Kemper Remote - order thread

  • I will admit that I was all hung up at the beginning and quite frustrated...I really think the key is in the beginning details, That I overlooked in my opinion.
    I think they want us to select prepay (For USA or maybe in all cases)and will send invoicing for payments to us once they are ready to ship. I apologize if I am the one that led the Kemper Clan a stray!!

    This is just my opinion after seeing others along with what I experienced. :)

  • I will admit that I was all hung up at the beginning and quite frustrated...I really think the key is in the beginning details, That I overlooked in my opinion.
    I think they want us to select prepay (For USA or maybe in all cases)and will send invoicing for payments to us once they are ready to ship. I apologize if I am the one that led the Kemper Clan a stray!!

    This is just my opinion after seeing others along with what I experienced. :)

    I accidentally selected credit card as well thinking that was the option I wanted and they wouldn't charge my card until it shipped, I guess I was wrong. The option they want to have us check is "paid in advance". Then they will send us an invoice to pay before they ship it. I have contacted support to see if they will change it. Hopefully everyone else will be able to get the correct method and get theirs ordered without any further issues.

  • I'll go along with that sixtycycle. My order went in on the prepay option and received the confirmation e-mail. Happy days Only thing is, they haven't got or asked for payment details. E-mail said they will invoice when the KPR is ready to ship. Guess I'll just have to figure out what to lay off for the next few weeks. Personally I've always thought food was over-rated :rolleyes:

  • I'll go along with that sixtycycle. My order went in on the prepay option and received the confirmation e-mail. Happy days Only thing is, they haven't got or asked for payment details. E-mail said they will invoice when the KPR is ready to ship. Guess I'll just have to figure out what to lay off for the next few weeks. Personally I've always thought food was over-rated :rolleyes:

    Food is definitely over-rated. Assuming around 8 weeks at $15/day for food, If you live off of nothing but Ramen noodles for the next couple months ($0.25 each x 3 = $42), you should save $2478. You could almost buy aother profiler and a remote for that.

  • Alright, welp, I changed my payment option to "pay in advance" and it went through and I got a confirmation e-mail, so here's to hoping. I read the terms and conditions, I can't say I really understood them as they were in German, :D. (as mentioned previously, I do know a little German.) I left my address in there as the Kemper's site required so it appears jumbled, so we'll see. It's also kind of interesting that when you select "pay in advence" you don't pay right away, but apparently people who select credit card do. This should be an exciting adventure!

  • Being the good boy I am, I followed the directions exactly....street in its own box followed by number in its own box. The delivery person is going to know what to do. I already had to reverse the month and day for my birthday which made me think twice.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Being the good boy I am, I followed the directions exactly....street in its own box followed by number in its own box. The delivery person is going to know what to do. I already had to reverse the month and day for my birthday which made me think twice.

    Pretty much every other country uses the Day/Month/Year format for date except us here ha ha! I realized it was reversed when I tried to select the number 26 for the second slot and couldn't find anything higher than 12. I guess I should have known since Kemper are a German company.

  • With international shipment you have to remember to give the country name according to the country of shipment origin. The rest like street and town you can enter with your national language . That's why some of you are confused with Kanada not Canada:)
    This is first information where to send a package - and the rest is only important to your local country delivery corporation/firm/post.

  • Ordered with pay in advance... Hopefully when it comes to paying PayPal will be OK though because my bank always block international card transactions by default, always happens with thomann. Can't wait to get my hands on this thing!

    In the mail was "wire transfer" not Pay Pal.

  • Just ordered as well.
    I'm in the U.S and the Store page is a definitely a bit confusing right now. Tried several different ways to get it to go through at the $599 with free shipping price but this is what worked for me. Here's what I did in case it helps others. Note: I received the early bird notification email from Kemper earlier today.

    1- Go to: and enter your country/language. Make sure you are in the "US Store (English)" site
    2- Create store account.
    3 - Set my address details as it wanted (its in a weird format right now) ie: Street in first box, House number in small box, zip then town. Formatting of the final address looks screwed up but I think its a safer option to enter it as it asks as I believe this will be fixed.
    4 - Set payment to "Paid in Advance"
    5- Put remote in cart and check out. No payment request is made and copy of receipt is offered for printout This confuses me slightly
    6 - Check your email for confirmation from Kemper.

    (cut form confirmation email below)
    Shipping costs:: 0 USD
    Total net: 599,00 USD
    Selected payment type: Paid in advance
    The goods are delivered directly upon receipt of payment. We will send you a seperate email including a proforma invoice in the next couple of days if the ordered products are available. After the receive of the payment we will send you the ordered goods.

    Hope it helps!

  • I left my address in there as the Kemper's site required so it appears jumbled, so we'll see.

    Being the good boy I am, I followed the directions exactly....street in its own box followed by number in its own box. The delivery person is going to know what to do. I already had to reverse the month and day for my birthday which made me think twice.

    3 - Set my address details as it wanted (its in a weird format right now) ie: Street in first box, House number in small box, zip then town. Formatting of the final address looks screwed

    Guys that "jumbled/weird" address format is just how addresses are written in many non-English speaking countries (including Germany): street name first, then house number, then zip code, then town. I agree that the online store software should adjust it to the chosen locale to avoid confusing American customers, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Even if it ends up on the shipping package that way, I'm sure the US postal service/DHL/... get a lot of addresses written in that order on mail from abroad and they'll know how to handle it.

    Same with your birth date by the way: we write the day of the month first, then the month number (what in English you would call November 3rd is written "3/11" over here).

    It's not that the store website is screwed up, it's just based on a German template and poorly localized for US customers. Something we see all the time in the other direction on American websites by the way. :D I'm sure they'll get the kinks ironed out over the next few days.