Anyone use Snapshots, Panorama or Parallel paths?

  • I use snapshots for quickly saving Rigs I've tweaked but have yet to use in context. Also, sometimes to just remind me what profiles I've used on a current session. Panorama I've no idea what does (better get the manual out again!). Parallel Path I use sometimes when I'm recording bass, sometimes when I'm playing my Acoustasonic Tele and am missing the highend that goes with the piezo pickup.

  • Snapshots is one of the two things that confuse me about the Kemper ("Save To Pool" being the other). But, from what I've experimented with, @sambrox is right - it's for saving a "snapshot" of the rig and its settings, stomps, and fx, without overwriting the original rig.

    Panorama is basically some sort of panning algorithm. Not real sure on the details. Haven't needed it myself. I think it's used with modulation effects or something.

    Parallel Path, as @sambrox said, is great for bass. Basically, by using it, you bypass the Rig, and have a direct signal. For bass with a gainy amp, this keeps a portion of the signal clear and punchy, like plugging in direct to the mixing console, while allowing the amp/rig section to take over the other portion.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • I use snapshots for quickly saving Rigs I've tweaked but have yet to use in context. Also, sometimes to just remind me what profiles I've used on a current session.

    I've tried using Snapshots this way too, but the issue I've had is that we can't rename them. For example, if I use the same profile on 2 sessions and make different tweaks to them, they'll both have the same name in the Snapshots browser. I've made a feature request before for the ability to rename them but haven't heard of any plans to implement it. I think that would greatly enhance this function.

  • About the Panorama function:

    "This parameter allows to move the signal within the stereo base. The “Panorama” parameter affects HEADPHONE OUTPUT plus all "Master…" Output Sources of MAIN OUT as well as S/PDIF OUT."

    I have understood that the Panorama function is used for panning stereo signal whether to left or right. You might have a situation that you are playing the main guitar in the band. Then in some songs the singer takes his guitar and starts to play the second guitar. In such cases the sound guy might want to pan the main guitar partly to right channel and singer's rhythm guitar to the left channel, for example.

    Therefore if you have songs in your set list where the guitars are panned only in specific songs, you can do that already in Kemper by adjusting Panorama for certain Rigs. I think this is just to help the guy behind the mixing console.

    I actually have the above mentioned situation with my band, but I have not taken the Panorama in use. I'll let the sound guy do his share :)