• My urologist said he knew a "secret" way for most folks to avoid having kidney stones....

    He said by drinking 8 oz. of water before bedtime you keep the urinary tract hydrated. I do this and havent had any in 15 years. : )

    Yes, a glass of water before bedtime doesn't hurt. ;)

  • Hey Michael, been so busy playin your profiles I just checked in to find you in peril! Much sympathy my friend. The only thing that dropped my 6'8" 300lb azz to my knees was this...thought I was dying, off to the E room I went! 16 units of Dilaudid later I felt much better my wife tells me...except I was out of my gord telling any of the hospital staff that would listen that my nuts itched while I was trying to pull out my IV's and oxygen off. She was so embarrassed...lol. I think this is all fabricated, as I don't recall nuttin!! I had a Harley run to Key West 2 days after in Key West to go on so my Dr. Was a real good guy and did surgery the next day and ripped it out threw in a stint so I could ride a way on time! I'm gonna be in Nashville 4/19 through 4/23 for business at the Renaissance if your around maybe we could have a beer and I can tell ya the funniest part I unfortunately do remember we affectionately refer to as " the camera story" get well soon you friend!!!

  • Yes, a glass of water before bedtime doesn't hurt. ;)

    This all highly depends on the type of stone. There are several types that aren't not due to lack of hydration, but the one that is, Uric acid, which "can" be formed by lack of proper hydration (typically severe & sudden dehydration which can easily be avoided by normal daytime water intake) there are also other believed factors such as genetics & diet.

    I don't think drinking at night is necessary if daytime hydration is prevalent, no? Besides, pre-bed drinking its more likely to wake you, interrupting sleep, which is more important in the long term, and possibly cause acid-reflux if you've had any recent snack.

  • [
    I don't think drinking at night is necessary if daytime hydration is prevalent, no? Besides, pre-bed drinking its more likely to wake you, interrupting sleep, which is more important in the long term, and possibly cause acid-reflux if you've had any recent snack.

    I agree, and unwanted sleep Interruption is diabetogenic as well.
    But given most people are drinking not enough in general I see some value in the urologist's recommendation. ;)

  • Ok so back to our regularly scheduled program, just downloaded pack 3 and once again Michael you have some really great profiles
    Still just trying them out but what I hear I like and even though I said I was done after the DPack (and 1 and 2) I'm happy I took the plunge!


  • Dan,

    Thanks so much and so glad you are enjoying pack 3.

    And thanks for the thoughts and support and educational banter with regards to my little crystalline friend. I'm pretty much back to "normal" (I use that word loosely) now. We're out on the road this weekend doing 3 acoustic shows. I have quite the rig for acoustic shows when possible. I use my Kemper with an Avalon pre profile I got from the RE and my Atomic Reactor speaker with my Tom Anderson Crowdster. I get to fly back home tomorrow and have a few days to hopefully make some more profiles.

    Thanks again!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • As for now, I'm just sitting at home waiting for a kidney stone to pass. I was at ER last night briefly while they tried to figure out why I was in so much pain. I don't recommend getting a kidney stone, but I'm glad I was in Nashville and not on the road somewhere.[/quote]

    The amps sound awesome Michael...... not the stone.
    For future I would suggest you become a drinker ( not alcohol preferably) but anything as long as you do that daily and on a regular basis. No chance for the blighters to form then. Take care. We need you :)

  • I want to send my best wishes to Michael!

    Also, pack 3 is awesome! The 70 imp profiles just kill! Probably my favorite profiles of all time. So much has to do with my mood and the vibe of the song I'm working on but your profiles seem to work better and more consistently than others.

    I would like to suggest, again, that a different speaker configuration on the next pack would be very cool. It would just give a different texture. I would love to have an AC (30 or 15) through some blues to get that chime that only blues can do.
    Another thing I would love is some fuzz sounds and other quirky things but with your excellent sensibility. Imagine the Black Keys hired you to play on one of there tunes - just to give an idea. These are just thoughts : )

    Edited once, last by Maxy (March 27, 2015 at 10:41 PM).

  • Slipper Jim - Thanks and I'm glad you're liking the pack!

    Maxy - I'll try to include a little speaker variation on some of the amps for the next pack. The AC15 with a blue might be a good starting point. I'll see what I can do with the fuzz tones as well, or at least some quirky things. Thanks for the input!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hey Michael,

    I have tried your pack 1, 2 and dumble packs and they all sound amazing!
    I have tried 1000s topjimi, soundside, and taf profiles and I still
    prefer yours over to the other ones.

    I agree with the others about releasing profiles with their original
    speaker combination. Here are some other suggestion I would like to see:

    - merged profiles to allow the user to pick if they want to use a real speaker cabinet or change cabinet impulses.
    - more packs that are released that are based on amp type or brand (ie. Vox types - Matchless with their own custom Celestion speakers, BadCat with BadCat Celestion, Vox with Celestion Blue and Silver, 65Amps London, Jackson, TopHat, Morgan, etc)
    - Plexi amps with original Greenbacks
    - I love vintage Supro amps. Would love to see a DualTone 1624T, 1688T, Super 1606, Coronado 1690T, Thunderbolt S6420.
    - Bass amp profiles. Ampeg SVT would be nice.

    To my ears, Packs 1 and 2 seem to be a bit on the darker side. I usually turn the Presence up to about 2 to get it sound good in my in-ears. Anyone else do this? I heard Pack 3 is a bit brighter.

    Out of curiosity, did you ever try the 57 + R121 combo? What made you choose the Fathead instead of the R121? Seems like an industry standard to record guitar amps with the 57 + R121 combo.

  • Thanks for the kind feedback. I may do some with original speakers but I'm still a little leery of going down that road completely for the reasons that I list on my website. While it is great for studio stuff to be able to get such drastically different tones, it makes it hard to incorporate into a live show without the audio vertigo that comes with switching drastic speaker eq curves and such. Not that you can't use mine in the studio but I've had equally good results using the ones I'e made. I'm sure it's as much a personal taste thing, too. I spent years trying out different gear, going through boutique amp after boutique amp and speaker cab until I found a cabinet that I think sounds great no matter what I put into and it either doesn't color the tone so much that I always hear the "cab" or I just happen to like its color. Some amps, like the Vox, I can see doing some with an alnico speaker, but many I just feel slightly suffer tonally when using stock speakers, at least to my ears. If I can ever get my hands on a good 100w Marshall cab I may do some with that as well.

    I've gone around and around on possibly breaking my packs down by amp, and for some amps it would probably for, but often I end up gravitating to just a few of the profiles from any given amp and I don't like a ton of filler in my already full Kemper. Plus, I kinda like the "box of chocolates" approach. There's usually enough variety to go around and it's not full of a bunch of slightly different profiles that you may only end up using 1 or 2 of at most. Plus, I think it's slightly more economical in the long run as opposed to buying 15 different amp packs. I'll definitely continue to think about it, but I'm currently still leaning toward my current layout.

    As far as the direct/merged ones. I may include a few direct/merged profiles in future packs. I'm still not convinced that the merged profiles sound as good as the studio ones yet. I'm continuing to follow all the updates and keep trying. I'm not sure how much art there is to profiling with a DI just yet. Since I don't use my Kemper in that way, with the merged profiles and live cab, it's not quite in my wheelhouse just yet.

    And I did get a reissue Dual Tone Supro for the next pack. I'll keep my eyes out for an old Supro or two as well. It's a full time job seeking out unique amps and figuring out ways to acquire them and such. I have a lot of good friends with cool stuff, but I hate being that guy that's always bugging them too. Ha.

    And yes, I used the 57/121 combination for a number of years. While the Royer does sound great, I still prefer it mixed with the 57 as opposed to by itself. And as good as it sounds with a fresh ribbon the quality declines pretty quickly when the ribbon starts to stretch, which happens with a pretty loud spl hitting it. I stumbled upon the Fatheads years ago while I was sending my 121 to get a new ribbon and thought that I liked the blended sound as much as the Royer so that's just what I've been using. I could use either one, but the ribbons in the FH are a tad thicker and seem to last longer for me and I can keep two rotating for less than half the price of the 121. They both sound great but I'm a practical guy. Ha.


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I agree with you Michael. A pack with usable profiles is what I prefer and what I'm also putting out. The packs with 75 different speaker combinations and mic combinations all end up sounding very similar to me.

    i tried some direct profiling this weekend with a Budda amp and while it sounds good, I still prefer the studio profiling way. I feel like the direct profiles lose a little something but I'm not sure what yet.