remote: bounce back (switch between 2 profiles with 1 button)

  • I would like to see a bounce back feature in the remote pedal menu. I've used Digitch effects for years and really liked the bounce back feature on the remote pedals.

    What is does is remembering the previous patch you had. So for instance, when you are on profile 1 and switch to profile 2, you can go back to profile 1 by pressing the same footwitch. This is especially handy when you also sing on stage and don't want to look down to see if you are pressing the right button. Just keep your foot above one button to switch betweet two profiles.

  • That will be optimal for me too!! i would like to have 2 of the same profile, one for rythm and one for solo.. now i have two paralell buttons, and could have had the same sounds i have now with half the amount of preformances. I am used to play with volumeboost, make sure I always be heard on my solos!


  • That will be optimal for me too!! i would like to have 2 of the same profile, one for rythm and one for solo.. now i have two paralell buttons, and could have had the same sounds i have now with half the amount of preformances. I am used to play with volumeboost, make sure I always be heard on my solos!


    if it's the same profile you'll be able to do this with the morph feature potentially.

  • I would like to see a bounce back feature in the remote pedal menu. I've used Digitch effects for years and really liked the bounce back feature on the remote pedals.

    What is does is remembering the previous patch you had. So for instance, when you are on profile 1 and switch to profile 2, you can go back to profile 1 by pressing the same footwitch. This is especially handy when you also sing on stage and don't want to look down to see if you are pressing the right button. Just keep your foot above one button to switch betweet two profiles.

    +1 if the behaviour is optional (I use the "stomping the same slot" trick for disengaging any effects that have been switched on after the slot/rig change)

    If you implement Sam's request for it to be optional (set globally), the request will get a +1 from me. In the proper way, with a "like" of the original post :)

    (everybody else needs to use the like system for FR, by the way!)

  • +1 for me as well.
    There are certain songs with two complex parts alternating where I need two different rigs and 50% of the time I make a mistake and press the wrong button on the Remote... It really seems my brain is too slow.
    Actually, on of the parts is a short distorted riff that pops up in an ultra-clean funky rhythm. Having the possibility to remain with my foot on the same stomp and press it again would be great.

    Talking about Morphing, we don't yet know how it will be implemented. If it requires for example a pedal to be steadily assigned to the function, I'll end up using it very rarely... I use one pedal only, and it must be able to do everything. I'd really like to not have to buy, carry and use a second one.


  • +1 for me as well.
    There are certain songs with two complex parts alternating where I need two different rigs and 50% of the time I make a mistake and press the wrong button on the Remote... It really seems my brain is too slow.
    Actually, on of the parts is a short distorted riff that pops up in an ultra-clean funky rhythm. Having the possibility to remain with my foot on the same stomp and press it again would be great.

    Talking about Morphing, we don't yet know how it will be implemented. If it requires for example a pedal to be steadily assigned to the function, I'll end up using it very rarely... I use one pedal only, and it must be able to do everything. I'd really like to not have to buy, carry and use a second one.


    You could do this with morphing, using the Remote Rig switch to morph. Just set the cross fade time to its fastest transition rate. Done :)

  • LOL Sam, did you happen to read my concerns about Morphing? :P

    You mean about the pedal assignment? Did you read my comment? I was talking about morphing using the Rig switch buttons on the Remote


    Jokes apart, I use two completely different rigs for those parts... Morphing would be of no help I am afraid...


    ...but my suggestion wouldn't help you anyway, of course.

  • You mean about the pedal assignment? Did you read my comment? I was talking about morphing using the Rig switch buttons on the Remote

    Yep, sorry if I was unclear on this. My doubts refer more generally to how the Morphing will be implemented, we'll need to know how the function lays aside the others... Just a short time to know I guess :)

    ...but my suggestion wouldn't help you anyway, of course.

    How do you mean? :)