Atomic CLR Alternative

  • As much as I love the sound of my CLR, it's broken down twice and I don't have the time it seems to take to get in touch with Atomic for repairs. Fortunately I have another for now, but I'm going to need a replacement from here on out.

    So... what's the consensus on the best alternative? And by "best" I mean similar flat response at a similar price point and (hopefully) similar form factor.

    Thanks for your input.

  • <p>


    <p>I just received &nbsp;my Friedman asm-12 about an hour ago and it is very nice! &nbsp;I am not going to be using my Yamaha DXR10 much anymore.

    I like that those are readily available, I have to admit. &nbsp;I would still tend to be worried about getting it repaired, however.</p>

    <p>It seems that if I stick with something mass market (Yamaha, QSC, etc.,) I can go to any repair facility that services those units and get it handled. I tried calling a local place that does a lot of work for me on my PA gear and they'd never heard of the Atomic so they couldn't say if they could fix it or not. I fear it would be the same with Friedman.</p>

    <p>But to satisfy my curiosity, anyone tested the Atomic vs the Friedman? The Friedman is not coaxial, is that correct?</p>

  • Is Yammy that bad compared to Friedman? Or it is like honeymoon effect? You know best...

    The Yamaha is not bad at all.. I don't think it's honeymoon effect, and it looks nothing like a guitar cab so that's not it either.. It just seems to sound a little better, bigger and even feel a little better, to me... YMMV.

  • The Dynakord AXM 12A is a great alternative.
    It has been tested by the user Heldal IIRC.

    I've been using Dynacord AXM 12A's for a few months now and they have performed flawlessly both as a generic stage monitors and as dedicated monitors for the Profiler. I've tested the CLR too, but never had the opportunity to test the two side by side. My feel/opinion is thus subjective, but I think the two sound very similar with a slight advantage to the AXM for the added flexibility provided by its DSP.

    The AXM12A appear to be designed with guitar-amp simulation in mind, although it isn't particularly marketed as such. Its DSP does offer guitar-cab-simulation, a rare feature among wedge monitors.

    Edited once, last by heldal (November 12, 2015 at 8:45 AM).

  • Hi
    I mentioned in an other thread that I thought the Friedman was not frfr but I'm not sure about that and don't want to spread false rumours.
    It is advertised as frfr on the online shops, but not on Friedman's website.
    Also I think I heard on a namm video that it sounded bigger and more in your face (or something like that) than other monitors, which may suggest that it's not frfr
    But again I may be wrong.
    Off topic: it's really a pain in the ass to write on this forum with an iOS device

  • Hey SB, would you mind chiming back in, in a few weeks just give us your thoughts after having owned it awhile? I'm deciding between the dxr10 and the asm12. Thanks!

    No problem. I am playing my first gig with it this Saturday.. I think that will pretty much let me know what's up.. But I think I already know.

    I was just playing it again and it seems like controlled feedback (the good sustaining type) is quite a bit easier to obtain with the ASM-12 than the Yamaha. It seems like with the DXR10 it was always on the edge of going into the uncontrolled feedback (bad type)..

    I dunno.. Could be a honeymoon, but I don't think so..

  • All the clips sound great and so does your feedback...... so thanks for making me very tempted! :)
    My query being, didn't we ditch running our Kempers through our great sounding guitar cabs because their Celestians colour the sound? They monitor to us a different version of our sound than what every Front of House FRFR speaker would pump out?

    Woudln't the ultimate test of these Yamaha's, CLR's and Friedmans etc would be which one was most accurate to a range of Front of House FRFR PA speakers over some gigs? Which one didn't have us rushing to edit our profiles during soundcheck after hearing what's pumping out the front.

  • <p>

    All the clips sound great and so does your feedback...... so thanks for making me very tempted! &nbsp;:)&nbsp;<br />
    My query being, didn't we ditch running our Kempers through our great sounding guitar cabs because their Celestians colour the sound? They monitor to us a different version of our sound than what every Front of House FRFR speaker would pump out?</p>

    <p>Woudln't the ultimate test of these Yamaha's, CLR's and Friedmans etc would be which one was most accurate to a range of Front of House FRFR PA speakers over some gigs? Which one didn't have us rushing to edit our profiles during soundcheck after hearing what's pumping out the front.



    <p>You're right if you always play with the same PA in the same venue, otherwise you will want to audition your rigs thru speakers that are the most transparent and thru to the source as possible. Once this procedure is done you can monitor yourself with whatever cabinet will please you.</p>

    <p>You could for exemple make your rigs at gig volume with a CLR then use a DXR10 to monitor your tone on stage because you like the guitar cab feel you get from this box.</p>

  • Yes good point.
    I'm a newbie with my Kemper and starting to sort out a FRFR purchase.
    Yamaha DXR10's are easy to find here in Australia and it looks like I can get my hands on the Friedman ASM-12 .
    I'm just trawling these forums to make sure I spend these first weeks/months of setting up profiles/performances through a speaker that's "most indicative" of FOH :) .