• Very interesting video indeed, thx for sharing. Easy to access on youtube here, both of 'em. Is it possible for you Michael to give the sony HDR-MV1 a try?
    i think it is a quantum leap when it comes to cheap affordable cameras! the resolution and sound are amazing –– at least for this price.

    Something else. I have bought and downloaded approx. 175 profiles of Friedman Amps. And while the BE is quite good, i have reduced the number of profiles
    in my actual KPA –– also thanks to the RM –– to 7. And of those the DirtyLaverne –– which can be overlooked quite easily –– is amomg the best of the best.
    there is another profile –– by andi in this case –– which is also very good IMHO, but a little brighter. Those two have made my week.

    So, if you are looking for a good Friedman profile, do not overlook the dirty one, in my humble opinion extremely versatile and superb sounding.

    Totally agree here. The Dirty Laverne is my favorite live set of profiles. I used them exclusively for my live gigs all summer. Just awesome!

  • I believe they are referring to the Dirty Laverne (tv show Laverne & Shirley reference) and the Sure Sonic (Sonic the hedgehog, Sure=Suhr) from the Modern Pack. Unfortunately, I will be once again making things harder to understand soon in an effort to avoid the ire of amp manufacturers and to be legally respectful. There is a small "key" link at the bottom of my site that will make these understandable for those interested, but you can always ask for clarification here.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I love MBritt's Profiles! So good! My guitar is a Anderson Bulldog with H2+ in the bridge, Kemper Profiler, and Adam A7X monitors.

    I ordered Profile Pack 3 back around March, Driftwood Mini Pack last night, and now I am going to go fetch the Modern Pack 1 to have a go at this Dirty Laverne you guys are talking about.

  • Just picked up the 69 Marshall mini pack. Got stuck on the 1st profile for over 30 minutes it was so good. I've got a lot of Marshall profiles (free and commercial), but none even close to these. Even better then earlier MBritt Marshall profiles. :D If you haven't tried these, you are really missing out. Now...back to playing so I can finish auditioning these.

  • At the risk of sounding like a broken record ....... and I want to say upfront I have no association directly or indirectly with Michael in any way, shape or form .....

    I have all (6) of Michaels main packs ..... I don't have any of the "mini" packs [ yet :) ]

    I use my KPA only for live [loud] work - classic rock / classic [harder] rock / classic standards etc...... you know ...... the " good stuff " :)

    They are real ...... they sound and respond and feel exactly like I have a perfectly set up amp behind me and growling at me .... they are ragged around the edges and have the instant attack just like a great Tube amp sounds ........there is just no other way to describe it.

    I use my KPA with an Active CLR on a pole with the CLR behind me set to head height on stage ... it sits around 8 - 10 feet behind me.

    Put simply, they are just mic'd, eq'd and profiled perfect - not to mention he has a great ear for guitar tones

    ......... Dirty Laverne + /13 EL84 + Marshal SL4 .....plus a Tele or a good P90 guitar ......... and there is literally no song [ short of almost-metal ] that you wont be able to play.

    In fact, as I wrote several months ago ...... you can effortlessly gig with just the Dirty Laverne profiles .... roll back you guitar for any cleans or semi-cleans you need .... and whack in a very-mild-gain-boost and volume boost for solo's ...... done

    If one day .... sooner or later ...... I hear what to me are better profiles .... even if they are 10x the price I will buy them immediately .... and no I'm not kidding ....... and I will then delete his rigs from my KPA ....... but I'm not holding my breath :) :) :)


    Edited 4 times, last by benifin (October 17, 2015 at 3:07 AM).

  • I think I might sound like an advertisement, sorry about that- but these profiles are fantastically wonderful! I just purchased the Vintage Pack. I'm probably eventually going to buy them all. They are THAT good! Thank you M. Britt for making them.

  • I woke up way too early this morning and decided to put it some good use. After seeing Bryan Adams live last month, I wanted to learn the solo to "cuts like a knife". Cool solo and gave me a good reason to play my new strat. Anyway, I dialed up the Britt 69' Marshall G6 profile. Added a boost at the front end. Its called "confidence boost" on the kemper and used the delay that Michael has with the profile. To me it sounds pretty close to the recorded tone.
    Please excuse the tomatoes at the end of the solo.

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    Edited once, last by wedewer (October 18, 2015 at 12:45 AM).

  • I woke up way too early this morning and decided to put it some good use. After seeing Bryan Adams live last month, I wanted to learn the solo to "cuts like a knife". Cool solo and gave me a good reason to play my new strat. Anyway, I dialed up the Britt 69' Marshall G6 profile. Added a boost at the front end. Its called "confidence boost" on the kemper and used the delay that Michael has with the profile. To me it sounds pretty close to the recorded tone.
    Please excuse the tomatoes at the end of the solo.

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    Well done, mate. I am really enjoying those Marshall profiles as well.

    The Dirty Laverne profiles are getting a lot of love for good reason. Agree they are some of the most versatile and easy to play profiles on my KPA right now.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I woke up way too early this morning and decided to put it some good use. After seeing Bryan Adams live last month, I wanted to learn the solo to "cuts like a knife". Cool solo and gave me a good reason to play my new strat. Anyway, I dialed up the Britt 69' Marshall G6 profile. Added a boost at the front end. Its called "confidence boost" on the kemper and used the delay that Michael has with the profile. To me it sounds pretty close to the recorded tone.
    Please excuse the tomatoes at the end of the solo.

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    WHERE is the "confidence boost" setting? I don't seem to have it. Oh, I may have deleted that, I think that was just a Pure boost preset named so correct?

    Edited 2 times, last by oozish (October 18, 2015 at 4:07 PM).