Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • it's not beating a dead horse if you really mean it... LoL! Lots of people love this horse... LoL

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • I think the Editor is a great idea that I'll not really use much.

    What I would use more is the Rig Manager as a plugin for my DAW.

    What I would use a lot more would be an Editor dedicated to FX as a plugin (nothing to do with system parameters or switching profiles)

    You know, just turning FX on/off, switching FX in/out and altering FX parameters on the fly, or even better, reamping them through USB that an also be recorded through.

    Plus a little more space in the back to put an ice pack & sandwich, plus a built-in heating pad on top to keep my tea warm!

    Get To It, Kemper Team!

  • The Rig Manager has a clean look and I like it overall. If we get an editor, I would love to see it integrated with the Rig Manager- but either way it would be awesome. I am waiting patiently and hoping we get some sort of news at Winter NAMM 2018.

  • For those of us who use the kemper in a studio, a software interface would improve the usable functionality a great deal. I am finding the Kemper to be wonderful, but I have to get up and go to its rack position fairly close to it to experiment with sounds. In a studio you sometimes do that a lot and it will literally wear you out and you often end up settling for something. I now use the open source "Toaster" software, and it can do quite a lot, and it is a great help, but it wont do everything. kemper should be the ones providing this, there is a clear need and want for it, but instead, those of us who want it are waiting for a part time programmer to create an interface (bless his heart) for it instead. Sad that the constant cries for this have always been met with "whats wrong with just using the controls on the kemper" instead of actually filling the need. If a guy can do it working part time, Kemper can to.

  • For those of us who use the kemper at home, a software interface would improve the usable functionality a great deal.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

    Edited once, last by Laker (August 9, 2017 at 8:06 PM).

  • For those of us who use the kemper at home, a software interface would improve the usable functionality a great deal.

    Home or studio, a nicely designed computer editor would be a very important addition to the toolbox!

    A good programmer/team would be able to come up with something in a decent amount of time.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Home or studio, a nicely designed computer editor would be a very important addition to the toolbox!
    A good programmer/team would be able to come up with something in a decent amount of time.

    This may be true for an official editor. A community based editor could only be successful if the coders can be sure that the effort is not wasted.

    There is still no official statement so there is always a risk that an official editor will be released two weeks after the community based one. This would instantly render the entire community effort useless.

  • This may be true for an official editor. A community based editor could only be successful if the coders can be sure that the effort is not wasted.
    There is still no official statement so there is always a risk that an official editor will be released two weeks after the community based one. This would instantly render the entire community effort useless.

    True. Also, any editor created by a 3rd party would need some firmware support in all likelihood.

  • To even talk about needing a "third party" editor is ridicules. Kemper needs to provide an editor. It cannot be that hard if every other company has one.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • To even talk about needing a "third party" editor is ridicules. Kemper needs to provide an editor. It cannot be that hard if every other company has one.

    Every car company has an engine and engine controller. That most certainly doesn't mean it is easy to do.

    A good editor is not trivial and would take a considerable amount of time firmware development, software development, and testing to ensure it was stable while being used simultaneously with the front panel controls.

  • I bet they could find a butt load of alpha/beta testers willing to volunteer for the extensive testing phases... LoL

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Really?"Helix"?This old stuff? :D I thought,talk of the town is the new "Headrush" pedalboard!Isn't it?

    It definetly is! And I really must admit that the UI and the usability is way better than the Kempers. But maybe that only seems to me that way because I am new to the Kemper. At the end I am a guitar Player and that for only the sound matters - lucky you Mr. Kemper!