Worth the investment on KPA powerhead for bass?

  • I'm only a bass player.
    and have FAS products. AxeFx2 and the Fx-8 (effect board).
    I have tried using the AxeFx2 for live (axe + poweramp + ampeg 410hlf cabinet).
    No good, no good bass sound and FAS has no love for bass player. They had released a year ago or more, some bass amp models and that's it.

    So I was going back to my main amps (ampeg svt 4 pro, ashdown evo III 900 and fender tb-1200) and used the AxeFX2 only for effects. But here another problem. To much gear to carry out.
    I purchase the FX-8 for effects to use less gear on gigs. The effects are fine and using my bass amps are fine too.

    But I seek for a Kemper..

    If I purchase a kemper powerhead to use with my bass cabinet (ampeg 410 HLF) I'll be fine? Fine I mean.
    Can play, and recreat the same sound that I achieve with my amps?
    Or I will miss some LOW END? And the sound will be like on an AxeFxII. I mean, the sound will be missing some details that are the "MUST" for a bass?

    I know the effects are not that good comparing to the effects on FAS but I had never seen good videos or mp3 with the effects with someone playing bass....

    Worth the investment on a Kemper powerhead + the controller to GO LIVE only with a bass?

    What do you people think? And of course if here on forum has some professional or bass player that use live....

  • hi.

    there are quite a few well known bass players out there that are using the Profiler, so that is always a good indicator ;)
    since you do already have nice amps, you're in the comfortable position to make your own profiles, which is obviously nice since you know what you like to hear in a bass tone.

    while our effects maybe do not have dozens of parameters, that does in no way indicate they are of lesser quality. quite the contrary: clever, musical and quick ways to control your sound are no coincidence with the Profiler.
    many fx do have a Crossover parameter which is wonderful for bass players and the Parallel Path feature was actually requested by a bass player:
    If activated, Parallel Path let's you easily mix (processed) DI and amp sound.
    The DI part goes through stomps A and B, then to the Output, while stomps C, D, the Amplifer section and fx are you other path. This way you can have a compressed and EQed DI as well as the amp's sound.


  • And I'm afraid to invest on a KPA and who knows, middle/late 2016 some KPA 2 appears...:/

    My approach would be: if you try the Profiler (there's usually a very good return policy) and you think that it's missing something which is critical for you, do not buy it.
    OTOH, if it does everything you might ask it, don't be concerned about something "better" coming out at a later time: you Profiler will continue serving you as it did on day one.
