I can't refine enough!!! Never gets the same as reference amp!!!

  • Doesn't anybody else have this problem?

    I got this problem first time trying the Kemper at home by connecting an Engl preamp directly into it, and no matter how much I did the refining process, there was always some kind of trebley addition to the sound, and a some bottom end was gone too. Every time, I think re-profiled maybe 4-5 times and every time I refined like 10 times each...

    So now I am in the rehearsal and am trying to mic up a cab (because that was the main answer in my previous thread, that the Kemper is better at profiling miced up cabs)...
    But I get THE SAME ISSUE HERE! I have tried going with the Engl preamp both through a tube poweramp, and through the Engls own built-in poweramp.
    No matter how much I refine, there is always a slight lack of depth and addition of the same irritating trebley sound.
    It cannot be a faulty unit, because I tried a Lunchbox version first, but then got back and bought myself a Rackmount version and both had the exact same issue.

    So what to do now? I will post sound examples when I have access to faster internet again (I'm in rehearsal and its slow as hell)

    Actually, I have heard this "additional treble" sound in a couple of "kemper vs real" audioclips on Soundcloud for example... So seems like I'm not alone either!

    Yes, I have had the same problem everytime we have tried profiling an amp. Both with the amp in the same room, but with a lot of dampening stuff in between and in a studio with two seperate rooms. Even with a low volume on the amp. I always get a tone that is very much like the original in character, but there are always problems with getting the exact tone. I always seem to have too little or too much bass. The same everytime. I cannot remember which one though, since it has been a while now. But I cannot get a complete match. I might get 70% or something. Very odd to make a rate in percentage, but the two differs quite a lot even if they have some of the same tone in them. The refining never helps. No matter what. I'm always stuck with the same result even though the recording setup were different. So strange.

  • For me personally I have stopped profiling. It didn't work for me and there is good profiles done by other people out there, so I stick with that. I really just wanted a better sounding unit than Line6 and I am happy about the tones I download.

  • How close is your mic to the speaker? is the room very lively ? Sounds like it is

    It sounds like room ambiance in your real amp sound, and when you profile , any ambiance disappears when profiling. That is the main difference I can hear...and I think is the difference you're hearing..

    Put your amp in a dead room , non reflective room and I think your profile will sound a lot closer to the real amp !!!