More tonal bliss at rehearsal today - I could get used to this

  • This rig continues to put a smile on my face. :)

    Today was my first cover band rehearsal with the new KPA > DXR10 rig. I spent all afternoon yesterday putting together some new rigs/performances in preparation for today. I decided to go with several "amp focused" performances that mirror the Example Amp performances that ship with the KPA. By that I mean I chose several amps that I though might complement our music. Then I loaded each amp into its own performance, with each slot covering varying ranges of gain.

    Here were the amps I chose (all from the Michael Britt packs):

    • Vox AC30
    • Ceriatone Overdrive Special
    • '72 Marshall
    • Suhr Hedgehog
    • Friedman Pink Taco
    • Friedman Dirty Shirley
    • Victoria Double Deluxe

    I'd say the clear winner for the more modern sounding material was the Hedgehog, with the Pink Taco and Dirty Shirley rigs coming in a close second. The Ceriatone, Vox, and Victoria rigs were ideal for the older material.

    What really makes me smile is how amazing the Kemper does those low gain tones, especially on the "in between" settings on the pickup selector, and how well these higher gain tones clean up by rolling off the volume control on the guitar. I am so thankful to have a digital rig that allows me the ability to be as expressive as I was on my old tube amp based rigs. It's a pleasant surprise. And everything sounds very three-dimensional and huge and realistic. With my DXR10 set up behind me pointing up to my ears, it sounds and feels exactly like an amp should.

    The only thing missing from today was the back ache from carrying my AC30 up two flights of steps. :P

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I'd say the clear winner for the more modern sounding material was the Hedgehog, with the Pink Taco and Dirty Shirley rigs coming in a close second. The Ceriatone, Vox, and Victoria rigs were ideal for the older material.

    So basically you couldn't find the use for the Marshall at all?

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • So basically you couldn't find the use for the Marshall at all?

    I think the profiles I used would need some tweaking to make them sound right with my band. I think the tones were solid - they certainly sounded great when I auditioned them at home - but needed some EQ'ing I suppose.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast