Setting up the kemper properly...

  • Hey guys,

    I'm pretty sure that my problem is a really dumbass one, but I really couldn't find an exact answer somewhere :)

    I'm not really sure how to connect my kemper in my studio and also in the future in live situations.
    Until now I also didn't have much time to experiment with that a bit, so I hope that you guys have a clue :)

    In my studio I just go outside the Kemper via the Main Out Left and straight into the interface via XLR cable.
    The Output Setting for Main Output is set to "Master Mono".

    So far so good... I'm monitoring everything through the interface with my studio speakers or the headphone output of my interface with an AKG K271-MKII Headphones, if I want to take a closer look at what I'm doing :)

    In my opinion the Kemper always sounded a bit lifeless, flat and thin that way but still way better that everything I've tried before....
    A few days ago I plugged my headphones directly into the headphones out of the kemper and was blown away. Suddenly everything was more dynamic and right in the face.

    I'm pretty sure that the actual problem is sitting in front of the kemper with just no clue how to set things up properly, so my good hopes are on you :) Is it the interface? Is it the cable? Or is it just me? ;)

    Today I was thinking about if wiring up the kemper via spdif could solve this problem. Perhaps you guys know what my mistake is :)

  • Welcome! ;)
    Generally your routing is fine.
    Make sure you're not clipping your interface.
    What interface is it BTW!?
    A few days ago another user reported somewthing similar monitoring through an Eleven rack.
    I'd try to connect your monitor speakers directly to the profiler for once to see if it makes a difference (I bet it will).

    Going SPDIF to your interface is generally a good idea for recording and opens up other monitoring possibilities as well.

  • Yes. IMO it's a setting on your interface, either in the input channel(s) or in the output.
    Use a line level input\setting, as if the Profiler was a keyboard or a CD player.
    Don't have the output LED go red on the Kemper.

    Let us know :)

  • Thank you very much guys!
    I'll try that out and let you know :)

    BTW, the interface I was using is the Presonus FP10. Kemper is connected via XLR to Channel 7, which should be a line level input I think :-/

  • Welcome! ;)
    Generally your routing is fine.
    Make sure you're not clipping your interface.
    What interface is it BTW!?
    A few days ago another user reported somewthing similar monitoring through an Eleven rack.
    I'd try to connect your monitor speakers directly to the profiler for once to see if it makes a difference (I bet it will).

    Going SPDIF to your interface is generally a good idea for recording and opens up other monitoring possibilities as well.

    Ingolf, how do I make sure I am not clipping not just the interface , but I often see that the output and sometimes the input light is going into red, is that because there's too much gain or something ? thanks so much as always Ingolf. Ed

  • Ingolf, how do I make sure I am not clipping not just the interface , but I often see that the output and sometimes the input light is going into red, is that because there's too much gain or something ? thanks so much as always Ingolf. Ed

    When the Kemper Output LED gets red lower the rig volume.