Dynamics Question

  • I have really been enjoying the Kemper. The only shortcoming that my MD and I have noticed is it seems to have a narrow range of dynamics. It's almost as if there is some compression going on all the time. No compressor is on btw :). Just the amp profile.

    Feels like when I try to dig into the guitar to get more volume it's just not getting much louder. (I generally set the amp on edge of breakup.) These are with profiles I have made with my own amps. So I am used to how these amps typically respond.

    Any ideas? Is there some setting on the guts somewhere I am missing? Would driving the input to yellow or occasionally red cause this? Or it it just the nature of the beast?

    Thanks for any help!

  • The profiles I have made with my own amps have all the same dynamics, and clean up the same way when I use the guitar volume control.

    I'm sure others will have some suggestions, but here is a start (providing details on the below can help people make suggestions):

    It may be the way you played when you refined your profiles.

    it may be the mic technique used when making the profiles.

    It may be the monitor and/or amplifier you are using to listen to the profiles.

  • I have heard users on here who play very dynamic amps or are a very dynamic player say how well the Kemper does it and they can't tell the difference. Profiling is an art form. I've never done any profiles or plan to do any because I know there are people out there who have the knowledge and ability to do profiles a million times better than me :) so maybe it's the way you profiled your amp?? maybe give it another go and see if you can improve on the dynamics within your profiles. Changing mics / position / how you refine the profile / the way you play when you refine it what our you listening to your profiles through do you have the amp in the same room as your self when you profile and listen back??

  • Hi,

    What are you playing your Kemper through? Is it possible you're getting some compression from the power amp (if you're using one). I used to use Crate PowerBlock through guitar speakers with my KPA. I switched to an Atomic CLR and the dynamics seem much better now.

    Also, the volume level at which you're playing may have some effect on the perceived dynamics. If you play the KPA at a volume lower than you normally play your tube amp it may seem to be less dynamic.


    I have really been enjoying the Kemper. The only shortcoming that my MD and I have noticed is it seems to have a narrow range of dynamics. It's almost as if there is some compression going on all the time. No compressor is on btw :). Just the amp profile.

    Feels like when I try to dig into the guitar to get more volume it's just not getting much louder. (I generally set the amp on edge of breakup.) These are with profiles I have made with my own amps. So I am used to how these amps typically respond.

    Any ideas? Is there some setting on the guts somewhere I am missing? Would driving the input to yellow or occasionally red cause this? Or it it just the nature of the beast?

    Thanks for any help!

  • Yes driving the input yellow/red would cause this, you will effectively apply soft limiting to the signal going in. Change your Input Sens settings!

    If you need things to be louder then do so by turning up the volume at the other end. If you need more gain then turn up the gain on the amp not via input sens/boosting the signal going in to the front end.

  • Hi,

    What are you playing your Kemper through? Is it possible you're getting some compression from the power amp (if you're using one). I used to use Crate PowerBlock through guitar speakers with my KPA. I switched to an Atomic CLR and the dynamics seem much better now.

    Also, the volume level at which you're playing may have some effect on the perceived dynamics. If you play the KPA at a volume lower than you normally play your tube amp it may seem to be less dynamic.


    We are just judging it from FOH. Thanks!

  • Yes driving the input yellow/red would cause this, you will effectively apply soft limiting to the signal going in. Change your Input Sens settings!

    If you need things to be louder then do so by turning up the volume at the other end. If you need more gain then turn up the gain on the amp not via input sens/boosting the signal going in to the front end.

    Yeah, I figured that is at least part of it.

    We are just comparing it to the same amp as we are used to hearing it through the P.A. The real amp has more pick dynamics, which it how I play mostly. Pickup selection, volume knob, and picking for different breakup and volume. I am just trying to determine of the KPA can respond the same way.

    I need to look into how the amp was profiled as well. It may be the technique I used to profile that is contributing to this. But IU also notice it with some excellent profiles I purchased from some forum contributors as well.

    Thanks everyone!

  • Well if the input light is showing clipping then no if's or buts, it's the cause of the problem right there.

    However just in case - don't confuse how the amp sounds in the room with how it sounds through a microphone.

    Record the amp side by side with your profile when you make it, this way you can compare and see if you ened to refine further.

    Remember to disable all effects, including the noise gate on the input (this should be set to zero and the input section locked as otherwise it will turn itself back on when you change rigs).

    Afterwards if you want the profile to have more pick attack literally just raise the pick parameter in the amp block, also consider raising the amp block's compression a small amount, and if you really need things to be much more fluid and articulate then put a green scream stomp before the amp.

    The Kemper is pretty true to the source, but it requires work to get a good profile, you need to know what your amp sounds like recorded and you need to take the time to make the profile right, it's rare in my experience to nail a profile right off the bat. If you need to have an amp in the room then you need to use the latest beta firmware 2.8 and make merged profiles with a DI, then send the signal to a real cab (or poweramp if you have the unpowered version) as well as the amp + cab to your desk.

  • When profiling ensure you hit chords strongly for around 30 seconds so the profiler gets an idea of the dynamic range of the amp.

    after profiling play with power sagging for more dynamics and warmth and less 'stiff' feel. Reduced definition for more vintage feel and increase for more modern feel.

  • Hey Troy,

    I'd check some settings that for some reasons might have... set by themselves :D

    • check the noise gate
    • check the Pick parameter in the Amp section
    • exclude completely the Effects and Stomp sections
    • set the Volume so that the output LED doesn't touch the red, and properly raise the Master volume. How much does the display read?
    • be sure to have properly gain-staged your system. That is, are you supplying the desk a robust enough signal from the Profiler rather than keeping the Kemper's output low and gain more on the desk?
    • how is the Profiler connected to the PA in details?
    • Is the Profiler's channel strip completely clean and with no attenuations\eqs\pads whatsoever?
    • does it sound different in dynamics through headphones?

    Let us know :)

  • Hey Troy,

    I'd check some settings that for some reasons might have... set by themselves :D

    • check the noise gate
    • check the Pick parameter in the Amp section
    • exclude completely the Effects and Stomp sections
    • set the Volume so that the output LED doesn't touch the red, and properly raise the Master volume. How much does the display read?
    • be sure to have properly gain-staged your system. That is, are you supplying the desk a robust enough signal from the Profiler rather than keeping the Kemper's output low and gain more on the desk?
    • how is the Profiler connected to the PA in details?
    • Is the Profiler's channel strip completely clean and with no attenuations\eqs\pads whatsoever?
    • does it sound different in dynamics through headphones?

    Let us know :)

    Perfect. Thanks bro. I will check that this next week and let you know.