Extra Pick Sound On Clean Rigs?

  • I'm putting this in "Discussions" as opposed to "Problems" because I have put up with it for a long time and it's really not a problem.

    But I do notice that my clean rigs (in particular those that I have created because I don't use 3rd party rigs much at the moment) seem to have a lot more of the pick sound (as it goes across the strings) than when I play the original amp.

    I don't notice so much until I'm playing something kind of funky with a lot of 1/16th note scratching type stuff but it's really obvious in those cases.

    Now the obvious parameter, "Pick," is at 0 already... so that's not the issue. Admittedly, I haven't played around with much else in terms of the other Amp parameters.

    Any suggestions on a tweak that might help the situation?


  • Also, the profiler's 'clean' setting doesn't try and capture the preamp, it simply uses a neutral, clean one of its own.
    Many "clean" rigs actually have quite a bit of gain going on, even if it's not easy to hear.

    Try profiling so that the gain is on 2.5 or so, and maybe reduce it further if necessary.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Also, the profiler's 'clean' setting doesn't try and capture the preamp, it simply uses a neutral, clean one of its own.
    Many "clean" rigs actually have quite a bit of gain going on, even if it's not easy to hear.

    Try profiling so that the gain is on 2.5 or so, and maybe reduce it further if necessary.

    Really?? I didn't know this.

    When doing the profiles, did you select "clean" or (I think it's called) "Distorted" intially, maybe try the other one...

  • Thanks for the input on this... unfortunately these were some of my original profiles from early 2.0 firmware. I don't really remember exactly how I did them... so it's probably time to revisit capturing those tones and see if I can improve upon them and make better notes.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

  • I also have to say that the pick attack on clean profiles (almost of them) is quite pronounced on an active CLR.
    I always end up lowering pick attack on most of them. My feeling (but who knows) is that there's much more transient Vs. a more compressed amp behaviour.
    Apart from the actual difference, I have to say that I don't like the sonic result much :/