FS: Axe II Mk I, MFC-101, Kemper Rack(unpowered), Mission Control Pedal

  • Hello, everyone. I'm getting out of the guitar world. Just can't light that fire again, so I'm selling all of my gear.

    Axe II Mk I $1750 PP'd /shipped. Lightly used. Had fan replaced. Works flawlessly. It's been racked in my studio desk. I can't verify where is been before I've owned it. Original packaging.

    MFC-101 Mk I $525 PP'd /shipped. Comes with cable and magnetic labels. Original packaging.

    Kemper Rack(unpowered) 1850 PP'd/ shipped. Great condition. Only flaw is a tiny LCD line went out on the screen. Barely even noticeable. Works perfectly. Includes many commercial Original from the Amp Factory and the complete pack from Michael Wagener($240 value). Original packaging included.

    Mission Control Pedal $75 PP'd/shipped. BLUE. Mint

    Pm any questions or for pics. Thanks!

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Hi Steeldragon 72,

    sorry to hear that. Since there have been times when I thought I never would get where I wanted to be guitar wise I sometimes thought about selling out. After I while I realized that music and making music even if not on a satisfactory professional level has proved a valuable remedy for me when I felt sick about this and that. Playing in a band is a steady mood lifter for me. Maybe you'll might rethink your decision. If not, best of luck.


  • Hello, everyone. I'm getting out of the guitar world. Just can't light that fire again, so I'm selling all of my gear.

    I feel this way at least once every month, but then I get over it. I know that I'll never reach my goals, and that I'm my own harshest critic, but experience has shown me that I MUST have music in my life. So, I hope you reconsider, or at least hang onto some of your equipment. The time will come when you'll miss it ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I feel this way at least once every month, but then I get over it. I know that I'll never reach my goals, and that I'm my own harshest critic, but experience has shown me that I MUST have music in my life. So, I hope you reconsider, or at least hang onto some of your equipment. The time will come when you'll miss it ...

    @steeldragon72 I can relate to all of this, but my advice is to keep the gear and go do something else for a while. Chances are you'll come back to the axe etc. when the fingers of your left hand start to twitch as you listen to a familiar favourite riff on the radio... You 'll only regret having given away so much of your musical soul.


  • Man it's refreshing to read these testimonials. I too get that "I'm not worthy, this is useless, it's a waste of your time, you could be doing better things" but in the end, no matter what else I get into, I come back to Music. Glad to know these thoughts are normal.

    Why just this week I was thinking "I should put this money into scupture, at least that will last 1000 years!" The same week I dropped money on a PRS. But you know what? I won't last 1000 years and I'd rather enjoy the few I have. Ironically, this week, I came to a new musical ability I thought I'd NEVER get to after years of some-time playing and STILL I had the "you're not where you should be" negativity!! Parts of the brain can be it's own worst enemy. Must listen to the other parts of the brain everyone here is telling.

    So here is MY advice: Put it all in the closet. If you haven't picked any of them up in a year, sell them. GIve yourself some proof you are done.

  • So here is MY advice: Put it all in the closet. If you haven't picked any of them up in a year, sell them. GIve yourself some proof you are done.

    The above is actually some great advise...
    Of course it's your decision, but if you do, it might save you a lot of $$$ if you later change your mind.
    (Which we all do from time to time) ;)

    Happy Kemper

  • Thanks, guys. I love this forum. You guys are tremendously thoughtful and encouraging.
    I'm going to hang on to 3-4 of my guitars, and maybe 3 of my analogue amps.

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • I too have been in this boat. Many times since I started in the mid 80s. I would sell off all of my stuff and try other things but I always come back. It truly is an addiction.

    This may sound funny but It is almost a necessity for me to play a guitar. I just feel the need, at least every so often, to grab one and play. Just the feel of my fingers on the neck is fulfilling.

    If I was to find that I could no longer play, I would truly get depressed even though I have many hobbies. Guitar is not one I ever want to give up again.

    Getting rid of the KPA is just not something I could see doing in my future.

    At the minimum I have to have my acoustic guitars but I would seriously miss my electrics and the KPA.

    On occasion I will still get a little uninspired and feel a bit in a rut but I have found, for me anyways, to just walk away for a week or so and when I go back I end up playing for hours at a time and new stuff just

    I am in my Mid 40s and I now see I will never be a rock star. :) I am ok with that.

  • @Inthrutheout - So true... One of the best analogies I've heard went something like this:
    "Playing acoustic is fine and has it's place, but driving a (tube driven) electric sound will give you the closest sensation to driving a Mazerati 180mph flat out"
    I'm paraphrasing a lot, but you get the idea. ;)

    Happy Kemper