DIY Midi-Footcontroller .. With Tuner AND Looper

  • Hi everyone,

    what do you think about my DIY-Midi-Footcontroller? It´s based on an Arduino Mega.

    It has 18 Buttons, 19 RGB-LEDs (one for Tempo-info) and 2 7segment-Displays. (One for Bank and bmp, One for CC Value of the Expression pedals). Until now it has a (poor and quick built front-panel, but once i am satisfied with the Layout, it will get a 3mm Black aluminum-panel. The displays will move and i will increase the distance between LEDs and Switches a little).

    2 Expression Pedals conected
    1 Tap-Switch connected

    What it can do until now:
    - Send Programchanges in 2 Banks (a 4presets) for switching Rigs (I don't need more).
    - Switch Stompboxes on/off. (sending CCs)
    - Tap tempo (with Beat-Scanner, when holding button).
    - Switch 4 different Delay-Types with nrpn-commandos (different Delay-Clocks like dotted 8th, 4th, analog-Style, Stereo-Style) .. And switch delay off, if same Delay-Type-Button is pressed.
    (I use one Expression pedal for Delay-Volume.. The LED of the active Delay-Type fades with the state of the Expression Pedal :) ).
    - Switch Delay-Feedback to "much" or "less" (multiple nrpn)
    - Freeze-Function (thanks to Joptunes for the idea) (multiple nprn)
    - Complete Looper integration: Rec, Overdub, play, stop, undo/redo, retrigger, 1/2Speed with the holding-Function of the rec/overdub/play, the stop and the 1/2-Speed-button. (I don´t need the reverse function).
    - Display Tuner-Info from the KPA
    - second Midi-In to Get Infos (like midi-clock) from another device

    it will get another 3 LEDs to display Tuner-Info all the time via these LEDs.

    here it´s in action:

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    I will post/send the arduino code when it´s ready (until now many wrong/not-finised parts in the code) and any info you want to know.


  • outstanding!!

    so you're doing the pedalboard as well, I much is it?? :love:

    p.s.: sorry for asking the price of a possible competitor to the kemper means of damaging kemper sales and overall I don't think the intent of Mortl is to compete with the company

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  • Hi,


    the costs of just the material would be not much - but for most of you i don´t need to mention the time spent for this project. So if I want to sell my controller (or build some to sell them), the price definitively would reach that of the Kemper Remote.. I also wouldn´t be able to provide much support for troubles of any kind.
    and after all you can change it´s functions only by changing the code, there is no user-setup. -

    Here is the ino-file
    Be aware, that there are parts of the Code, which aren´t needed anymore (were there for testing things)... and some are not finished yet .. and so on.. :)

    In another post i wrote this:

    here is my ino-file
    1. i´m not a programmer, so i REALLY don´t know, if you even do programming that way, i did, or if there are WAY better ways :) - a friend of mine (programmer) just told me when reading my code: ".. hmmmmmm, so, if its working... "
    2. EVERYTHING is totally personalized for my needs ... but maby you can get some ideas out of it :-). Maby you don´t get any of my ideas, without me explaining it :)

    Its all in the ino file, no extra files except the included libraries..

    After all: Many of my comments are in german ... some in english..


  • translated word by word its "remember-variable"... thats even in german not a good word for that. what i ment is a variable to remember the state of the switch / expression-value... so they are called swst - for switch-state... or exprst for expression-state

    the 6 variables with "..temp" at the end (cnexptemp, expchanneltemp .. where "merkvariable" comes once more) . ) are not yet used in the code. I will use them to change the purpose of one expression pedal when using a specific effect. For example: one pedal is for delay-mix. when switching on a pitch effect the expression pedal will change to adjust the mix of the pitch-effect. when switching the pitch effect off, it should return to that purpose it was used before .. so i declared the "temp" variables to remember the state, channel, cc#, upper limit, low-limit etc. before changing the purpose.. does this make sense to you? :)


  • Ahh great, that makes sense. One more thing what is 'pog' ?
    Also do you have a schematic or wiring diagram for what you have done ?
    Thanks again for this great project, i'm even thinking of selling my Kemper Remote if I can get this going properly :)

    Edited once, last by smfelton (May 4, 2015 at 9:21 PM).