Setting up Expression Pedal w/Ground Control Pro

  • Hi JerEvil.
    I've sold my GCPro a few days ago (waiting for my new Kemper Remote) but, when I used it, I connected two expression pedals (Ernie Ball VP Junior 25k) to it .
    Everything worked perfectly.
    I can't remember what I did step by step but it was quite easy. You have to setup your GCPro, choosing what MIDI control change you want to assign to pedal1 and pedal2 (ex: CC #1 Wah, CC #4 Pitch, etc.). Then you must be sure that the effect you want (wah, pitch...) is active in the rig you are playing.
    I hope to be of some help.
    Good luck. ;)

  • Hi JerEvil.
    I've sold my GCPro a few days ago (waiting for my new Kemper Remote) but, when I used it, I connected two expression pedals (Ernie Ball VP Junior 25k) to it .
    Everything worked perfectly.
    I can't remember what I did step by step but it was quite easy. You have to setup your GCPro, choosing what MIDI control change you want to assign to pedal1 and pedal2 (ex: CC #1 Wah, CC #4 Pitch, etc.). Then you must be sure that the effect you want (wah, pitch...) is active in the rig you are playing.
    I hope to be of some help.
    Good luck. ;)

    This is how I'd do it as well and I don't own a GCP, but it's the procedure to follow with any midi controller. Assign required CC# to the expression pedal and you should be able to control the effect you want. With more advanced controllers, you can even decide whether the pedal sends 0 at heel and 127 at toe, or vice versa, or even control two different effects at the same time by sending two CCs, which would have to be mapped to different effects.

  • Quote from JerEvil: “Crap at the gig and can't get Kemper and GCP to work. I am selecting a patch, hitting edit for 6 seconds, then data up/down should let me scroll through to assign but it working”

    Dude, that's horrible. Why are you doing this at…

    it was at the house of blues Foundation Room. Thank God I got a clean, rhythm and lead channel to actually transfer to some of the buttons on the controller. No idea how I did it but the heavens must've opened and God winked at me. The sound guys were a hoot. Two of them were guitar players who have never had the chance to check out a Kemper in person. They couldn't believe how well the tones sounded by just fiddling with the volume knob on my guitar.

  • I had the same issues with my gcpro. A factory software reset sorted it out, but i'm grateful i found out BEFORE the gig and had time to program my patches again!

    but now ang again i forget to point the pedal to the correct's per patch and easy to forget. Can't wait to get the kemper remote and forget all about this!

  • Specifically, you'd want Pages 19 & 20 in the GCPro Manual. If you don't have the manual, you can download a copy here:…_pro_manual.pdf

    You could also visit the Voodoo Lab forum at and try searching the Racks, Switching Systems and MIDI section for "Expression Pedal." Tons of threads there on setting up Expression Pedals.

    Probably not pertinent, though, now that Remotes are shipping.

  • i have a GPC but.. never got the expression peddel(s) working on the damm thing .. at some point i bought two male/female jack extension cords and attached the peddels direct to the remote, that worked for me.. another problem I encountered with the GPS (I had it also during a gig ;( ) was changing an copying patch names from one slot on the GPC to an other, the device numbers also been copied so when switching the wrong rig was called during the show :S wtf.. (always test, but some changes to the set list right before starting..pff) So dont forget to change the device number when copying. A other issue..midi cable not properly inserted into the socket.. you think it is in good but nothing.. in out / in out until it works again..

    Ordered the remote so all off that should be solved in the future, i'm in the early bird program but I think the bird is lost somewhere in Germany ... :/ still waiting on it, hopefully sometime in May

    "We don't see things as they are,
    we see things as we are"

  • Hi everyone,

    i use the GCP with the Kemper & the EP1-KP.

    Everything works great except of the toe-switch within the pedal.
    As far as i figured it out, i have to connect "out 2" on the EP1-KP into "pedal 2" of GCP. But when using Channel #1 and trying all the different pedal modes within the wah stomp, nothing happens.
    Next i tried to take the channel where the wah stomp is ... #20 in my case ... but also not working.

    Has anyone found out, how to get the toe-switch working??

  • First enable the pedal switch #2 in the GCP. Go into edit mode, press the "pedal" button, press "select" down and press "yes" button. It should now say P2 is ON.

    Connect a TS (mono) cable from out two on the EP-1 to pedal 2 input on the GCP

    Now you need to decide how you want to turn on the wah. The easiest way is to just turn on an effect slot with the GCP. This will be done per each patch on the GCP, so you can assign it to a few things. But for this example it will turn on Stomp B and that is where you will put your wah effect.
    -Choose the patch you want to edit on the GCP
    - Hold edit button down for a few seconds
    - Press the down select button until you see P2.### CTL###
    This is where you need to set the CTL number to turn on/off the effect slot. Use the yes/No buttons to cycle up and down through the CTL #'s. Set the number to 018.
    Hit edit button and save.
    Now when you hit the button on the EP1 you will see the effect Stomp B turn on/off.

    Remember you have to set it up for each patch you use on the GCP. But the good thing is that you can make it control different slots for different patches.

    I hope this helps.


  • First of all: THX drog for your supply!

    All things you wrote i have already done ... except of using a mono cable instead of a stereo.
    I really thought this would be the final clue ...
    But after changing cables and checking all settings once again, the toe switch is still not working.
    I also checked if the switch itself is ok, by connecting it directly to the kamper footswitch port. all good!

    Is there any system option within the kemper, that should be enabled to get the midi signal information from pedal/GCP right?

  • One thing to check: The Control Number change needs to be transmitted on the same MIDI channel as the PC changes that are received by the KPA.

    But if i use one of the instant access buttons, the switching works. So this should not be the problem, right?

    Just to make it save ... where can i check the midi channels for both changes?

  • For the GCP
    Press both "setup" buttons to go into edit
    Select "Device Name/Channel
    There are eight channels Labelled like this 1. Device /01 (1 is the channel, Device is the name and you can custom name this, 01 is the midi channel)
    Set it to ( 1.Device /01 ) using the cursor button to move to the end and then +/- to set the midi.

    Now make sure the other channels are not transmitting if not used. Use the select down arrows and go through 2-8 and set them to "--" so they do not send unwanted messages.

    The Kemper should be set to midi ch 1 already but you can check. Hold "System" button for a couple of seconds. Use the arrow buttons and go to page 15 on the screen. You will see the midi global setting, this should be on channel 1. If not turn the knob below it to set.

  • Ok, then my setup is fine. I configured several deviced already. All good in Midi settings on GCP.

    I guess somehow the 0/1 signal is not going to Kemper, when hitting the pedal 2 switch.

    If someone has any ideas it would be great!!

  • Ok, I went home and tried this and it does not seem to work. I could have sworn I had done this in the past? You can assign one of the instant switches on the GCP to control the effect slot you want or plug into the back of the kemper pedal slots. It appears that the GCP oddly only accepts expression pedals and you can turn on off CC events with the expression pedal. Though I am sure that does not help you.