​Loop placed right after Stack.Section behaves abnormal. Help

  • Dear Kemper Users,
    I appreciate your assistance.

    There is abnormal behavior of “LoopModule” activated right after “Stack” section.

    1. You could try to connect any external audio source (MP3 player for example) to Return.Input located on the backside of KPA.
    2. Activate Loop.Module right after Stack.Section (Mono or Stereo)
    3. Try to activate/deactivate Cabinet.Module (which is now in front of Loop.Module and theoretically can not impact the sound) and see how it impacts the audio signal coming from external source via Return.Input.
    4. As far as I change Cabinet.Type in a Cabinet.Module but it does NOT change the Cabinet.Simulation applied to external audio signal.

    Loop (both: stereo and mono), placed right after Stack.Section behaves abnormal in my case, making External FX processor useless.

    PS: I tried to initiate Global parameters, downgrade from v3.0.0.10856 to v2.7.4 and back to v3.0.0.

    I appreciate your help.

  • I’ve recorded a short Video demonstrating the issue:

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  • I asked about this a while back, and it's intentional. Think of it as the effects loop in a regular tube amp; the signal from the preamp gets sent to the outboard FX, then returned to the amp pre poweramp, before being amplified and sent out of the cabinet. When you think of it like this, it makes perfect sense, even though the way the sections on the Profiler are displayed can be misleading. The way around it is to set the Return input as an auxiliary. You lose the ability to switch it on and off as you would if it was a mono/stereo loop stomp, but you bypass the Cab section.

    Of course, it would be fantastic to be able to choose whether the loop was affected by the Cab section or not, but might not actually be possible with the current architecture.

    Hope that clears it up for you.


  • Never noticed this before, like you say makes perfect sense when you think of it as a real life set up. The only thing that still confuses me is that wasn't the sound effected by turning an eq on and off in the stomp section ? Or did this have something to do with the inactive 'loop' in stomp 'd' ?

  • Nop, inactive loop in stomp D does NOT affect the behavior at all. Tried every combination. Sorry, just forgot to delete loop in stomp D for the video purpose.

    Mono connection (real wire) behaves the same. In fact, I could live with this, but Cabinet.Simulation applied to Loop after Stack.Section is VERY DIFFERENT to Cabinet inserted in Stack.Section. Even more I can NOT change it.

    The more strange it that EQ section in FRONT of loop affects the Return signal (not Send signal, please remember – I use external audio source).

    Is there any possibility to “Format” Kemper computer vise procedure? I’d be happy to format Kemper HHD (memory) and reinstall firmware…

  • The EQ affecting the loop is very strange. I'd contact support about this using the form on the main site. As for the Cabinet in the Stack section not affecting the sound of the loop exactly as the rest of the signal chain, I don't find that particularly alarming. After all, in a real world scenario, it would be the sound of modulation effects, delays and reverbs that would be in the loop, not the main 'dry' signal, which is the more important tone. Having the KPA insert the loop at an estimated point in the profile between the pre- and power-amp would likely be a very hit-and-miss affair, so I can understand if the team decided to give the return a more generic cab-like EQ filter instead, given the less important nature of it.


  • Is there any possibility to “Format” Kemper computer vise procedure? I’d be happy to format Kemper HHD (memory) and reinstall firmware…

    Yep, there is a number of procedures you can operate through.
    See wikpa.org for troubleshooting.
    The first I'd try would be a system reset (long hold System while you boot in Browser mode).

    Let us know :)

  • You can do a full reset and format by holding down the first soft button while turning on to tuner. If you then go into the 'recovery' menu you can 'initialise' the memory back to factory. Once that's done reset the kpa and you can install the factory rigs from within the system menu.
    Only do this if nothing else works though.

  • I’ve done complete reset without affect. Also I received assistance from Kemper support, and they confirm this is normal due to technical reasons.

    Lets check it under new firmware, which is available today.

    Thank you Kemper! I love my rack more and more.
    I Just remember my days when I was a Fractal Axe Fx user, which made me hate it more and more day by day)