Kemper + Axe FX II : How to use them together putting the Kemper inside the Axe FX II LOOP

  • I explained this before in my older post ( Axe FX II + Kemper together (Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP), the ULTIMATE TONE RIG!!!!!! ), but I've been asked to do it in a specific post so people can reach and look for it easily in the forum.Here it goes:

    OK, after a lot of hard tweaking and testing, I finally solved it!!!! There was a problem with the volumes/ signal outputs / inputs of each unit, producing lack of dynamics/clipping/difference in sound.But I finally got it!!!!.Now the Kemper sounds and feel EXACTLY the same as it always have when connected alone as a single unit.....but now hooked inside the Axe Fx II FXLOOP. are the ultimate settings for hooking the Kemper inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP and having the Kemper signal just as it goes out of the Kemper, no coloration, no lose of dynamics, no clipping, EXACTLY the same signal you'd get from the Kemper without going thru the Axe, so you can have the Kemper as a FXLOOP in the Axe and do whatever you want with it, enjoy both units tones and even mis them.

    I call this "SteelEdge's Tone Collusion" !!!!! XDDD

    1 - Guitar into the Axe FX II front INSTRUMENT INPUT

    2 - Axe FX II Output 2 (L unbalanced) into the the Kemper Alternative Input ---> (That takes the MONO signal of the guitar to the Kemper for processing)

    3 - Kemper Main Outputs (L and R unbalanced) into the Axe2 FX Return (Input 2)----> Kemper signal procesed back to the Axe FX II in STEREO, so you can use some of the Stereo posibilities of the Kemper.

    4 - Axe FX II Output 1 (L and R Balanced or TRS Unbalanced, your choice) into the M-Audio Card or the Poweramp Stereo Inputs.

    Kemper Settings:

    INPUT--> Alternative Input.
    OUTPUT MAIN Volume : -17
    SPDIF Volume: -6 (this matches the spdif volume to the output volume of the Axe, so you can compare both signals are exactly the same)

    Axe Settings:

    - OUTPUT 1 Knob: 9 o'clock (this matches the Axe preset average volume output to the Kemper profiles average volume output, so no significant volume changes when going from an Axe FX preset to the FXLOOP with the Kemper profile)

    - OUTPUT 2 : Maximum, 5 o'clock (this makes the guitar signal coming from the Axe match the guitar signal that you'd obtain connecting the same guitar to the Kemper Input)

    I/O Settings Axe FX II in the Audio Menu:

    INPUT 1 : Indiferent
    INPUT 2 : 2,4%

    Main Input Source- Analog (In 1)
    Input 1 Left Select- FRONT
    Input 1 Mode- LEFT
    Input 2 Mode- STEREO
    Output 1 Mode- STEREO
    Output 2 Mode- L+R SUM

    And...the secret ingredient: You have to set the Level in the Axe FX LOOP FX block to 20.Save that as a block preset (I name it Kemper) and you just recall that block everytime you want to put the Kemper as the amp in the Axe layout.

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • Ok I'll answer my own question in case anyone looks this thread up in the future :) The Alt Input I found to be noisier than the front input so I back feed a right angle cable through a hole I drilled in a blank to get to my front input. My Sennheiser rack kit has blanks on both sides but I think any 1 space blank will make this possible.

  • Very nice indeed, I've saved it in case I end up going with the Axe as my backup unit. I'm using a GSP1101 now, very transparent but I didn't like the Kemper in the loop, the sound seemed to lose some life. Maybe it was all in my head who knows.

  • Very nice indeed, I've saved it in case I end up going with the Axe as my backup unit. I'm using a GSP1101 now, very transparent but I didn't like the Kemper in the loop, the sound seemed to lose some life. Maybe it was all in my head who knows.

    Happened the same to me the first time I connected the Kemper into the Axe Fx LOoP, but if you follow my indications, the Kemper will sound exactly the same as if you go direct.

    And I use the alt input because is more comfortable and never found it noisier...., and also I can use the front input if I want to go direct, wich desactivates the Alt input.

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.