Firmware updating best practice procedure?

  • What is the Firmware updating "best practice" procedure? will my customized rig settings remain intact?
    And why is it NOT included in the readme of the firmware? why is there no reference to backing up data in the readme?

    The Kemper does not seem to indicate that it is formatting my USB stick ?

    Working on critical items like these should not be so blind of information and clear documentation.
    Someone please send me some confidence.
    Thanks All.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • From the "The Basics & Profiling Guide " Manual:

    Updating the operating system
    Please perform the following simple steps to update your PROFILER to a newer operating system:
    You will need to use an empty USB stick in order to transfer the files from your Mac or PC to the PROFILER for the first time. When you connect a USB stick for the first time, the PROFILER will format it to ensure maximum reliability.
    The next step is to download the latest operating system. Updates are free of charge and can be downloaded from the following URL:
    Expand the downloaded .zip archive and search for the update file called “kaos.bin” inside. Copy the file into the root directory on the pre-formatted USB stick using your Mac or PC. The root directory is the first, or top-most, directory in the hierarchy. Next, unmount the USB stick from your computer and plug it into the PROFILER. Follow the on screen instructions which will appear after a couple of seconds.
    Usually, you can update to the latest firmware in one step. However if the firmware currently installed on your PROFILER should happen to be older than 1.8.2 Release, you need to take an interim step, and upgrade to that firmware version first. Leaving this step out might lead to an error. For this reason, current upgrade packages include a copy of firmware 1.8.2 for your convenience. In any case, please consult the ReadMe document for additional information and hints.
    Creating and restoring backups
    We recommend that you backup your rigs and performances on a regular basis. To do so, please plug the prepared USB stick into your PROFILER, switch to Browse mode, hit soft button “External Storage” and you’ll be presented with the following options:
    ♦ Backup
    Use this option to backup your PROFILER. The backup will contain all user rigs, performances and local presets. If an older backup is already present, it will not be deleted but renamed automatically. To backup, select the soft button “Backup” and wait until you”re notified that the backup has been completed. This procedure can take several minutes. Never remove the USB stick until you”re prompted to do so. All successful backups can be found inside a folder called “Backups” on your USB stick.

  • Exactly this ^^ if you follow this then you shouldnt have any issues :)

  • Thanks for the quoted info,
    I was very curious as to why on earth this is NOT included inside of the readme file included with the software update.
    In my opinion all information needs to remain in ONE searchable document.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I think everyone missed the point I was making.
    The readme doc included with software upgrades from most companies would include the instructions for the software install. I do not see any reason for omission of the info by Kemper. The Profiler is amazing and deserves good support documents. I dislike the two manuals and prefer just one. The Unit is stunning, the documents need refinement.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I think the point may have been missed as the process of properly backing up the unit and the best practices of updating are not clear in these documents. Explanations about what is in danger of deletion are not included.
    My last update altered my output settings and it should not have...

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • My last update altered my output settings and it should not have...

    Usually, updates don't alter anything. Sometimes, there are exceptions though: if you update from a version below build 7260 (I think that was 1.6.1?), the output settings are being initialized once to fix a side effect from a bug in an earlier version. Apart from that, no changes are being done.

  • I can't get it to recognize the USB.

    Sometimes the KPA does not recognize the stick. Sometimes it helps to format it in sth strange, just take FAT or NTFS,
    then the KPA is AFAIK forced to re-format the stick. then this should work.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • I've tried a couple different USB sticks (Sandisk Cruzer 4GB and Kingston 2GB) and my Kemper won't recognize either of them. Formatted them on my Mac, tried to have the Kemper format...but it doesn't recognize any of them.

    I updated months ago with the same sticks to 3.02 and want to upgrade to 3.2. I've heard some people power on/off 5-10 times before it works...I'm on 7+ right now and nothing.

  • You mention copy kaos bin file into into root directory.
    However the paste option is not even on offer if trying to paste into the root directory.
    It needs to be copied into the 'OS update' folder.
    Anyway I'm glad I just did the upgrade as my Mac hasn't been syncing with my Kemper since I upgraded to from MC OS Yosemite to Sierra.
    But with Kemper firmware upgrade it does.

  • What worked for me is

    1) put the USB drive in the Kemper

    2) format it FROM THE KEMPER

    3) move USB drive back to the PC/Mac and copy the kaos.bin to the "OS Update" folder

    4) eject from PC/Mac then put back in KEMPER

    Seems the Kemper is picky about specific format details.