Dear all,
for those interested in topics around rig management that cannot be handled via RigManager: as already mentioned in other threads all data of the rig manager is stored in relational database files in SQLITE format.
Rig Manager stores all data in Windows in the user directory "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Kemper Amps\RigManager", in MacOSX I assume it should be in "~/Library/Application\ Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager". In those directories you find the folder hierarchy of your Rig Manager and several db-files in SQLITE format.
The databases have a very simple table structure:
- Each "Rigs" table contains a row per rig with its tags and an embedded MIDI file blob that represents the associated profile and the settings.
- Each "Performances" table contains a row per performance with a single MIDI file blob for the performance and five slot names, five top level amp and cabinet tags and slot enable flags. Note the single MIDI blob per performance: hence the performance stores the settings for all slots in one object; it does not reference any rig.
The attribute names are straightforward: the English names of the tags are used (like e.g. "Name", "Author", "Amp Name", ...).
Assuming you have some background in relational database manipulation: if you have a SQLITE editor or a programming language with sqlite support (e.g. python), you can read and also modify the data in the tables.
E.g. you might standardize the tag settings for rig names, amp models or cabinet names programmatically. I am personally thinking about eliminating duplicate rigs that differ only in tagging, but not in the settings data.
As always modification is at your own risk: modifying data from foreign applications might lead to unforeseen effects and might impair the integrity of application data...