• Michael,thanks for taking the time out of your busy life as a wonderful guitarist,to share all these wonderful amps
    Went to see Toto a few weeks ago,with a good friend of mine,who is a massive toto,and steve lukather fan..Also a musicman fan,as i am
    What a concert!...Luke's playing is just phenomenal,as were all the band

    Anyway,i downloaded one of your packs,with exact same Bognor,as Luke,and i was smiling the whole night,knowing how it should sound,and knowing the next day,and forever,i can switch my kemper on,and be in Bognor heaven
    Its little things like this,knowing you are playing the same model amp as Luke,that constantly inspires me to play

    I have two of your packs now,and i will be buying more..Your efforts are much appreciated,and you have captured each amp perfectly

  • Also a musicman fan,as i am
    What a concert!...Luke's playing is just phenomenal,as were all the band

    Anyway,i downloaded one of your packs,with exact same Bognor,as Luke,and i was smiling the whole night,knowing how it should sound,and knowing the next day,and forever,i can switch my kemper on,and be in Bognor heaven
    Its little things like this,knowing you are playing the same model amp as Luke,that constantly inspires me to play

    The only thing I can say is +1000000!! :D

  • I bought two of these packs. They are AWESOME!!! The website is also very well done. I love the fact I can listen to the rigs before I buy. I was trying to profile my own amps with some success, but it was taking me hours. I think these rigs are all I need. Thanks Michael!

  • I know Mike uses a cab and I use a Atomic CLR passive cab with my power rack and I love his profiles(pack 1) but with the 3.0.2 release I wanted to try a guitar cab so I bought a 2x12 Avatar with 65 watt Scumback M75 speakers and I can only say these profiles sound 10 times better with this cab. Thanks Mike.
    Will buy the remaining packs soon

  • We just finished a show in Arkansas and it's been a couple weeks but I'm always so pleasantly surprised how good my guitar sounds with my kemper after a little time off. It's such a relief not to have to worry about my tone. I scroll through the show's presets and just kinda grin onstage as each tone comes out.
    Thanks to Christoph and the guys for getting my consistent tone onstage.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • We just finished a show in Arkansas and it's been a couple weeks but I'm always so pleasantly surprised how good my guitar sounds with my kemper after a little time off. It's such a relief not to have to worry about my tone. I scroll through the show's presets and just kinda grin onstage as each tone comes out.
    Thanks to Christoph and the guys for getting my consistent tone onstage.

    Same here.
    Played a show last night and the sound guy couldn't believe how good the Kemper sounded. He asked me all about it and was just raving about the live sound I had.
    Just used it today to reamp some DI bass tracks for a friend's album. Worked like a charm.
    I love this thing

  • As soon as the Aussie dollar ceases to suck, I'll be buying all of these!!

    Tried the SA Rand yet ....... BIG :(

    Growing up in Pietermaritzburg the Rand was always a little weak, usually around 70 cents US, but that was 'til 1980. Things have changed an awful lot since then, eh?

    Michael,thanks for taking the time out of your busy life as a wonderful guitarist,to share all these wonderful amps
    Went to see Toto a few weeks ago,with a good friend of mine,who is a massive toto,and steve lukather fan..Also a musicman fan,as i am
    What a concert!...Luke's playing is just phenomenal,as were all the band

    Anyway,i downloaded one of your packs,with exact same Bognor,as Luke,and i was smiling the whole night,knowing how it should sound,and knowing the next day,and forever,i can switch my kemper on,and be in Bognor heaven
    Its little things like this,knowing you are playing the same model amp as Luke,that constantly inspires me to play

    I have two of your packs now,and i will be buying more..Your efforts are much appreciated,and you have captured each amp perfectly

    MM only for bass recording here, and the only reason I've not got a Luke is 'cause I thought the L6 guitars could be used to cover all the esoteric stuff and save a whole lotta purchases. I'm talkin' dobro, jazz semi, sitar and even acoustic, so I had to get that stuff out of the way. Oh, and I had to go through 6 guitars (at least 5 years) because of QC issues!

    So, I continue to save slowly for the first Luke. Only question is, the actives or the dimarz passives. Probably doesn't matter as I'll end up with both eventually. Been my fave rock / pop guitarist since, what, 1977? Since his Boz Scaggs work on Down Two then Left, anyway - just before TOTO.

  • Ok, I know you all have been eagerly anticipating my review lol
    After gigging the past 3 weekends, I have now used the Kemper live 5 times, the last 4 using exclusively the MBritt profiles. I play classic/80s rock. The 79 Marshall is my main go to profile for higher gain stuff. The Brit JTM 45 for lower gain Les Paul stuff. The Diezel VH for Les Paul clean (who would have thought?) and assorted Fenders/matchless for strat clean/low gain stuff. The Jack Lightening makes for a terrific Van Halen patch.
    All I can say is "Wow!" These sound great in the IEMs. I had a chance to go out front and they sound equally killer through front of house. (I already knew they sounded great through my Yamaha DSR112 at home.)
    Before I switched to Mike's profiles, I walked out front after sound check and was pretty disappointed at the shrill highs coming from the KPA. That problem is gone. These profiles are eq'd perfectly. A guitar player buddy of mine said, "your tone is every bit as good if not better than the other guitar player's"
    He's using an Orange dual terror, which is a great sounding amp in its own right.
    Anyhow, I could go on and on about how happy I am with these profiles, but you get the point.
    I am going to get the new packs soon, although it will potentially disrupt my currently stable set up, with swapping profiles out etc. OCD is a hell of a disease :)

  • @Khaki_Lackey OCD? What's that?


  • @Khaki_Lackey OCD? What's that?


    Obsessive Compulsiive Disorder. It's a joke. I don't really have it...well maybe a little.
    Once I get my rig set up, I'm hesitant to change it. Getting 50 more profiles that may be better than the ones I'm using messes with my head....then I'll spend hours narrowing them down to a few, then toggling back and forth between my "old strat clean" and the "potentially new strat clean" until I've blown my ears out. Lol. its all good fun though.

    edit: Thanks Ingolf for the translation. it occurred to me after Jim's question that OCD might just be an Anerican phenomenon.

  • edit: Thanks Ingolf for the translation. it occurred to me after Jim's question that OCD might just be an Anerican phenomenon.

    No, with the ICD (international classification of diseases) there's always a counterpart in any language.

  • I've had OCD pretty badly for decades but have managed, through willpower, to chip away at it and these days, whilst it's always there and I have to consciously control it, it's not noticable to most. I can't tell you how happy I was the day I didn't have to check that the front door was locked 3 times before I went to bed. Now, because I have to avoid the (transmitting) smart meter by the front door, I use the back one to go in and out, and sometimes go months without checking if the front's locked. Sounds trivial, I know, but this is typical of what I consider a major victory for me! LOL

    Anyway, these days, there's yet another one that affects most of us, thanks to Mr. Kemper - RSS (Rig Saturation Syndrome).

    Thank you Mr. Kemper for uuuggghhh... all these choices! I think..

  • Not a Psychologist but there are guys at my job called "OCD" because they flip the light switch on/off/on/off... etc over and over.
    Or one guy washes his hands every 10m.

    Translated to the Kemper, that would be like putting on a new profile every 10m or switching between 2 profiles every few seconds throughout a song.

    I think that if you, like me, are always getting new packs over and over, that's more properly called: Hoarding! ;)
    (unless we're making multiple purchases in an attempt to assuage our unhappiness, but that's called something else I think)