Kemper KPA vs. Axe-FX II (Yes, another one...please read!)

  • So, an honest question seeking a truly honest answer: how often does Kemper put out updates to firmware/software? I know many here see Fractal's frequent firmware updates as a negative, but I see it as a good thing; updating and expanding features (especially based on user feedback). If there is the possibility of effects being improved over time, I'm trying to get a feel for what kind of time frame to expect. If we're looking at "the last update was two years ago, so maybe within the next couple of years", that will make a big difference over "about every six months" (or whatever). Also, have improved effects been promised? Or are they at least expected?

  • So, an honest question seeking a truly honest answer: how often does Kemper put out updates to firmware/software? I know many here see Fractal's frequent firmware updates as a negative, but I see it as a good thing; updating and expanding features (especially based on user feedback). If there is the possibility of effects being improved over time, I'm trying to get a feel for what kind of time frame to expect. If we're looking at "the last update was two years ago, so maybe within the next couple of years", that will make a big difference over "about every six months" (or whatever). Also, have improved effects been promised? Or are they at least expected?

    Honest answer: Yes, Kemper updates come frequently and steadily with the main difference to FAS updates that the sound never changes and thus rigs remain always compatible.
    Improvements: Yes, of course. The aliasing was improved and FX revised. Some FX were asked for and have been promised by Kemper (e.g. stomp delay), or reverse delay etc., some have already been added like the pedal pitch, transpose, harmony pitch (=the whole harmonizer stuff), some were not even asked for but added nonetheless (e.g. the awesoe shapers). Othe features were introduced like the beat scanner, improved switching time.
    Direct communication with the company staff and also Kemper's history with the Access Virus synthesizers tell me that they listen and that they have a longterm plan and vision.

  • The Profiler is improved very often. The upcoming 3.0 release is a big step forward, so I am very satisfied with the updates. OTOH the Virus tradition speaks volumes about Mothership's attitude towards improvements:)

    AFAIK, no-one has complained here or elsewhere about Fractal's updates' frequency. The issue there is rather that most updates change the way the unit sounds, and oblige users to retweak all their patches each time. This doesn't happen @ Kemper


  • The Profiler is improved very often. The upcoming 3.0 release is a big step forward, so I am very satisfied with the updates. OTOH the Virus tradition speaks volumes about Mothership's attitude towards improvements:)

    AFAIK, no-one has complained here or elsewhere about Fractal's updates' frequency. The issue there is rather that most updates change the way the unit sounds, and oblige users to retweak all their patches each time. This doesn't happen @ Kemper


    But we're up to (almost) version 3 and still not decent reverb, delay or chorus? A big swing and a miss IMO...

  • But we're up to (almost) version 3 and still not decent reverb, delay or chorus? A big swing and a miss IMO...

    Not in the opinion of most users (I understand you have a different opininon). To me personally the air chorus is the best one I heard since my Roland JC120 days.
    Also the feature request charts show that Kemper is paying attention and they are willing to implement what the users want (if it can be explained to CK himself who participates quite often in these discussions).
    Note I'm not a fanboi. I only want to say that with the resources at Kemper and the way they seem to prioritize things some demands may take some more time.
    And I'm the first one to say that I'm still waiting for stomp delay, reverse delay and more reverb options.

    and i also want to say that if you're completely unsatisfied with your Kemper experience why not try the Axe for comparison? IMHO it's better to look what a unit I use can do and not what it can't do. If you cannot experience and enjoy what the profiler does so exceptionally well maybe you should consider a change?

  • Not in the opinion of most users (I understand you have a different opininon). To me personally the air chorus is the best one I heard since my Roland JC120 days.
    Also the feature request charts show that Kemper is paying attention and they are willing to implement what the users want (if it can be explained to CK himself who participates quite often in these discussions).
    Note I'm not a fanboi. I only want to say that with the resources at Kemper and the way they seem to prioritize things some demands may take some more time.
    And I'm the first one to say that I'm still waiting for stomp delay, reverse delay and more reverb options.

    and i also want to say that if you're completely unsatisfied with your Kemper experience why not try the Axe for comparison? IMHO it's better to look what a unit I use can do and not what it can't do. If you cannot experience and enjoy what the profiler does so exceptionally well maybe you should consider a change?

    Well, maybe i'm doing something wrong but neither the vintage, hyper or air chorus come anywhere close to a JC120 or the CE-1 pedals and have you ever tried a DLS chorus pedal?

    And though I've yet to try the MAB reverb (will rectify that tonight), my lowly digiverb pedal beat out the reverb on the kemper.

    And my wamper faux tape delay sounds way better than any of the kemper delays and I can adjust the delay time just by adjusting one knob. No fussing around with ratios. Plus it has some modulation built in to get the eric johnsony type of...well...faux-tape delay sounds.

    And it has nothing close to a BB Preamp, a Rat, a zendrive or a univibe.

    All of these pedals sims sound great in the axefx. Just sayin...

  • Honest?

    Here's another angle to look at from someone that just bought the KPA after researching both units in question on this thread. I work in the computer field and technology is never ending and changing quite rapidly. The KPA has been out since 2011 or begining of 2012, don't quote me on that, and is still supporting and upgrading the same units. The Axe has gone through how many new hardware units since its inception, 3 or 4. Don't worry about six month upgrades and be content with something that is going to be around for a while and supported by the company. These upgrades to the KPA are tweaks by mothership to an already exceptional piece of equipment. Spend almost 3g's on a unit that maybe replaced in 1.5 years or get something that gives you an ROI, which is rare for computer electronics.

    No, I never posted a thread such as this prior to purchasing. I just read on forums, reviews, etc. till I felt comfortable with my purchase. No disrespect to any Fractal user, this is my choice and I'm very very happy with it. IMHO, my money was well spent, my ears tell me so. Enjoy your Kemper when it gets there!!


  • Can you define "very often?" I'm not disputing, just wondering because people's definition of often can be different. One person may think once every two years is often, where for another person that may seem like forever.

    You don't need any of us to confirm this for you. Just go to the Profiler downloads page:…_Downloads.html

    You can plot the dates in a spreadsheet if it makes you feel better!

    The Axe probably is updated more frequently; but often the updates are NOT based on user feedback so much as based on internal wish lists amongst the Fractal and beta team.

  • Can you define "very often?" I'm not disputing, just wondering because people's definition of often can be different. One person may think once every two years is often, where for another person that may seem like forever.

    Wow Mr Brown you sure are very technical in your thoughts. :)

    Very often means a few times a year.
    Do you want a head to head between how many updates on the Kemper VS the Axe-FX?

    I have full time professional session guitarist studio owner clients who have had their Kempers for 3 years and don't even know how to do an update....why?, because the Kemper doesn't need an update, it sounds the same today as it did in January 2012.

  • You don't need any of us to confirm this for you. Just go to the Profiler downloads page:…_Downloads.html

    You can plot the dates in a spreadsheet if it makes you feel better!

    That would be a pretty short spreadsheet. There are only two firmware updates listed. Still, they are today, and the last one was 12/12/14...not too bad. Every few months is fine, if that's a consistent pattern (I realize today is a beta update, but still).

    EDIT: now I see what alwainwright was talking about with "older operating system versions". Based on those dates, I have no problems with the update frequency. How often did those include effects improvements? (This is probably in the release notes, but I don't want to read through all of them...not looking for an exact number, just a general feel for whether that's a consistent focus).

  • Firmware updates just for 2014:

    Firmware 2.3.0 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.3.1 Public Beta

    2.3.2 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.3.3 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.3.3 Release

    2.4.0 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.4.1 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.4.2 Release

    Firmware 2.5.0 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.5.0 Release

    2.6.0 Public Beta

    Firmware 2.7.0 Release

    Firmware 2.7.3 Release

    Firmware 2.7.4 Release

    14 Firmware updates in one year (2014) and yes....I will never get the time back it took to copy and past this info for you mbrown ;)

  • Last 6 months or so of updates...

    NEW: 3.0.0 Public Beta available - 24th February 2015
    2.7.4 Release - Dec 18th 2014
    2.7.4 Public Beta - Dec 15th 2014
    2.7.3 Public Beta now available - Nov 12th 2014 elevated to Release level - Oct 31st 2014
    2.7.0 Public beta now available - Oct 27th 2014
    Version 2.6.0 Public Beta available now - Sep 4th 2014
    2.5.0 Release now available - Jul 28th 2014
    2.5.0 Public Beta now available - Jul 22nd 2014
    2.4.2 elevated to release level - Jun 2nd 2014
    2.4.2 Public Beta now available - May 26th 2014

    As you no doubt appreciate - ultimately there's only so much you can learn from forums, the rest has to be gleaned from a hands-on trial.
    For me it's been the single most influential music purchase in terms of chasing the tone I was after. But... it's led to me buying quite a few new guitars!

    Hope you get the answers you're after.

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • Wow Mr Brown you sure are very technical in your thoughts. :)

    True enough, lol. In the end, first-hand experience will be the deciding factor, but I like to make informed decisions.

    Very often means a few times a year.
    Do you want a head to head between how many updates on the Kemper VS the Axe-FX?

    Nope. I just wanted to know if the product is consistently updated (I have no reservations about this now).

    I have full time professional session guitarist studio owner clients who have had their Kempers for 3 years and don't even know how to do an update....why?, because the Kemper doesn't need an update, it sounds the same today as it did in January 2012.

    I understand what you're saying, but the Fractal folks say the Axe sounds better than it did when it was released. One could look at that as, "it didn't sound very good to begin with", or as "they've improved a good product even more." I'm not saying one product is better than the other, just saying sometimes the things people claim as strengths or weaknesses are relative to perspective.

  • Please select "Older Operating System Versions" under Category. You should be able to see what has been released prior to 3.0.0 and when. You won't be able to download, but you can see the software releases and dates.

    Yep, thanks...I saw that and updated my post accordingly, though thank you to those that posted all of them...certainly not necessary (it wasn't a loaded question; I was just curious) but I appreciate the effort.

  • The operating system updates come fast enough that I have a hard time keeping up with them, frankly, and Kemper is uncommonly responsive to customer feedback.

    The most amazing thing is that the core hardware has not been rev'd in the 2 or 3 years since it was first released. That's unheard of these days. There have been different configurations (power amp, rack) but if you bought a KPA on day one it will do everything a brand new KPA does today. This is the only piece of high-tech gear I've ever purchased that has actually appreciated over time. Meanwhile, Kemper keeps piling on new features and improvements by way of firmware upgrades, free of charge.

  • Well i dont agree that the kpa sound hasnt changed. The aliasing issue and the LFC correction both made significant changes. The difference is that theres no need to retweak patches. Some didnt like the LFC change, but theres an option to turn it off globally, so no change if u didnt want it