Shipping date for the first remotes

  • gs,
    I was an early-bird too. Must have signed up under the wrong email address. Please look over your list and let me know which emails are unclaimed for purchasing a remote. I'll let you know which one I mistakenly signed up under and we can change it to my proper email address. Oh yeah, please rank the unclaimed email addresses in order of shipping dates.

    Thanks so much,

    Just kidding :D !!!! Keep up the good work gs or is it Santa?

  • I feel your pain man, but, in the same time, I'm not sure if I would go on tour with a brand new just released device using beta firmware. You should have your FCB very near anyways.

  • Hey G-string

    I have the remote ordered on 01.13.2015, paid for and receive an email that was set in the status processing. My questions by mail to Kemper sales regarding delivery date remained completely unanswered. Even with a current telephone call with the sales Kemper any further information about my order was not even discussed it more completely rejected. I have the nice woman very well understood, as I also am from Germany, so it was no trouble understanding.
    Well, I hope and pray to you, you me maybe you can get additional information on my order and give surrender schedule. My order number is 246739 from 13-01-2015, Artikelnummer: 20000010  (Ticket # KD00089856).
    It surprised me very much, the other orders after 13:01. have already been delivered. The confusion with the "Early Bird's" orders is not a great situation for all concerned. So I hope that you can beantworsten my questions. Thank you for your effort. Greetings from Bochum

  • I have the remote ordered on 01.13.2015, paid for and receive an email that was set in the status processing. My questions by mail to Kemper sales regarding delivery date remained completely unanswered. Even with a current telephone call with the sales Kemper any further information about my order was not even discussed it more completely rejected. I have the nice woman very well understood, as I also am from Germany, so it was no trouble understanding.
    Well, I hope and pray to you, you me maybe you can get additional information on my order and give surrender schedule. My order number is 246739 from 13-01-2015, Artikelnummer: 20000010 (Ticket # KD00089856).
    It surprised me very much, the other orders after 13:01. have already been delivered. The confusion with the "Early Bird's" orders is not a great situation for all concerned. So I hope that you can beantworsten my questions. Thank you for your effort. Greetings from Bochum

    the kemper online shop quoted a delivery time of 8 weeks at the time of your order. as far as i can see, you didn't apply for "early bird" - that's why your order is not on the priority list.


    My questions by mail to Kemper sales regarding delivery date remained completely unanswered.

    we've contacted you on 14.Jan and offered you to switch your order from PayPal to invoice, for your convenience. in this email we state a delivery time of 8 weeks. since you replied declining the offer, i would assume that you know when we will ship. 13. Jan + 8 weeks => roughly 10th or March ...
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • gs,
    I'm an early bird, order #3447104 made 17 jan 2015.
    I never received any email about week number delivery. In fact I never received any email confirming my early bird status I can only see it on my order page in Kemper store. Is there something wrong or I just have to be patient? Thanks for your hard work!

    you are on the early bird list and we've sent you an email. scheduled delivery time for you is Calender Week 17: From April 20th

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Gstring
    I did as you suggested and submitted a ticket to correct the fact that I am part of the early bird program. Haven't heard anything back and what's worse is now my order has disappeared from the online store completely. This is beyond frustrating. I don't know what to do to correct this situation.


  • you are on the early bird list and we've sent you an email. scheduled delivery time for you is Calender Week 17: From April 20th

    Thanks a lot gs!!! :thumbup:

    I never received the email you talked about thought... and I checked in the spam. Anyways I just have to check regularly from mid april on my kemper order page! Thanks!!!

  • Gstring
    I did as you suggested and submitted a ticket to correct the fact that I am part of the early bird program. Haven't heard anything back and what's worse is now my order has disappeared from the online store completely. This is beyond frustrating. I don't know what to do to correct this situation.

    maybe you should check your spam filter, we have send you a reply 20hrs ago. but in your ticket you don't mention anything about "early bird" (ticket #OI00092700). i can see you order in out store just fine.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Here is what I sent you in another ticket that you told me to submit: (ticket AS00092632)

    "GString informed me that I am not an early bird which is
    incorrect. My forum nickname is lespaul59 and my email address that I
    used to apply for the early bird is XXXXXXXXXXX

    Please correct this as soon as possible. I applied for the early bird on December 23rd."

    And I still don't see anything in my spam folder


  • g string, like the new Kemper green birdie,

    Per instructions i tried to repeat order, it gave me a new order (number 20000010 ) but it wan't let me check out with Pay Pal, I just get the message below. What should I do. Thanks Paul
    Kemper Online Store
    Zahlung durchführen
    Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten und die Bestellung konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.
    Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Shopbetreiber

  • Angry early bird. I think its all getting to him. He is about to break.

    This has got to be frustrating for him as well. But he is handling it all with Grace and Dignity

    I agree. Thanks for all the help in this thread so far G String. The KR ordering issues must be giving you nightmares - but we are glad you're here to help clear it up. :thumbup: