• Very curious about the new techniques. Are these general things like room treatment, cab placement, mic'ing, etc. Or are these specific to the kemper profiling? I remember when Top Jimi first appeared he mentioned some top secret profiling technique. Very curious if you can share or give hints

    Obviously I've no idea which new-fangled methods Andy might have come up with, Bobbo, but I can tell you that if it were I who were making profiles for dollars, I'd be focussed firstly on minimising phase cancellation through minuscule mic-position adjustments, as well as the obvious things such as mic and preamp choices and tweaking of the latter.

  • I've had to revisit many of the profiles I have from you, as I collected profiles from across the spectrum I realized how great and special your profiles are. I think playing with the kemper it takes some time to start to hear what's really going on; maybe that is, by comparing profiles against other great profiles. Yours have a impressive, unique flavor that really stands out against other profiles, especially in the Fender universe of crunch and cleans. Really looking forward to see what's next and being your customer again!

  • Yes Bobbo!

    If more than one mic were used, which IIRC is something Andy frequently does, your method would be hard to beat.

    The only other option, besides hardware-based micro-delay, would obviously be to do as I suggested and tweak their distances and orientations... in millimetres. That said, I imagine that aiming both at the same spot on the cone whilst effectively "strapped" together might be a quick-and-dirty path towards near-perfect phase alignment. This doesn't accommodate the principle of employing one mic in, say, a bassy position and the other in a mid / bright one, 'though; in such a case, your method might prove quicker to implement than millimetre-by-millimetre adjustment.

    Geez. Audio engineering. So many cans and so many worms. Perhaps Andy will 'fess up and put an end to this, or at least tell us he's keeping his secret herbs and spices to himself. LOL

  • Your welcome everyone.
    A note about the rigs.

    These are not final in any way. - its simply a test of things to come!. - see it more as a clarity test if you will!. the aim being, trying to capture the sound of an amp with more emphasis on the AMP side rather than anything else involved.

    These were shot dry, so just 2 mics, connected to 2 pre-amps (Neve & Api) I manually phase aligned them, then to desk, sum to mono track then to the kemper. - no other H/W devices involved, the technique is more in what i do with the amp and the environment that makes (to me) a Hugh difference.

    Being a profiler & an engineer, I always look to better my last. this is natural for my position, so always thinking outside the box, and trying new ways to get better results. for right ot wrong reasons.. if something sounds great!. it can always sound better! not into technical data, spreadsheets of philosophy.. im into hell, that sounds good!.. that's my recipe!. my ears are my toolkit. and I'll keep on swimming!

    So, take them for a ride, and let me know.
    And thanks so much for so many nice comments guys. - honestly means so much, especially considering the amount of "shops" out there now... so thanks!!

  • Your welcome everyone.
    A note about the rigs.

    These are not final in any way. - its simply a test of things to come!. - see it more as a clarity test if you will!. the aim being, trying to capture the sound of an amp with more emphasis on the AMP side rather than anything else involved.

    These were shot dry, so just 2 mics, connected to 2 pre-amps (Neve & Api) I manually phase aligned them, then to desk, sum to mono track then to the kemper. - no other H/W devices involved, the technique is more in what i do with the amp and the environment that makes (to me) a Hugh difference.

    Being a profiler & an engineer, I always look to better my last. this is natural for my position, so always thinking outside the box, and trying new ways to get better results. for right ot wrong reasons.. if something sounds great!. it can always sound better! not into technical data, spreadsheets of philosophy.. im into hell, that sounds good!.. that's my recipe!. my ears are my toolkit. and I'll keep on swimming!

    So, take them for a ride, and let me know.
    And thanks so much for so many nice comments guys. - honestly means so much, especially considering the amount of "shops" out there now... so thanks!!

    It works! :) Especially like the Balanced and the Sparkle on my PRS :)

  • Thanks Andy.
    My Jazzmaster loves these profiles (Novak P90 bridge pickup and Novak vintage Neck pickup),
    Especially the "Pushed" ones ! My favourite : TAF-Pushed-3.
    Good for Blues or alternative stuff


  • Cheers guys. Although these were quickly made, some adjustments still need to be made

    bearing in mind.. I now (permanently) use the space parameter on 3.3 under the output menu. - I feel this gives a lil distance to the direct sound that is enough to make it more to my liking, and therefore (my new rigs) will be designed around that basis. if you dig it of course! :)

    and FYI: The forum is now back up, (There was a problem with the mail server not sending out new users email verify) and I'll be putting pretty pictures and uploading rigs over there. - I don't want to use this forum for a test service as its not designed for that!

    So if interested, you know where to find me : )

    Be well one and all.