Dear Kemper: Please make a case for Rack owners

  • I would love it if Kemper would make a case for the rack, like they have for the toaster. More of a bag, really.

    I recently purchased a Gator case for my Rack. It's good for now, but it's not ideal.
    For one thing it is normal depth, not shallow. This is ok, but I have to reach in the back to plug everything in. I also worry that the extra space will not allow for enough circulation and the Kemper might get too hot.
    Also, I am trying to make only one trip in from the car with my entire rig. I have succeded, but in order to do this I have to put all my cords, plugs, MIDI cables etc into the extra space behind the Kemper in the rack.
    The top pocket would be big enough to hold all of that, but at the moment I am putting my MIDI controller in there and it barely fits (it's a Musicomlab EFX MKIII and the zipper on the pocket is stressed).

    What I propose for a case/bag is:

    1. Plastic covered with a soft padded bag of some sort. 3U size....maybe 4U for extra airflow?

    2. Shallow depth
    2a. Possibly a little extra room in the back for a pocket on the inside of the back flap for some cables or misc items.

    3. Large pocket on top - big enough to hold the Kemper Remote, but also big enough for alternate controllers (my Musicomlab is about 3 inches tall) with room to spare for a few cables.
    3a. Possibly some pockets on the sides?

    4. Heavy Duty shoulder strap

    The Gator case I am using now almost fits that description - it was the closest I could find. But the pocket is smaller than I was expecting (shallower really....I don't need more room corner to corner, I just wish there was more headroom).

    Here is what I bought:

    Like I said it's ok, but that top pocket is going to wear out pretty fast because I'm stressing the zipper too much.

    I know you guys can do better than that.....what do you say?! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  • oh ok, I still see it as "dear kemper" for some reason :rolleyes:

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Not sure if this is exactly what you want, but it's serving me extremely well and found it on ebay. The depth is literally within a few mm of the back of the Kemper. I store the power, USB, and Midi cable in the zipper pocket. On stage I leave it in the bag, at the studio I slip the rack out and it looks very nice on the desk.

    Odyssey BR308 3U Space Rack Bag with Should Strap 8" Inch Depth

  • Not sure if this is exactly what you want, but it's serving me extremely well and found it on ebay. The depth is literally within a few mm of the back of the Kemper. I store the power, USB, and Midi cable in the zipper pocket. On stage I leave it in the bag, at the studio I slip the rack out and it looks very nice on the desk.

    Odyssey BR308 3U Space Rack Bag with Should Strap 8" Inch Depth

    Looks promising… Thanks for the tip!

    Is it just a frame with a soft bag over it, or does it have solid "walls " so to speak?

    And do you know how much it weighs? I can't seem to find that information anywhere.

  • It does have solid sides, top, and bottom, but the front and back are just the padded bag. However, it seems well padded and I haven't had any issues at all with it over the last 3 months I've been using it (and I use it a lot.)

    I don't know the weight, I'm sorry, but it's lighter than any other racks I own. I have one gig where I walk in with my 335 in a bag over one shoulder and the KPA in this little rack/bag and it's a substantial walk but I don't notice it.


  • Knowing Griff (of him, really) and his schedule with the instrument, you can take everything he says to the bank. :thumbup:
    When he says "I use it a lot", that's probably an understatement. :D

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Looking for a 19" rack BAG too, for my rack profiler, with space for remote board (plus the WAY too long recommended cat5, cmon Kemper, some of us play small gigs??) and a few bits and bobs like strings, picks?

    I travel (or did, pre covid) by air quite a bit, and I carry my Kemper as hand luggage as I don t trust baggage handlers after my trusty Marshall JMP1 in a very good known rack case, got trashed at the hands of these imbeciles..........

    So please give us a nice bag to suit the rack Profiler owners.........The Gator offerings don't cut the Green Meanie Look!!!!