• I just bought the Marshall Mini-Pack and tried every profile. All sensational! This is a great profile for classic rock....I could use only this amp for a gig. The crunchier profiles are full bodied, warm, and taste great! :thumbup:

    I used an HSS Strat with a bridge Duncan JB and Alnico II Pro's for neck and middle. I'm sure it would be even better with a Les Paul. Lot's of gain possible with the single coils though.

    I also love the added effects that are programmed and ready to go....especially the compressor and extra dirt when needed. Many times, I'll save these as effect presets.

    A gig is coming up Halloween night so this will be the featured profile that night. Thank you again, Michael, for another exceptional offering!

    BTW, I see Lonestar is playing the Jacksonville Fair on Nov. 10. I'm going to try and be there. I bought the self-titled, 1st album 20 something years ago. I still love the No News video! Can't wait!

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Mr. Britt! I have a question. First off, I ended up getting both packs (pack 1 and modern) and I"m amazed; simply amazing! In my deliberation before buying both (now I have all your packs) I literally was walking out of the room shaking my fist, in a cartoony voice: " Blast you Britt, Blast you!!! (or something to that effect"---- for making such good profiles I have to get them all!! Curses! LOL

    Anyway, as I'm making my way through pack one I noted that your 62 Bandmaster ROTO profile has the amp listed as the 3rd Pwr Dream Weaver, when in fact it looks like it's the Fender Bandmaster 62. Just wanted to check in on this before I relabel it. Thanks again, I was right about the cleans in this pack they are outstanding and right now I'm on a blues and jazz swing with my new PRS so I couldn't resist.

    Simply the best profiles!

  • Mr. Britt! I have a question. First off, I ended up getting both packs (pack 1 and modern) and I"m amazed; simply amazing! In my deliberation before buying both (now I have all your packs) I literally was walking out of the room shaking my fist, in a cartoony voice: " Blast you Britt, Blast you!!! (or something to that effect"---- for making such good profiles I have to get them all!! Curses! LOL

    Anyway, as I'm making my way through pack one I noted that your 62 Bandmaster ROTO profile has the amp listed as the 3rd Pwr Dream Weaver, when in fact it looks like it's the Fender Bandmaster 62. Just wanted to check in on this before I relabel it. Thanks again, I was right about the cleans in this pack they are outstanding and right now I'm on a blues and jazz swing with my new PRS so I couldn't resist.

    Simply the best profiles!

    That is indeed the 62 Fender Bandmaster. I made those in the dark ages before Rig Manager, so it was extremely tedious to enter all the tags correctly on the unit and you can't see them all in one place. In the Kemper manual it suggests starting with a profile similar to the amp you're going to profile, so I would do that. The problem was that all of the tags transfer to the new profiles. As I was compiling my first set of profiles for Pack 1 I must've missed the tags on those and probably a few others. I'm very glad the profiles are working for you and thanks for getting my packs! I like hearing that they are working for people! Thanks!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Just a head's up for anyone interested… I'm gonna try to do another Periscope broadcast around 2:30p today. It may be a little later depending on a few factors. Lonestar is playing in Nashville and I wanted to shoot a little of our sound check as well as do a run through of my gear. It won't be as extensive or informative but hopefully will still be interesting and hopefully the audio will translate ok. Thanks!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Just a head's up for anyone interested… I'm gonna try to do another Periscope broadcast around 2:30p today. It may be a little later depending on a few factors. Lonestar is playing in Nashville and I wanted to shoot a little of our sound check as well as do a run through of my gear. It won't be as extensive or informative but hopefully will still be interesting and hopefully the audio will translate ok. Thanks!

    I missed this but I hope you did it! Looking forward to checking it out! Thanks

  • Off topic, but I've always wanted an Anderson guitar. Which one would you suggest.

    I'll answer this one...all of them!!

    I love Anderson guitars. I have been playing them for 6 years and they are my favorite by far. I currently have 5 custom made Andersons and a 6th on the way (Anderson Classic delivering in December). Love them as I get exactly what I want when I spec them. Amazing nexk and fret work. Just a joy to play. Obligatory picture of my TAGs:

    [Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/gibson5413/IMG_1502_zpse8f8d9d0.jpg]

    [Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/gibson5413/DSC_4754_zps12fe68ed.jpg]

    [Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/gibson5413/DSC_4749_zps574863fb.jpg]

    [Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/gibson5413/DSC_4745_zps4829030a.jpg]

    [Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/gibson5413/DSC_4740_zps03d0d8dd.jpg]

  • TAGs are great if you live stateside, even more so if you buy used.

    Otherwise, you need some seriously deep pockets which I don't have by a long shot. I'd love a nice stable of TAGs but it doesn't seem it's gonna happen.

    Too bad they discontinued the Bulldog, I really liked that one.

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

    Edited once, last by MuddyFox (October 30, 2015 at 5:36 PM).

  • I love all my Andersons. I'm partial to the Cobra model because it's Gibson scale and I just like that wood combination, but without the weight and girth of a Les Paul, although I like my Les Pauls too. The TD3 pickup in my Hollow T (on left) is just fabulous and that guitar is my reference guitar when profiling. The rest of these have Duncan Antiquities. The two on the left are hollow (chambered) guitars. I just tried the mini humbuckers for the first time today and they sounded great at soundcheck. I've had a few other Andersons over the years that I didn't bond with as well, but those were usually the drop top strat types. I don't know why those didn't fit what I liked. I also have the Anderson Crowdster acoustic.http://s28.photobucket.com/user/lonegtr/m…oajwwu.jpg.html

    [Blocked Image: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/AF85749A-039B-4855-B83A-745642EF5FB9_zpse4oajwwu.jpg]

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • +1 happy customer for the Tweedy Pack (alongside with the 69 Marshall Pack) :thumbup:

    Sound Engineer, Musician, Animal Rights Activist.

    Fender '89 Clapton Strat, EMG DG20, KPA, Martin, SSL, Neve, Manley, Tube-Tech, Millennia, API, Lynx, RME, Avid, Apple, Adam...

  • I really enjoyed the soundcheck video. Whats the best Lonestar album to get that will have most or all of those songs on it?

    Thanks! We have a Greatest Hits cd that has most of them. One of those songs was from our latest cd Life As We Know It. We're currently working on a new cd that should be out next year and I'm playing the Kemper exclusively on it and I think it's some of the best guitar sounds I've ever recorded.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar