Kemper *Power Rack* ....... 600w -> into -> 60w cab ....... HELP !!!!

  • Hey all

    Not too happy :( as my local retailer called me today and said the local supplier is out of black KPA non-power toasters ....... he did however say he could get me a Powered Rack in black ......

    My question is regarding the "Power" Amp part of the Powered Rack.

    My guitar cab is a standard [ mono ] 2 x 12 ~60w 16 ohm cab.

    The Power Rack at 16 ohms is 300w per side stereo ...... ouch!!

    Two vey quick questions:-

    ( 1 ) if I were to run the Power Rack at 16 ohms mono, is the max. mono wattage still 300w -or- 600w ?

    .... but more importantly ....

    ( 2 ) is there a setting in the Power Rack menu's' / software whereby you can pre-set the maximum wattage / volume the Power Rack can go up too ?

    ie: set it to, say, a ceiling of say 30w or 60w or 100w etc....... so when the volume controls are max'ed out the power amp only puts out the pre-set selected "ceieling "

    If I go the powered rack route, I really want to -not- blow up my cab speakers :( :)

    Thanks again,

    Edited 5 times, last by benifin (January 20, 2015 at 11:51 AM).

  • The powered output is actually mono, just so you know.
    As for a volume ceiling, I think something along those lines was requested and seemed to gain some momentum. Let's see if they implement something like that in FW 3.0, especially now so much focus is on DI profiles through real guitar cabs.


  • Too true :)

    Ive had a good think about it and spoke with my local store and have decided that I will wait for a non-powered Toaster and I'll stick with either the Quilter Tone block or the new Ambrosia retro-fit.

    Major bummer as I was expecting to have it today or tomorrow .....:( ....... never mind.


  • solid state watts are not = to tube watts, for example...I think a DC30 could be perceived to be louder than my Kemper Powerhead, no science just my opinion, at the very least they could be perceived to be equal in volume... the DC30 is @ 38 watts (I think) 4 el84's

    you should be fine...what speakers are you using?

    I'm using a 2x12 with a 60 watt Veteran 30 from WGS and a 75 watt Celestion Creamback H75 and it handles the volume well up to pretty punishing volumes, I have not gotten above 8 not the MV... really loud!!

  • solid state watts are not = to tube watts,

    Yes, they are. Watts are watts 8) It's just that tube amps clip/distort more gracefully, and when you run them into that territory they appear to be capable of more power than a SS amp of the same wattage. The signal is compressed and the overall loudness increases. The wattage does not though.

    The Powerhead could slay a 60w cab in seconds if you want to.

  • I say "no science just opinion" and you have to be the db police?

    no working musician would agree with you ... please enlighten me more on how things "appear"

    more importanly what type of speakers is he using?

    Edited 4 times, last by tvegas99 (January 23, 2015 at 3:20 AM).

  • I say "no science just opinion" and you have to be the db police?

    no working musician would agree with you ... please enlighten me more on how things "appear"

    more importanly what type of speakers is he using?

    Police? I was just trying to explain that watts are watts. If you put more watts into a speaker than it is capable of it may blow, regardless of tubes/SS.

    Your 38 watt tube amp can deliver some serious loudness when it is pushed into compression/saturation (peaks are shaved off, dynamics are reduced). It's still just 38 watts though, and your speakers are safe. Not so with a 300 watt SS, unless you pay attention 8)