Solved: 3.1.2 Performance Mode Midi FSW *BUG* - same as the Browse Mode Midi FSW *BUG* .... :( :( :(

  • Hi all / Kemper

    This may already be "old" news but here goes.

    -> 3.1.2 PB
    -> Gordius LG2 Midi FSW <- known working unit
    -> Performance Mode-and- Browse Mode
    -> Midi FSW in Performance mode corrupts / changes rigs and sounds

    Basically ..... its not good.

    All the same buggy / weird behaviour that is with Browse Mode Midi FSW rig corruption is the same also in Performance mode :(

    Really, really hope this is fixed soon.


  • Any news here?
    I also have the MIDI issue. Most the perefomance loads correctly, but sometimes the sound loads to thin and sounds terrible. if I switch to another and back to the same the problem can be erased, but sometimes I have to go down a bank and back up to get the correct sound....

  • I got a PB 3.1.3 via Mail.. they said: Midi Switching issues should be removed.
    But: no other behavior than in 3.1.2... weird sounds when loading them via midi (ProgramChange). Correct sound, when loading them via the KPA Panel.

    For me it seems like the KPA keeps some Profile-Information from the current Rig when switching to another. Here, when i have a clean rig, where the sound is pretty clear (some kind of "harsh", but in a good way for a clean sound) and switch to an overdriven Rig, its WAY too harsh.... Otherwise, when i play an overdriven Rig, and switch to the clean rig, its way too dull...

    You don't notice it that much, that the sound from a rig is not correct, when switching between Rigs with a similar character.
    By switching i always mean switching via Midi ProgramChange.

    I also wrote the above to the support. let´s see..


  • don´t know.. don´t have a kemper-remote..


    We require more information. We cannot reproduce an issue by just sending MIDI program changes. What kind of footcontroller are you using? Is it using the bi-directional protocal. In other words is it connected via two MIDI cables? If you are using an Uno4Kemper can you please disconnect the cable from Profiler MIDI OUT to FCB1010 MIDI IN. In this case Uno4Kemper is running an emergency program just sending MIDI program changes. We would like to know, if the problem persists.

  • Burkhard

    I use the FCB1010 with Uno4 kemper and two midicables. I do have the issue. So I reverted back to 3.0.2.
    I may install 3.1.1 soon and try one midicable to see if it persists.

    Apparently though it is not just FCB1010 with Uno4kemper that experiences this behavior. Gordius seems to have the same problem with 3.1.1.
    Maybe that unit is also using two midi cables.

    STILL it works with 3.0.2 so why not with 3.1.1? What has changed?


    Edited once, last by MaryGoore (September 9, 2015 at 9:33 PM).

  • Hey all

    Don't mean to sound like a broken record but as the OP, I can re-confirm that this Midi FSW / Rig Corruption issue is *still* there with *all* FW versions after 3.0.2.

    I have re-tested it yet again with my Gordius LG2 -and- my BJ Devices TB-12 both of which work perfectly in bi-directional-2-x-midi-cable mode with 3.0.2 ...... however as soon as I go to 3.1.x the switching gets corrupted after only a few FSW changes ..... go back to 3.0.2 ..... perfect ...... go back to 3.1.x ...... bad ..... repeat ....... 3.0.2 = PERFECT MIDI FSW ....... 3.1.x = BAD MIDI FSW .

    So we now know this is an issue with 3 x different known working Midi FSW's ........ the FCB1010 the Gordius LG2 and the TB-12 .... all of which work perfectly in 3.0.2 in midi-bi-directional-mode ..... and which all are "messed up" in 3.1.x.

    I think we can say with a high level [ %99.99 ] of certainty that what ever the issue is, it is in all the current 3.1.x FW's .

    BTW ..... I really feel for the " bug-fixers " working on this at Kemper ..... these sorts of quirky-hard-to-isolate issues are the sort of thing that makes you lose your hair ......... Kemper Support [ hey Burkhard and all there ] have been magnificent to deal with ..... they could not have been better to deal with and to try and help out !!! :) :) :)

    I'm %100 certain Kemper will fix this issue.


  • Benifin

    While you are at it. Could you test 3.1.1 as Burkard said but use just MIDI IN on Kemper.
    Just to see if the problem is there or not. If it is not is clearly the duplex comunication that is to fault.


  • Many thanks for your valuable testing and feedback! I've been able to reproduce the issue now with customer backup and just sending MIDI program changes (no bi-directional protocol involved). It's intermittent, either it happens all the time or it doesn't happen at all ... we are looking into it.