Probably the "nearest" Kemper

  • Hi all,

    the "nearest" Kemper? Well, about 700 m from Kemper Headquarter, there is our rehearsal room, so this is probably the nearest Kemper in use :) .

    Coming from Behringer V-Amp pro with all its limitations but some quite good sounds, I had the chance to get a Kemper (powered rack version). So first, I did the forbidden: I profiled the Behringer, and the result was not so bad...

    Why this? It’s not so easy to find the sound between thousands, which fits in the band sound like the old gear did. Biggest problem: to hear the sound alone is far away from hearing it with the band, and trying a few thousand sounds together with the band... well, no one will bear that.

    In the meantime I found some pretty sounds to replace the old gear. And the possibilities of the Kemper are overwhelming.

    However, there are some things, I don't understand:

    Why is it necessary to change the position of the volume pedal from the first place to the last in nearly all sounds? If I would change the volume before the amp, I can use the volume poti of the guitar. But to change the main volume without changing the sound, this is the purpose of the pedal.

    And the most important missing thing is the remote PC-software for all functions. It is so difficult to keep the overview of the functions in such a small display. (By the way: who can make the app to bring the display on the smart phone?)


  • Hi Roland. Welcome to the forum. I haven't used a volume pedal with the lunchbox for several years, but I don't remember having any issues with it when I did. Did you initialize it properly so the Kemper knows its range of motion? @paults - perhaps you have an idea?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Has anyone tried to LOCK the volume pedal in one of the four possible positions?

    Volume Pedal Location

    Selects the location of the Volume Pedal in the signal flow:

    Off The Volume Pedal has no effect

    Pre-Stomps Directly before STOMP A

    Post-Stomps Right after STOMP D.
    At this position you control the gain of the amplifier.

    Pre-Effects Right before STOMP X.
    At this position you control the overall volume of the sound, but delay and reverb tails will still decay naturally, when you swell down the pedal.

    Post-Effects Right after the reverb.
    At this position you control the overall volume of the sound, including reverb and delay tails that can instantly be attenuated

  • Hello and welcome, neighbor!

    As stated above you can lock the Pedal. From the manual:

    The settings for the Volume Pedal are stored per Rig. However, if you have a favorite setting that you want to use in
    general, press “Lock Volume Pedal” to protect your settings from Rig changes.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • warlus1: I also use the FCB 1010 for the Kemper, with the UnoFor Kemper chip. With the V-Amp I used the normal funktion with 10 sounds per level, but was very unsatisfied with the volume funktion. It changes a little for most of the way, and them very hard on the rest.

    The UnoForKemper allowes to choose different characteristics for that, and I found a good one. I also changed to the stompbox mode, with five sounds and five effect controls per level.

    Zappledan: My problem with the volume pedal was not the range or characteristic, it was OK with the Uno chip. But the Volume Pedal Location in the sounds is mostly pre stomp and for me its useless, because its the same functionality as the volume poti at the guitar. I like it post effects to control the final volume without changing the sound.
    paults: I didn't know about locking the volume pedal position, I will try that. I locked the cabinet simulation at off, because I use a box with guitar speakers. But ( HELL-G) yes, it seems, that every user has to read the big manual at least five times to learn about all the features.

    When I bought my Kemper, the Profiler Remote was just a ghost in the forum, so I used the FCB1010. Now, I think about the Profiler Remote. First problem: after changing the Guitar to wireless, I also changed the FCB to wireless (yes, there is wireless MIDI), so I only need a power plugin (soundcheck from the back of the hall, very useful...)
    But to have the display quite near, is also a big advantage (see my wish for the app with bluetooth-connection).
    Next issue: I hate to have a zoo of things under my feet, so I liked the buildin pedals from the FCB. The remote needs extra pedals for volume and wah.

  • Welcome, Roland.

    I'm hanging onto my L6 gear 'till I've profiled it... if I ever get 'round to it. I figured the latency issue, especially with the HD500, should be taken care of by the Kemper, but that's just speculation.

    Curious as to whether the profiles you made play better than on the BarfRinger, and if they're more "immediate" (less latency).