Output Section?

  • Hi anybody help with a question. Not one for tweaking just noticed my OUTPUT settings on page 2 are

    Main Volume -19dB
    Monitor Volume -20dB

    Is this good or bad? Should these be set to Zero dB?

    Would be good if there was a flat reference point list available for all input and output settings, sense settings and the like, based loosely on low, medium and high output Pickups!


  • Well it depends on how loud you want the kemper to be...
    If you turn the master-volume knob the dB goes towards 0. You also have to check which volumes are linked to the master volume. If you want to control both volumes (main and monitor) with the master volume you might want to set them both to the same value.

    I think my Main Out is set to -20 dB or something like that. I just leave it there, so the FOH always gets the same signal-strength. The Master-Volume is only linked to the Monitor out to control my monitor-cab on stage.

    Does that help you?

  • To compliment the above posts, you can disregard the relationship between the used PUs and the output level. This is a matter that mainly involves the input section.
    if you aim at different PUs to affect the output level, work on the input settings and/or on the rig level :)


  • Thanks for the replies guys.

    The point being no one has said what is the definitive setting, what is factory default setting?


    The "default" would be 0 dB. Leaving the outputs at 0 dB means the Kemper will put out a maximum of +22 dBu for XLR outputs and +16 dBu for 1/4" jack. If what you're plugging into can handle these levels, just leave the Kemper at 0 dB. But...unless you're plugging into a line level interface, you'll usually have to attenuate the outputs (e.g. when going XLR into a mixer). How much you need to attenuate depends on where you're going 8)

  • I had the same question and couldn't get a unique answer of this great Forum.

    So I went with -15 dB for the Main Output (for the FoH) which enables to give a bit more Level (when needed) and on the other Hand delivers enough headroom for nearly all of the (professional and shared) profiles.
    Despite of this, it still takes pretty much time to tweak the volumes (solo rhythm Change a.s.o.) of the used rigs in a Performance for live-use.

  • no matter if volumes are linked-the state of the output volumes is never stored with a rig since all output settings are global. Only the rig volume gets stored along with the rig.
    Maybe you touched the master volume knob when you clicked on the output menu button-that would explain it.