• Here is a clip I did this morning with the profile:

    /13 JRT915 84 3

    Trying the Kemper as a pedal platform. The dirt is from the Earthquaker Devices Zap Machine V2. Guitar is a PRS SC245 with 57/08 humbuckers. All delay and verb is from the profile.


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    Sounds great Jer! Love the playing as always!!

  • Thank you! Glad they're working for you! I plan on doing some profiling tomorrow (first time in a couple of months). I'll be profiling my Guytron GT100 (finally got it back from repair shop) and a '68 Plexi. Should be fun (and loud).

    Hey Michael,
    I used to have a very nice GT-100. That was such an excellent amp. Cant wait to hear what you do with it. Thanks again for the wonderful profiles!

  • Hey Michael,
    I used to have a very nice GT-100. That was such an excellent amp. Cant wait to hear what you do with it. Thanks again for the wonderful profiles!

    It's a great amp. Mine was underwater for a few days during the flood we had in 2010. I just got it back from Guytron as they were nice enough to bring it back to life. Somehow it (and my Marshall) both sound better after the flood than they did before. Either that or I just forgot how good they were to begin with. The Guytron is a unique amp. I did some profiles last week and I'll do more this week. Hopefully I'll get some great ones. It is one of the few multi-channel amps that I just love the clean sounds in. Didn't get the Plexi last week so I'm shooting for tomorrow on it. I did get some awesome profiles from a Pro Jr. and a Prosonic last week. The fun continues… haha

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • So last week I profiled my Helios 100 and decided to try it out a gig. My main rigs are usually Michael's 70' 100 watt Marshall. But man I thought I had the Helios sounding like it was the same quality through my CLR cab. At sound check I A/B'd them against each other and one again Michael's 70 Marshall hands down sounded better. The words that the soundman used to describe the 70' Marshall is "its sounds like a marshall through a 412 cab". Its huge sounding. It had more lows and more highs. That profile just has the secret sauce. I call it the "profile killer" because it slays every "marshall" type profile I put up against it. I don't know why I even bother at this point.

  • The Guytron is a unique amp. I did some profiles last week and I'll do more this week. Hopefully I'll get some great ones. It is one of the few multi-channel amps that I just love the clean sounds in. Didn't get the Plexi last week so I'm shooting for tomorrow on it. I did get some awesome profiles from a Pro Jr. and a Prosonic last week. The fun continues… haha

    Very much looking forward to some good clean sounds.
    There are many good to great OD/dist/gain profiles out there but really not many great clean ones.


    Mats N

  • Hi,

    Here's a sound clip made with a '69 Marshall Michael is about to release.
    Absolutely a wonderful profile with great dynamics. All gain levels in this clip are controlled by the guitar volume control.

    Hope you'll like it!

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    Mats N

  • Eventually that will come to fruition but for now, it will be one (or two) at a time.

    Oddly enough, in the band I am in currently, I generally have to stick with one clean profile (currently one of the M. Britt Dumble Clean - maybe #4?) as I don't have a lot of creative flexibility allowance - being the new guy and all. However, just last night at practice, I was really hearing more and better tone from that profile than I've ever enjoyed in the past 35 years of various other sources of amplification.

    I can hardly imagine the possibilities of using some of the other profiles in that pack alone, let alone additional packs... :rolleyes:

  • Oddly enough, in the band I am in currently, I generally have to stick with one clean profile (currently one of the M. Britt Dumble Clean - maybe #4?) as I don't have a lot of creative flexibility allowance - being the new guy and all. However, just last night at practice, I was really hearing more and better tone from that profile than I've ever enjoyed in the past 35 years of various other sources of amplification.

    I can hardly imagine the possibilities of using some of the other profiles in that pack alone, let alone additional packs... :rolleyes:

    I don't do metal, so the /13, Lil Willie, and Marshall amps in Pack #2 work for my gig. The /13 is especially killer.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me