Hints and tricks for better Profiles

  • I tried many Microphones and there are three that really suprised me.

    1.A cheap measurement Mic
    I just thought something very linear like a measurement mic could do a really good job, and it did. But the thing was,
    the signal from the preference amp and the profiled one sounded very different because the polar pattern and room and so on
    but when i changed the cab on that profile it worked very well and it sounded better then the profile i did only with the sm57...
    somehow the measurement mic captured more of the gain structure.

    2.The Rode k2
    I only teste that one for clean and medium gain, but i`m really impressed the profiles are very "in your face" and not harsh or something
    i`ll test it for highgain soon...

    3.The Audiotechnica mb2k
    i also have a few sm57 but the mb2k is just awesome try it if you can! (i use it even as a live mic for singing perfect for growls shouts etc. ...)
    it sounds fuller as the sm57 and the highs are more even... a really really good mic imo

    two sm 57 into a Digital mixer very thin corrections minus 3-5db at around 5k (depends)
    the two sm57 absolutely parallel and close to each other, then change the position of one mic until it cancels out the noise in the upper frequencies
    very good for highgain imo ...

    Another tipp ... sometimes i make a second profile with the maximum of gain in my amp because when
    i turn the gain down afterwards in the finished profile it sounds more dynamic and clearer it don`t why exactly but it sounded better
    try it out mabye it`s just a psychological thing ^^

    What are your tipps for better Profiles? Favorite mics or mixtures of mics?

  • @Bommel
    your amp (as most others) exhibits changes in tone when the gain is changed. higher gain almost always means less high end, so if you prefer the sound of a higher gain setting with turned down gain in the Profiler to the profile you did with less gain - then you set your amp a touch too bright and the profile reflects that.
    the Profiler's gain is by design neutral.

  • really? didn`t knew that thanks ... but if turn the gain and the presence for example on the amp down, the profile has sometimes strange highs (mostly when i use the sm57) and the other way of doing it smoothes the highs a bit wich can be boosted without creating an ulgy tone so for me it works just fine for a tight tone ... maybe it`s easier to take a better mic in the first place but i only have a few :D

  • The post by mwagner (link above) is really quite interesting. If it's true what he has found, I wonder why no official documentation of this way of refining is part of what Kemper have published about profiling in their manuals, addendums.

  • AND the kemper doesn`t profile the room so you can try uncommon mic positions without getting a too roomy sound afterwards ... -> just for inspiration ... there`s so much to try with the kemper

  • To me this is the greatest deficiency in the whole Kemper system. There have been some videos of adjusting settings to get sounds by Gundy and others, but it would be extremely helpful to have complete examples of some placements and actual steps of profiling shown (with adjustments of the amp variables...hows and whys). Some have great experience and others (myself included) don't and are therefore going through a learning curve. My hopes are that everyone could provide a great profile as it benefits the community. I have found by profiling many amps that the mic (and its placement) is a huge factor (if not the biggest). I have tried an MXR144, R121, i5, e609, Sm57 and a Fathead with Lundahl transformer. The fathead is producing my favorite result (Dr Z's on RE) with the R121 next. Unfortunately, knowing how to do all of this profiling would have been extremely beneficial from the start as many amps that I profiled I no longer have (Weber 18watt, Orange OR15, Jim Root, AD30, Dual Terror, Route 66, EVH 5150 III......I still have my Maz 38 and Ceriatone OTS). I had contacted someone, with much more experience profiling, about listening to a few profiles and giving some feedback, but he never got back to me after saying he would. That knowledge passed on throughout this community would provide a much better grade of profiles in my opinion. There are many subjective areas that would still exist, but this in my opinion would be a huge jump in producing quality profiles.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup: