know what is even better? In 2-3 years from now, it will still have "holy shit" effect.. it does for me.

    One tip: Don't burn yourself out getting 5000+ profiles and listening to them all.

  • You know what is even better? In 2-3 years from now, it will still have "holy shit" effect.. it does for me.

    This is so true. The versatility and dynamics are still surprising. Did a session the other day when the producer pulled out a Donald Fagen style tune. He told me he wanted me to sound like the guitar player on Fagen's Nightfly album. Well, that was Larry Carlton and I remembered from an interview that he used a low wattage small Fender for that album. It think it was a Princeton. So I loaded a few Princeton profiles from Michael Britt. And the second one was close but I couldn't immediately get the gain right. Then I remembered that LC usual has a volume pedal in front of his amps. I hooked up a Roland expression pedal to control volume and took down the volume a hair or two. And BAM, I was there. Taking down the volume with a pedal put before the profile also lowers the gain and gives a different tone than just lowering the gain on the KPA. The producer was very happy and so was I.


    Mats N

  • Doombie,

    Welcome! And it's true. I'm coming up on 3 years, and while after 2 years I've come to "accept" that the KPA is the real thing, I still have a sense of wonder when I'm playing it looking at a small green box and no tubes.

    For some reason, I miss the tubes, but only visually. I've thought about getting those tube USB memory sticks, but for $80 I can pass on that feeling. Maybe I should create a tube "lamp" like they do with salt lamps to place BY the Kemper so I can have the visual and the real deal.

    You will find that your Amp pining goes away, and your pedal pining diminishes greatly or goes away. You may want to retain a Cabinet or two (or three, haha) as I love playing my KPA through a real cabinet or FRFR, I like the sound of both, but the FEEL of the Cabinet better (thump in your chest) But head phones work just as well to be honest. Just watch the dB levels. Easy to do damage, very easy.

  • yes db9101, i run it through the power section of a bugera1990 and sometimes into the power section of my mesa mark v or an orange dark terror then into a 4x12 carvin that i have refurbished with jbl and emminence (yeah i know bugera, but the amp is killer, got a good one). sound is so sweeeeeeeeeet, my wife is sick of listening to me go on and on about it. got some killer pedals in front of the kemper also. never thought i would say this bout a digital amp..best purchase i have made in the amp field in 40 years....and i have only owned it 2 days..haven't slept much

  • In the 44 years of gigging and recording, and just plain playing and spending thousands on gear, all can say is holy shit, this amp is amazing. i got it yesterday and haven't even scratched the surface and it is by far the best purchase i have ever made. amazing!!! i am out of adjectives. anyone want to buy some amps. i am one of the most skeptical guys in the music business cuz there is so much bullshit surrounding the whole scene , but this is the Real Deal. to say i am impressed is an understatement. That is all

    welcome to the green toaster club! sold ALL of my pedals, kept 2 out of 14 amps. one 15 watt head+1x12 for student's.
    and the plexi+4x12 will stay forever. cheers

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.