Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • I spent some time over the last few days changing up my tones. Different cabs, delay settings and moving EQ from post to pre stack.

    I also spent some time setting up my new FAMC Liquid Foot+ 12+ with its editor.

    I found the Kemper much more enjoyable to fool around with. For everyone that says 'We need an editor' what they mean is 'I want an editor'. Personally, I have no interest in getting one. Sure, I'll download it and will no doubt end up using it because it's there but it's not needed at all by me.

  • Let's just say i'm toying with the idea to switch to an afx. My current work is 100% recording and 0% playing live. I love the tones the kemper produces but the current UX means my recording workflow takes around 30% longer. Many people produce similar results with the afx.
    If i'd play live more this might be a different conversation, but it isn't. And this also means i won't be buying the remote. Currently this is only based on the fact that the kemper does not integrate into my recording environment in any way... Take from that what you want...

    The best session guitarist in the world uses one. It's quick enough for him. Are you using Rig Manager?

  • Gee, I'd have thought Steve's incredible back catalogue of studio sessions'd be impossible to beat. Thank you for clarifying that, MM.

    It matters not - he uses a Kemper some of the time too, especially when it's too-expensive or troublesome to transport his own amps or hire in gear.

  • Let's just say i'm toying with the idea to switch to an afx. My current work is 100% recording and 0% playing live. I love the tones the kemper produces but the current UX means my recording workflow takes around 30% longer. Many people produce similar results with the afx.
    If i'd play live more this might be a different conversation, but it isn't. And this also means i won't be buying the remote. Currently this is only based on the fact that the kemper does not integrate into my recording environment in any way... Take from that what you want...

    I guess I am a bit blinded by the fact that my use-case is solely live gigging. If I were recording, I may feel differently. I honestly don't have any issues getting around on the GUI built into the Kemper. I may feel differently if I wanted to use it for recording with a DAW where my hands were already on the mouse and keyboard.

    Be that as it is, I have to wonder how many people gig or bedroom gig vs record using the Kemper? From my somewhat selfish standpoint, it seems that more people would gig this device. It just feels like it was meant to go out and play live with.

  • Then again, how many folks who don't have spectacular-sounding rooms at home, along with versatile assortments of amps, mic's and preamps, and the ability to crank volume levels, would be all over the Kemper like white on rice?

    I'm one of 'em, and yeah, I agree it'd be interesting to see a usage breakdown. I think you'd be surprised, as might I, to see the percentages involved. My guess is that pro's (guitarists) who record in studios might be more-inclined to use it live, whereas, as implied earlier, those who can't afford to book studios for their "meagre" needs and endless experimentation would see it as a Godsend for home use.

  • Seeing as it's a catalogue of profiled studio tones where someone profiles amps in their studio or at home that you can use to record at any time, it's always seemed like a recording tool first and a live tool second.

    But it's subjective and works perfectly both ways.

  • Personally, I'd keep my amps to record with and my profiles to tour. The real amp will capture the full tone sans any sort of Kemper EQ and compression which can be an issue during profiling. The KPA is light and portable and what you sometimes sacrifice in tone isn't something your audience is likely to notice or care about, so there's no beating it in that regard.

  • Based on my usage I do not need a full blown editor. What I definitely would use would be a kind of extended Rig Manager with more possibilities to store (Folders!) and sort Rigs, Performances and Stomps (!). E.g. one folder for each band, record project, genre, you name it ...

    Let me make this clear with an use case:

    I profile my amp to get a great lead tone. When I finish the first profiling run, I store the rig. Now I use Rig Manager to edit the tags. Next step is using several Stomps und EQing the Stack section. It would be awesome to be able to do this using an editor, especially with a graphic EQ, otherwise I'd have to switch Pages all the time. I have about 400 Presets of Delays, Wahs etc. in there. Scrolling trough all of them is annoying. If I would be able to pick the stomp-slots in Rig Manager ... oh boy this would be great. :D Nevertheless ... my point is: you do not need to program an UI in Rig Manager for each stomp effect, changing detailed parameters is way easier on a physical knob. But being able to (pre-)select Presets and Stomp Types in Rig Manager would be it. There definitely are stomps, where a graphical UI in Rig Manager would make sense like Graphical EQ or Wah-Wah and so on. But you can implement these step by step.

    After this I do not need this rig in my performances for my big band so I want to store it in the right folder. I would have 3 folders, for example: Band A, Band B, Amps (where I have one amp per performance from Clean to Clean+ to Crunch to Rhythm to Lead). Therefore it would be useful to "lock" the stomps section over each single performance (but that is low priority).

    Copy / Paste of Stomps in Rig Manager would be great and much easier than dialling in the knobs on the KPA.

    JM2C (not JP2C :D ) - What do you think of this?

    Edited 2 times, last by fourstrk (May 15, 2017 at 1:57 PM).

  • Different worklows. Different needs.
    Most of all I would like have a portable rigmanager and basic editor on mobile device / Ipad over wifi.
    Would be nice to hear in a club or hall the sound and can switch thru profiles and do some minor tweaking over an app without to go to the kemper.

  • It really is irrelevant as to how good a player is vs another in terms of asking for a particular feature. A Kemper costs the same irrespective of how good you are as a player so, really speaking, everyone's opinion in this regard is equally valid.

    If you only want professionals to have opinions on what is useful and what isn't then perhaps we should have an entrance exam before being able to buy one? Until that day, anyone who has bought has a right to an opinion and all customers are equal. The Euros that come in the door are worth the same from a pro as they are from a gigging amateur and they are the same for a guy who has never played to anyone but the cat.

    Even if you believe that pros don't need a particular feature and it's just for the bedroom guys? Well, if that is 100% true then you'll get more bedroom guys buying it. More Kempers sold = more money for Kemper to spend on developments that you *do* want. Every advance is welcome.... there have been several things in the four years of Kemper advances that I've been grateful for and several others that aren't useful to me personally but I'm still grateful for all advances for this reason.

    So with that in mind, yes please to the editor :). It'll be fantastically useful for those who want it and for the reasons outlined above it's even good for those who don't :)

  • I use my Kemper exclusively for live work and having a user interface of some sort that would make it easier to manage all of my presets across all of my performances (and all of the future performances I am waiting to set up once something comes along that makes it easier to manage them and the presets) would be extremely valuable to me. IMHO, it has nothing to do with live vs. studio or pro vs. amateur, and everything to do with being able to fully exploit the full potential of the unit in a user-friendly way. Contrary to some, the current interfaces that are available (screen on front; rig manager; methods of preset management) are not user-friendly and capable of allowing the sort of control and interaction I need. YMMV