My ongoing gripe about Remote Delivery dates

  • By now, many of you have read my thread regarding Kemper's decision to withold inventory to online retailers: (Sweetwater). To review, I attempted to place my order through the Kemper US storefront, but become concerned because at the time, I was being chrges VAT. With that, I immediately called my rep at Sweetwater and was told thet yes, Kemper informed them that they would be supplying inventory to them and with that, I had the #2 place on the waiting list.

    Fast forward to the thread in which I informed the fellow forumites that Sweetwater would not be selling the remote.

    After that, 2 things occurred:

    1) I was assured by Kemper, via this forum, that all who had ordered through Sweetwater would be given priority and intergrated into the early delivery process. Pretty fair, right?
    2) I recieved an email from Matthew Skaggs of Kemper USA to inform me that me remote would be delivered "Sometime After April 27th".

    To me, That did not seem equitable. Since that email, I have tried 3 times to contact Mr Skaggs via telephone and have left 3 voicemails asking for a return call to discuss my delivery date. Thus far.........Silence.

    Many forum members defended CK saying that it was clearly stated that only Kemper would sell the remote. I have dealt with my rep at Sweetwater for 6 years and have never once felt that I was being taken advantage of or being told a fabrication. For me, his word is golden.

    Regarding Kemper, I have only this transaction to form an opinion and that opinion is that Kemper should get an education in customer service. :)

    Enjoy the weekend

  • Not exactly fair, as the Remote isn't actually available to the public until April/May. The service was that Kemper would take care of forum members by making an Early Bird list, thereby giving forumites early access to the Remote and jumping any queues, as they are anticipating such a strong demand. Subsequently, they reported that the Remote would only be available initially through their online store.

    As you stated, some chose to place their orders elsewhere, some because of unfortunate issues with the online store ordering process, some because they preferred dealing with a local company, or had store credit. Their prerogative.

    When it was confirmed, as stated by Kemper initially, that Remotes would only be available singly through the online store, Kemper then had the decency to offer Sweetwater customers a place in the queue, even going so far as to giving those that registered for the EB programme their original place in the queue. I can't really see how they could do much more.


  • I'm the Kemper distributor in South Africa...I DON'T have a Remote for myself, I'll get one after April 27th.

    You received an e mail telling you "Sometime After April 27th" why did you phone the person who sent you the e mail 3 times, what do you expect him to tell that he hasn't already told you in the e mail he sent you?

    Stop complaining....

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (February 28, 2015 at 6:24 PM).

  • Many forum members defended CK saying that it was clearly stated that only Kemper would sell the remote. I have dealt with my rep at Sweetwater for 6 years and have never once felt that I was being taken advantage of or being told a fabrication. For me, his word is golden.

    Well then you should probably update your opinion regarding the Sweetwater rep. It was crystal clear from the beginning that the remote without the amp would only be available directly through Kemper. Anyone who told you otherwise either lied to you or misunderstood a very clear statement.

  • I had a couple of order issues but they corrected it and solved my issues.

    My question is, were you under the assumption that since you ordered from Sweetwater, you should be receiving your remote before the folks here who put their name on the Early Bird list? That is almost what it sounds like. To me, that isn't reasonable at all considering the number of folks on the list itself. Sweetwater is a great retailer and I've purchased from them before but I think that somewhere along the line, there was a mis-communication from somewhere.

    I am on the early bird list but mine isn't being delivered until the end of April. Am I in a fit about it? Nope. I know that they have me in cue and at some point, I'll be the proud owner of the new unit. The way I see it, we can have some of the early folks work out the bugs for us!

  • With such an anticipated release as the Kemper Remote, there is no way possible for any company to make everyone happy.

    Have any of the forum members who are not happy with the outcome of the shipping date, ever tried to order a new release iPhone? Things happen for some customers delaying the completion of their order,,...
    systems go down, eligibility status can't be verified, credit cards can't get authorized, while other purchasers may have no issue, with the extra 5-10 minutes to complete the order causing a delayed shipping date.

    Unfortunately, our wonderful forum has increased the frustration factor. Reading how others are receiving their remotes, and seeing their order numbers are higher than someone who is not receiving theirs for 6 more weeks, can raise the irritating factor, as do many other issues regarding shipping date. This is why Beta Testers are asked not to reveal themselves, or make posts about having a Remote. I am trying to bypass these posts myself, and just wait it out.

    In the long run, I believe in Karma. I will get what I get, because I did what I did. Wether it is a positive or negative result, complaining doesn't help. I don't agree with the theory that " the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and as a manager, for several businesses, I never let that change an outcome.

    There are considerably more forum members, who followed directions, and had their order placed, and are happy, than forum members who didn't.

    I know it's frustrating, but, I'm not a youngin,, and I've had many frustrating days waiting after NAMM for
    new items, waited for new IPhones, waited for new IPads, etc. and As I said, I'll get what I get cause I did what I did.

    Wish the best for all.

  • I'm the Kemper distributor in South Africa...I DON'T have a Remote for myself, I'll get one after April 27th.

    You received an e mail telling you "Sometime After April 27th" why did you phone the person who sent you the e mail 3 times, what do you expect him to tell that he hasn't already told you in the e mail he sent you?

    Stop complaining....
    Really???? That's your response?? I guess in South Africa it's cool to not respond to customers when they have an issue, wether the conversation will be pleasant or not.

  • What's the issue?

    The 27th of April is still two months away, how can someone answer a question except to say "Sometime after the 27th of April"?

    I also asked the same question, just once, I'll ask the question for a second time "sometime after the 27th of April".

  • Are we having a bit of a culture clash here perhaps? From what I gather, in the USA it is a given/expected that retail/hospo staff will bend over backward for customers. This is very different to here in NZ (and, I expect, many other commonwealth-heritage countries) where there is more of a 'meet half-way' relationship dynamic. I can't speak for what customer-service ideology is prevalent in Germany.

    I guess my point is that US customers might be upset because they're used to the squeaky wheel getting the grease, while the Kemper people might not respond in the expected way since they're more into the courteous cat getting the cream; thus further antagonising the US customer! So we should all take a step back and remember that we're talking about a luxury electronic item.

  • I don't see it as a USA thing as much as a "internet" thing . The behavior seen on the remote section of this forum isn't any different than any other in demand product today e.g. Apple phone, etc. Go look at TGP and you can read the same hyperventilation abut Atomic Amps latest product. Now, I'm an old guy (middle 60's) so that may account for my laid back attitude about this issue i.e. I can easily remember a time when someone just threw it in the post office box and you had no idea when it showed up. Other than "tricking" Kemper's order system so the address # and zip code were in the right order, I didn't have any problems ordering. I ordered on the 14th of Jan by the way. I was sent an email that said it would be shipped sometime after the 23rd of March. Given some of the issues with 3.0, I'm ok with that date.

  • This, "I am entitled to it now" not the, I would like to have it now attitude I have been seeing from my U.S. side is a bit embarrassing. Nobody owes you anything. I can understand disappointment. That is natural. But when you go beyond that, it becomes unbecoming.

    If you feel you were/ are being treated unfairly, state your piece and then let it go. There is not much more you can do. If you are that disappointed, show it by not buying it at all or whatever method suits you. The method of constantly complaining just gives the image of a spoiled child stomping their feet.

    Our country, and others I am sure, have brought up a sad entitled new generation. I thought it was mostly the younger generation but it seams it has creeped into the more mature people too.

    I really don't intend or want to sound so critical of people on here. I am not pointing at anyone in particular.
    I am just stating what an observer looking in may be seeing.

    It is just a device that will make your Kemper just a little more easy to use in some circumstances. It is not groundbreaking or totally necessary.

    As swartzenneger once said, "Relax, you will live longer".

  • With that, I immediately called my rep at Sweetwater and was told thet yes, Kemper informed them that they would be supplying inventory to them and with that

    let me just state that this is not correct. we haven't informed sweetwater about supplying inventory.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I was able to checkout with paypal, but the webform address fields are all hosed up. I think it was causing the address to pass to my credit card and comeback invalid. I sent a ticket to support. they told me my address will be fixed when it ships. I sent 20 years in IT. Fixing a webform should be a pretty easy task. Actually, kinda strange something like that ever made it out on the live system. But, I have grown with many companies. It just seems like growing pains. I am patient. I dont care when my remote arrives. I am just grateful that Kemper developed one. Else, i would be stuck with FC-300. That works, but not as slick as the Kemper Remote appears to be.

    I would echo that people need to just mellow out and be grateful we have this awesome product on its way at all. Cut them some slack! They could have just kept it all quiet until the warehouse was full of product. I kinda think the flood of interest was maybe unexpected.

    Anyway, thanks for asking - G Sting. BTW - nice handle name. hehe. Reminds of of music theory/listening class in college when we listened to Bach's Air on the G-String. I think i lusted for the hot girl in front of me through the whole thing. ROFL!

  • I was able to checkout with paypal, but the webform address fields are all hosed up. I think it was causing the address to pass to my credit card and comeback invalid. I sent a ticket to support. they told me my address will be fixed when it ships. I sent 20 years in IT. Fixing a webform should be a pretty easy task. Actually, kinda strange something like that ever made it out on the live system. But, I have grown with many companies.

    here's some info on the "hosed up fields". the fields are labelled. as long as one puts e.g. the street's name where requested, everything is fine and will work as expected. if you put the street where the house number goes and vice versa, things are getting messed up. we are aware cases where credit cards were not working and we are looking into that. the solutions, it appears is not as trivial.
    some expressed concern that a delivery will be either delayed or fail because of messed up postal addresses. we manually check the addresses before sending of parcels and this is what the reply from support was about.

    ps. of course it is possible to change a "static" webform, the issue here is that address conventions do vary by country.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Okay, perhaps I was typing a bit too much stream of consciousness and sharing my perception of the end-user perspective. But, since you seemed annoyed in your response, lets just clarify.

    • If one clicks on the USA store.
    • Fills in the fields correctly
    • Creates a customer account specifying USA address
    • It seems those types of parameters should be integrated in the programming logic for the webform to not produce the present result.

    I get it...there are backend issues. You are implying, in your response, that I the end user did something incorrectly - i did not.
    The part of my comments you didnt quote were me expressing my appreciation for Kemper. Seems I failed and struck a nerve. Sorry!
    I will ignore the thread and simply go back to making music.
    Enough said...

  • Seems I failed and struck a nerve. Sorry!
    I will ignore the thread and simply go back to making music.

    all good, don't you worry. i'm not annoyed at all (what you say is totally right). i was just trying to explain the situation a little because some people here were struggling and i saw a number of addresses which we needed to correct because the address fields were swapped. so, in a way i hijacked your post a little. fact is that the fields appear in the "wrong" order on the order confirmation email.
    ultimately, we will grow on this. we are using a commercial shop, maybe there is a more flexible option which suits better.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here