SOLD My Kemper PowerHead

  • What's even more interesting is the OP's handle, pic, and occupation under their profile - Gambler? - I guess you don't need good tone hearing to gamble - just another bridge dweller for sure. As has already been stated best not to waste time or forum space with this nonsense!

    Edited once, last by mwinter77 (December 25, 2014 at 7:20 AM).

  • What's even more interesting is the OP's handle, pic, and occupation under their profile - Gambler? - I guess you don't need good tone hearing to gamble - just another bridge dweller for sure. As has already been stated best not to waste time or forum space with this nonsense!

    LOL. And what do YOU do for a living pal? Do you pull down $350k a month doing what YOU love? I roll out of bed at noon, 'work' 3 hours max and the rest of my day is free time. But I guess you're the clever one here huh? My 162 IQ just doesn't quite measure up to yours. I bet you have a really bitchin' cubicle too.

    Expensive hardware is not the future. Inexpensive software is.

  • There really isn't any worthwhile response to this. For 99.9% of the Kemper users out there this would not even serve as a satisfactory solution for a simple practice session let alone a real gig or recording situation

    I would love to see the reaction if you showed up at any real gig with people paying for tickets and pulled out your iPad and told the FOH engineer OK here we go this is my stage setup.

    Where was the last place that YOU played live? How much were the tickets? How many people were in the audience?

  • elvis

    So what exactly is your point?

    You come on the Kemper forum, call the Kemper a dinosaur, tell us Jam Up on an I-Phone is the future, tell us you earn $350K a month and have an IQ of 162...

    If you have an IQ of 162 what made you think coming on the Kemper forum and insulting the Kemper was a good idea?

    How about you post a clip for us of the Jam Up into your I-Phone or I-Mac?...make us believers.

  • elvis

    So what exactly is your point?

    You come on the Kemper forum, call the Kemper a dinosaur, tell us Jam Up on an I-Phone is the future, tell us you earn $350K a month and have an IQ of 162...

    If you have an IQ of 162 what made you think coming on the Kemper forum and insulting the Kemper was a good idea?

    How about you post a clip for us of the Jam Up into your I-Phone or I-Mac?...make us believers.

    I'm not interested in "making you believers". And I'm not interested in what you think is a good idea. I simply stated what I did, sold the Kemper and went with JamUp. It works well for me.

    Then I was attacked. Wasn't I. If you don't believe that then go back and read the posts.

    And I've never had the occasion to mention my income or my IQ until some a-hole in here decided to mock my profile.

    You believe the Kemper is the future. Great. I believe differently and I stated as much. And that was exactly where I was happy to leave it until the personal attacks began.

    And from the attitudes of some of you, looks like I won't be missing much dropping out of this forum.

    Enjoy playing with your expensive dinosaur.

  • Actually, elvisscottyandbill, you started a flame war with the dinosaur reference in the first place. No one really cares if you switched to an ipad app and a lot of the users were very positive about the fact that if it works for you, well and good.

    But don't expect everyone to agree with you. It's unreasonable. And with a first post like that, don't expect to have a lot of fans on a Kemper forum ^^

  • The only way to stop insulting each other is to stop insulting each other.
    It doesn't matter who was first and who said what, that way you cannot end it ;) Non of you btw.

    Having said that, i think the reason why this thing started is that you Elvis called the Kemper a dinosaur
    which is a non fitting metaphor i.m.o. since a dinosaur is something huge, very old, extinct... I don't see the Kemper anywhere in there ;)

    But since you're so happy with your new program, why don't you open up a thread in "other gear" and show us your sound. Which would have
    been the better way to tell us what you think to begin with.

  • I don't see it as trolling or anything. The OP has a sincere opinion that these units are on the way out. A treaty on exactly why would be a little more scholarly. But it's a point that should not be ridiculed, but debated with experience and intelligence.

    Here is why I do not think the Kemper is or will be a Dinosaur: No matter how you parse it, the NEEDS of the hardware still exist even with a PC. And most PC's are NOT built with Pro Music needs in mind.

    You'd have to cobble together converters, extra RAM, deal with latency more because the PC's CPU will not be dedicated to making music but many Service threads that are orthogonal to your playing/recording needs. IOW, a PC is not optimized for music playing. And a PC that will be optimized will cost so much more than stock that together with the software of the Kemper, it may easily out-cost it.

    As a dedicated unit with low latency and all pro music-oriented gear, you are hard pressed to find alternative solutions in a PC-only environment. You can't just buy a PC and play music. You need a good audio interface, it has to work seamlessly with external controllers and the PC to offer real time playing, etc. A tall order for today's cheap PC suppliers. Since it's a small market, Kemper already provides for it with an all-in-one dedicated solutions that maximizes needs and minimizes problems (like incompatibility, latency, ease of transport, etc)

  • The OP stated they're not interested in educating others nor in what others think. The options left are pretty much ergo trolling, sorry. They claim to be highly intelligent yet were caught off guard by the predictable (and to be honest quite gentle for the Internet) responses.

    It's possible that the OP doesn't understand what the purpose of the Kemper is, has too much money on their hands and just bought what was recommended to them rather than what they needed. If you have not worked with real amps then the Kemper won't add much value over a basic iPad amp sim beyond lower latency, after all the guitar still sounds cool right? I just think the OP doesn't have very educated ears or hands, they don't need good touch response, or care whether it really sounds like a real amp. They can live with the latency and they're getting a sound that they're happy with for only a couple of times the price of the Kemper for the combined cost of the phone, iPad, Mac, jam up and amp sim software.

  • Unless folks here want to encourage this dudes behavior by giving him the attention he craves , its best to stop responding and lock the thread. Otherwise you do exactly what he wants you to do, which is to pay him lots of attention.

    And in that spirit I will take my own advice.

    I am out of here :)

    See ya pelvissnottyanddull!

  • You seam pretty excited to get your money back on the Kemper and saving so much by only spending $130 on your new rig. But I understand money is tight at a measly $350 g a month. Maybe you need to fill the rest of your time with a second job so you can afford to re-aquire your Kemper since you have so much time off. Would like to see the rest of your rig though.

  • Um, I think I will continue to value the opinion of a legendary producer/engineer like Michael Wagener, with a long list of hit albums under his belt, over some guy who shows up to an internet forum, claims he makes $350k/month gambling, yet considers the KPA "expensive"; claims he has a 162 IQ and claims his phone app makes the KPA a dinosaur.

    If the app really sounds as good or better than the KPA, let's hear it!
    If the OP can't/won't back up his outlandish claim with tracks from his app, then his post can safely be considered just the ramblings
    of an internet troll looking for attention.
    It's easy to make outlandish claims if we don't have to back them up. I can time travel and bench press 2,400 lbs. I don't have to prove it to you because I just said I can so it's true....right? :)

    I have two dinosaurs which will not be going extinct in my studio anytime soon.

    Thanks Kemper for a killer product at a fair price.


  • It's not G's, it's dollars. I get the picture,

    Lives off mommy and daddy, gets up at noon, works 3 hours a day washing dishes some restaurant and makes $350.00 a month makes more sense !

    Someone who pulls in 350 G's a month, I know a few, doesn''t care about 20 gran, let alone the price of a Kemper ! which no app can sound or feel remotely close to it..

    Couldn't resist lol