Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • The very fact that a single person was able to put this together in their spare time (not sure how long it took them, but still) and in several years Kemper have failed to deliver their own official editor that works over USB...Is shameful and embarrassing.

  • The very fact that a single person was able to put this together in their spare time (not sure how long it took them, but still) and in several years Kemper have failed to deliver their own official editor that works over USB...Is shameful and embarrassing.

    They did this for a hobby.
    I'd rather have $$$$$$ spent for new features.

    In the meantime, you have an option posted above for an editor. You should try it and let us know how you like it. It may do everything you want. :thumbup:

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Cheers. I am more active on Kemper Facebook groups. I have stayed away from these forums until now because they have a pretty bad reputation for various reasons.There is currently a poll on the "Kemper Profiling Amp / KPA User Group" on Facebook, and the vast majority of those that have contributed thus far said that they would find an editor useful and practical to have.

    451 in favour of an editor.
    13 against (for whatever reason)
    79 voters don't care either way.

    The poll is about a day old at this point, but certainly reflects that there is a significant desire from users for an editor. I just find it bizarre that it is being left up to members of the community to hack one together. It reflects rather poorly on Kemper as a brand.

    The very fact that a single person was able to put this together in their spare time (not sure how long it took them, but still) and in several years Kemper have failed to deliver their own official editor that works over USB...Is shameful and embarrassing.

    Ok, fair enough... many users would probably appreciate an editor. Does that make the Kemper any less effective, hell no!

    Should the KPA team be ashamed or embarrassed of their workflow or offerings.. I think not, seriously!

    The unit is still pretty damn fantastic sans editor, right?

  • They did this for a hobby.I'd rather have $$$$$$ spent for new features.

    In the meantime, you have an option posted above for an editor. You should try it and let us know how you like it. It may do everything you want. :thumbup:

    Trying it now. It isn't working at all for me with a MIDI to USB lead. I have another that I will try. The 'Toaster' app worked for me for adjusting gain, EQ and wet/dry reverb. This one doesn't appear to want to work for me at all though.
    There haven't been any new features in about a year, so...

  • Well, this does not work with MIDI to USB cables that do not transmit Sysex data, so it will not work with what I have. It would work if Kemper developed a USB MIDI driver for the Kemper, but they don't appear to care about the needs of their customers at all. So frustrating.

    Edited once, last by soapmak3r (April 13, 2018 at 10:11 PM).

  • How long have you been a Kemper owner and what's your normal type of usage?

    I did the same "I can't believe there's no editor" freakout when I first got mine, but find I hardly tweak much now that I've got my sounds sorted.

    I'd like an editor, but I'd also like the other complex devices in my life to have interfaces as well designed and useful as the KPA.

  • I am not sure, but I'd imagine I probably have at least a couple of thousand professionally made profiles on my computer. The Profiler can hold 1000.
    With Rig Manager I can quickly and easily 'preview' profiles, but I cannot tweak their gain, EQ, or effects from within Rig Manager to suit the particular guitar that I am using and then save them (or save a new edited copy), meaning that profiles that might sound excellent with a little tweaking are often rejected because in their default state, they are not immediately usable.

    When recording in a Studio environment this is an even more important feature set to have access to, because getting the best possible sound at source is paramount, and being able to save profile states for quick and easy recall is just as important.

    Even for people not in a studio environment, being able to use a mouse and keyboard (or touch screen if you are fancy) to edit and save profiles would be massively more intuitive and time efficient than doing it on the Kemper. The majority of my profiles are NOT on the Kemper.

    What sense does it make to have to move profiles from the Kemper, to make room for profiles not on the Kemper, just so that I can edit and save them? It defies reason.

  • You think 1000 profiles on the device at a time is a serious limitation for any professional? Sounds more like collecting hockey cards than pro music gear.

    Can you give an example of the Kemper letting you down and what was the impact? Did you have to give up on a session because you couldn't find one rig in 1000 that would capture the sound you're after and you didn't have the energy to look through Rig Manager? 1000 profiles?

  • You think 1000 profiles on the device at a time is a serious limitation for any professional? Sounds more like collecting hockey cards than pro music gear.

    Can you give an example of the Kemper letting you down and what was the impact? Did you have to give up on a session because you couldn't find one rig in 1000 that would capture the sound you're after and you didn't have the energy to look through Rig Manager? 1000 profiles?

    Yes, as there is no computer based editor, we are having to remove profile packs from the Kemper, in order to put other profile packs onto the Kemper to edit them. It is a massive inconvenience that would not exist if there was an editor because tweaking profiles could be done quickly and easily, then they could either be saved locally on the computer and the Kemper.
    When I bought my Kemper, I got TAF Vol.1 half price. I think it filled up the majority of the available profile space on my Kemper. Many profile packs on the market contain hundreds of amp profiles. That space disappears very quickly.

    I am not saying that there are not great profiles, of course there are, I am talking about being able to tweak/fine tune them to my personal tastes and then save them without having to have them on the Kemper, using Rig Manager, which without an official editor, is not possible.

  • Why did you buy a device that didn't meet your requirements?

    If an editor was a show stopper then you bought the wrong thing.

    Perhaps you can return it and get whatever meets your requirements?

    As for Kemper letting users down I completely disagree.

    Oh and whilst an editor might prove useful the interface on the KPA is do well designed (and I've studied the manual) I don't need one. I can do everything I need with the push of a couple of buttons and tweak of a few encoders.


  • The poll is about a day old at this point, but certainly reflects that there is a significant desire from users for an editor. I just find it bizarre that it is being left up to members of the community to hack one together. It reflects rather poorly on Kemper as a brand.

    Who told you it's a hack? And why bizarre?
    Everybody can make a MIDI-based Editor. All MIDI function for that are documented.

    BTW: Please don't bring the facebook communication style in this forum and stay where you feel comfortable in this way.
    Or did'nt you know what you have purchased.

  • Who told you it's a hack? And why bizarre?Everybody can make a MIDI-based Editor. All MIDI function for that are documented.

    BTW: Please don't bring the facebook communication style in this forum and stay where you feel comfortable in this way.
    Or did'nt you know what you have purchased.

    It was the sound of the Kemper that sold it to me. It has 2 USB ports, so an editor or some kind of computer based editing software is assumed. Rig Manager is a bare bones attempt, at best.

    It was put together by a member of the community, ie 'hacked' together. Non-official. What exactly is 'facebook communication style' even supposed to mean? That is a nonsensical statement.
    If I am communicating with text, it will be the same regardless of where that text is posted. Nice attempt to push me out of the forum because you don't like what is being discussed though. Really friendly of you...I guess they don't like well reasoned, constructive criticism around here.

  • Why is there no way to edit the EQ, gain, and effects of profiles from a computer connected over USB and then save them?

    This would be an extremely practical thing to have. Individual Kemper users are now resorting to programming their own (that requires a MIDI to USB cable) for the Kemper community. Why has Kemper so far failed to deliver such a simple, useful and practical feature?

    It doesn't really make sense or inspire much confidence in Kemper as a company that actively supports their device or that listens to the feedback of people keeping them in business.
    It's kind of embarrassing that it is being left to users to add such basic functionality to such an expensive device. Very strange all around.

    threads merged

  • Actually we do like well reasoned criticism - the problem in yours just isn't!

    Kemper do not and may never produce an editor for the KPA. They never have and never stated they would. This is all perfectly clear and in the public domain. You should have known this when you bought the product. If you didn't that's not Kempers fault.

    If this hurts their business strategy as peops don't want to buy Kempers anymore that's their problem. Bleating that your not happy is a way of communicating that to the Kemper team and if they respond then good for you.

    You've made your point like a number of others so let's close another thread on this subject and move on to more productive things.



  • I get why this forum has such a bad reputation now and why I have avoided it.

    I love the Kemper, but it is not as good as it could be, because of the lack of practical, standard features such as a computer based profile editor.

    I was not unfriendly to anyone. I did say that it was shameful and embarrassing that a company has neglected the needs of their community for years, to the point that other individual users have taken it upon themselves to create a working editor for us.
    That is a statement of fact that reflects very poorly on Kemper as a company. No need for anyone to get overly defensive about that and start lashing out. It is what it is.

  • I'm glad you enjoy your Kemper - we all do otherwise we would change our product and buy something else.

    If you don't like this forum then of course you're free to exercise your free will and not read or post here again.

    When I joined after I got my device I received massive amounts of help and as I've got to know the device I've given plenty back to those people who want to get the most out of it.

    I wish you the best and hope you find a product that meets your needs.
