Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • I don't use the fx on the Kemper.
    I'm a record producer, and in most situations there simply isn't time to go through the menu's and pages.
    I do have a comp and wah set up on every amp, but for the most part, I'd put the fx on during the mix anyway.

    An editor would be great!

    It would mean that the kemper doesn't have to take up space in the already cluttered listening position that I spend most of my time in.
    It would also allow for faster settingup of tones that may help the talent feel more inspired.

    There seems to be more and more cool things being added to the kemper that I just don't have the time to make use of.
    Too many button pushes to get to the desired parameter.

  • Quote from MementoMori

    Maybe that seems like Sesame Street level to some of the audiophiles on here, but it worked on me, and no doubt a lot of other guitarists.

    One year ago I would have gone mad at such a comment (no offence dear @MementoMori)..after one year in this wonderfull forum I finally start to understand that "times they are a changin"..what will stay forever is (at least I hope so) that people will continue to make music playing rockguitar.No matter what and how this will happen.


    Dude..I like your passion but maybe we should not say things like "fuck this way of thinking" for any reason.I believe that @MementoMori told you his real emotion and therefore "guys like us" should at least try to respect this.And tbh his comment is also so out of my persoanl view,so out of my universe that-as I said above-I would have gone mad just one year ago.To bring it close to the egde..this thinking is also for me a "culture shock" but hey.. :huh:

    Now I will continue to play "its only rocknroll but I like it"..with or without editor.. :D

  • 2-4 developers for some months, and you are in the range of several hundred thousands euros (assuming experienced developers who are able to design/implement/test/productize and ship a product in 3-6 months). And still you need a reamp-up phase to decide what should be in the product and to train these developers with the KPA internals (which has to be paid as well without getting anything).

    I assumed their not having to outsource any of the work and that zero training would be required, klassiker.

    I also pictured their working on it "on the side", as time and circumstances allowed, thusly avoiding the inconvenient costs of throwing the team at it full-bore at the expense of the usual day-to-day upkeep and development of the OS, forum modding, customer-service work and so on.

  • I don't know why you're attacking me or other users over things we have not said. No one's whining here. People are simply saying,

    1) An editor is good for our workflow. No reaching and knob twiddling. Can we get an editor?
    2) Other comparable platforms have editors. It's in Kemper's interests to have an editor. Can we get an editor?

    You disagree that #2 is a valid point. I get that. But don't put words in people's mouth and call it tears and whining, or "like a kid."That's uncalled for.
    Please respect others instead of calling names.

    I'm in the Feature Requests part of the forum, right? Double checked, okay. XD

    I've added my voice to the request. I'll come back if it's a constructive discussion. But otherwise, I'm out! :thumbup:

  • To the lads who don't need an editor: that's fine. You're happy! Why continue rambling against others on this thread?

    Please note that there are other people that want or need one for varying reasons (visually impaired for example, like me) - the tiny display is making it very difficult for me to read.
    An editor on my big LCD would be godsend. I could have a much faster workflow, instead of trying to make out everything and frequently going from memory (which also is not the best anymore).

    So kindly respect us when we raise our wish. It IS a feature request after all :)

  • To the lads who don't need an editor: that's fine. You're happy! Why continue rambling against others on this thread?

    Please note that there are other people that want or need one for varying reasons (visually impaired for example, like me) - the tiny display is making it very difficult for me to read.
    An editor on my big LCD would be godsend. I could have a much faster workflow, instead of trying to make out everything and frequently going from memory (which also is not the best anymore).

    So kindly respect us when we raise our wish. It IS a feature request after all :)

    That's 100% right @RookGarner.

    It is not Feature Unrequest / Feature Undevelop forum :)

    If anybody thinks there are more important features to be developed, just raise relevant thread in this forum.

    I can't remember anybody rambling against MIDI controller, MIDI&NPRN stuff - I don't own Remote, but I support development of all features that extend its functionality.

    In fact I think, that many bedroom players do not own any kind of MIDI board (all the more Kemper's Remote), yet I never heard of anyone moaning "stop doing that stupid MIDI stuff, we don't need this".

    Edited once, last by skoczy (December 22, 2016 at 1:45 PM).

  • To the lads who don't need an editor: that's fine. You're happy! Why continue rambling against others on this thread?

    Please note that there are other people that want or need one for varying reasons (visually impaired for example, like me) - the tiny display is making it very difficult for me to read.
    An editor on my big LCD would be godsend. I could have a much faster workflow, instead of trying to make out everything and frequently going from memory (which also is not the best anymore).

    So kindly respect us when we raise our wish. It IS a feature request after all :)

    You're a better man than me, but l'll call it like it is, and I will quote Frank Zappa for this one.
    "Nobody Looks Good Wearing Brown Lipstick" but some insist on wearing it.

  • An editor would be very good for the Kemper.

    Do we need one? Debatable, given that everyone has been having a great time with their devices. That seems to be the reason for the "delay".

    Do we want one? Yes, of course. I support the feature request 100%.

    There's just a better way to put these points across to the company than framing the request in a negative way. They're businessmen after all, no point arm-twisting them if they stand to lose money.

    Will the incremental sales offset the cost of development? What happens when new features are added? Or bug fixes? Or whatever?

    I bear no one any ill will over this whole flame war. It started even before I added more logs to the blazing inferno. Someone's got to be the forum troll.

    Hey, @MementoMori, here's a video just for you. You once gave me a hard time about one of my videos on YouTube! Unlike this one too and let's let bygones be bygones! Cheers!

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  • I assumed their not having to outsource any of the work and that zero training would be required, klassiker.
    I also pictured their working on it "on the side", as time and circumstances allowed, thusly avoiding the inconvenient costs of throwing the team at it full-bore at the expense of the usual day-to-day upkeep and development of the OS, forum modding, customer-service work and so on.

    Now we are fudging numbers (I work at this level in my day job all the time).

    Developers cost money. For every hour they work on something, it takes 9 hours of support, validation, documentation, and build and release time to add something to a product (useful fast fact for those of you who wanted to know ;) ).

    In order to make money, the entire trick is to maximize your development time on the things that will make the most money.

    People who start looking at resources as "free" inevitably end up in a financial crisis (since they are not free). If there is "slack time", the idea of maximizing profit should still be the driving force for the work priority (spoken as a true-blue engineering manager ;) ).

    Breaking up a program (like an editor development cycle) further increases the cost of a program since you lose efficiency as you move the program around from one developer back to another .... then back to the original etc.

    I still think an editor should be on the roadmap. I am just not sure it should be the number 1 priority.

  • Nevermind, Heel up doubles :thumbup: . I wondered where that machine gun came from. :thumbup:

  • Hey, @MementoMori, here's a video just for you. You once gave me a hard time about one of my videos on YouTube! Unlike this one too and let's let bygones be bygones! Cheers!

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    perhaps you have my identity mistaken, but I've never given you a hard time or unliked anything. Also, relatively new here. Wicked drumming, though. :thumbup:

  • why cant we just hear one way or another why there is no editor ? over and over again its been stated that it would be a useful tool for many. all the guessing is getting old and people arguing over something we know nothing about. its a great product. theres good reverbs and delays now. theres even morphing which i dont even have a clue how i would want to use this but its a feature that some people dig so thats cool. innovative ideas from the kemper company for sure but come on, like dean said i believe ...they have software for refrigerators . we paid big dough for this amp, i think an editor or a reason why there is not one should be addressed and we can put these threads to rest. end of mild rant.

  • And by the way @nightlight, there are a number of your posts that have helped me with my prior research and post-purchase of my Kemper. I appreciate those immensely, as well as the wealth of information and help provided here by all the forum users.

  • And by the way @nightlight, there are a number of your posts that have helped me with my prior research and post-purchase of my Kemper. I appreciate those immensely, as well as the wealth of information and help provided here by all the forum users.

    Thanks, always happy to help. I guess the thing is I love heated discussion, but I lack the ability to appear disconnected. I totally support your point of view on an editor being a great thing, who knows they may announce it at NAMM.

    They're good folks at Kemper, from version 2 to 5 in three years and my tone has never been better. Rational requests are almost always looked into.

    I have a feeling that the lack of any response from Kemper Amps is a good sign. Perhaps they are thinking about it or already working on it.

  • The mods here do a great job of deciding what is acceptable or not. Maybe you feel differently?Did @DonPetersen go on vacation and ask you to help out?!

    The mods are a fun bunch, I'd go so far to say they're too nice. Every forum needs a few rabid dwellers. Maybe even trolls. If you read a few posts back before I got involved, there are others like me, but on steroids and probably ready to beat people up if there's a need. I think they're good to have around. In case... In case of what? Exactly.

    You'll note that at no point in my posts did we degenerate into a swearing contest, and I think that's important in any good exchange of ideas. Just rushes of blood and angrily typed and well-constructedd posts.

    @DonPetersen is waiting for the right moment to perma- ban me for being such a happy Kemperite haha.

    Anyway, before that happens, back on topic.

    I honestly wonder if a financial incentive could get us an editor. I spend on profiles, I wouldn't mind spending on something like an editor. What would be a fair price?

    I'm guessing $19.99.

  • I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, but "Every forum needs a few rabid dwellers. Maybe even trolls." is certainly an opinion I don't agree with. However you're definitely entitled to hold that opinion, just because I don't agree with it, doesn't make it any less valid.

  • I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, but "Every forum needs a few rabid dwellers. Maybe even trolls." is certainly an opinion I don't agree with. However you're definitely entitled to hold that opinion, just because I don't agree with it, doesn't make it any less valid.P.

    Good troll, bad troll. There is and should be a distinction. I've seen both kinds on forums. I'm sure you have too.

    And rabid dwellers should be read as firmly loyal fans. I don't go on the Fractal forums (or even TGP) and criticise the Axe because I know there are guys there who are intensely loyal to it. They're welcome here too in my book.