• I think that sometimes sounds that work well in a mix or in a band setting may not sound as good by themselves. That doesn't mean that all sounds that sound good in a mix or band setting don't sound good by themselves. I can listen to some of my live profiles on their own and at certain times, depending on what I've been listening to just prior, they may sound like they have too much midrange or lack bottom or whatever. Then the band will come in and we'll play a song and it'll sound perfect. Or I can tweak a profile to sound great to me when I'm playing by myself in headphones and then I play it with the group and it sounds hollow or thin. Then there are times when I work on a profile and it sounds great by itself and with the band. I think it depends on a lot of variables. As much as I love using a Klon pedal, every time I listen to it at low volumes and when playing at home by myself, I think it's boxy and weird sounding. In a mix, though, I don't know if there is a sweeter, fuller pedal. I think it's true with pedals, amps, and now… profiles.

    I'm not making excuses for my profiles or bashing anyone else's because music is and should be a matter of taste and it'd be a boring world if everyone liked exactly the same thing. It's whatever you can find that makes you want to play or create music. I'm glad that there are a number of different places guys can go to find profiles and that they have different sounds to them. Profiling isn't an exact science and the same amps can sound totally different depending on who is profiling them. I'm just very glad that some of you are finding them useful. For those that don't, I'll keep working and try to capture something that you may eventually find useful too.

    Agreed - just like everything else, rigs have to be assessed in context :)

  • If I hadn't already bought these, hearing so many people say how well they work for both live and in a recording would have gotten me to pull the trigger :) My guess is settling on the best of the rigs by using them in a live context has a lot to do with their versatility.

    An overly fat guitar track will suck the life out of the drums and make the bass sound like flatwound strings.

    At a live gig, the sound tech will remove any excess low end in the guitar, if it is competing with the drums and bass.

    Some people track the guitars thinner than "amp in the room", some track them raw, and adjust them later. That is a matter of personal style for the Producer/Engineer.

    So, yes, plenty of raw guitar tracks sound great on their own. Those raw tracks also can subsequently get EQed, compressed, pannned, submixed, etc. to sit better in a mix.

    Definitely agree with all of this! I guess my point was, just because some excess low end or high end is sucked out of a mix or hell even added at times does not mean the guitar track by itself was "bad" per say. :)

  • Hi,

    Since day one, I've been hunting clean rigs on the KPA that works with single coils. For chords and 80's cleans I've been successful but it's been impossible to find a good warm fat and articulate profile for a vintage type sound. Especially for single string playing.

    Most clean profiles sound ”plinky” and weak, especially on the first two strings. If you try to tweak them for powerful thin strings they totally fart out on the 5th and 6th strings.

    Then I started getting into Michael Britt's clean profiles and they deliver what I want. Articulate and warm without being flubby on the wound strings. So much fun to play and very touch dynamic. I just finished recording a new tune with a 3rd Power Dreamweaver Blackface profile from his first pack as I was so inspired.

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    Mats N

  • Of course cutting low-end normally helps in the mix.

    What we shouldn't forget generally: there are no "good" and no "bad" profiles, there are just profiles someone will like and somebody else won't. It's all a matter of taste and the equipment we use.

    I bought a lot of profiles and I deleted a lot of them again, although many other players love them. On the other side I'm a big fan of many profiles somebody else may delete immediately. It's nearly impossible to give recommendations for profiles, we all have a very different taste and we use very different equipment, strings, plecs ect., have different playing techniques ect. A profile played with my vintage guitars (Fender Tele '54 Blackguard, Fender '58 Strat, 60's strats and teles) will sound very different with Les Pauls or Tom Anderson's with P90's. Of course it's also a big difference if we're using studio monitors (like I do), FRFR or guitar-cabs.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • I think that sometimes sounds that work well in a mix or in a band setting may not sound as good by themselves. That doesn't mean that all sounds that sound good in a mix or band setting don't sound good by themselves. I can listen to some of my live profiles on their own and at certain times, depending on what I've been listening to just prior, they may sound like they have too much midrange or lack bottom or whatever. Then the band will come in and we'll play a song and it'll sound perfect. Or I can tweak a profile to sound great to me when I'm playing by myself in headphones and then I play it with the group and it sounds hollow or thin. Then there are times when I work on a profile and it sounds great by itself and with the band. I think it depends on a lot of variables. As much as I love using a Klon pedal, every time I listen to it at low volumes and when playing at home by myself, I think it's boxy and weird sounding. In a mix, though, I don't know if there is a sweeter, fuller pedal. I think it's true with pedals, amps, and now… profiles.

    I'm not making excuses for my profiles or bashing anyone else's because music is and should be a matter of taste and it'd be a boring world if everyone liked exactly the same thing. It's whatever you can find that makes you want to play or create music. I'm glad that there are a number of different places guys can go to find profiles and that they have different sounds to them. Profiling isn't an exact science and the same amps can sound totally different depending on who is profiling them. I'm just very glad that some of you are finding them useful. For those that don't, I'll keep working and try to capture something that you may eventually find useful too.

    tons of wisdom in two chapters. thanx for sharing

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • <p>I don't want to get into a huge debate, that is so not even true, and I'm not sure where that Internet myth came from.... Plenty of guitar tracks especially modern tones sound amazing on their own....this &quot; ultimatum &quot; so to speak needs to stop being spread because I see it everywhere...</p>

    VES, I do not need any Internet myth. I heard by myself raw tracks (classic rock from the '70s/'80s) that to say the least sound vastly different from how I perceive them in the mix.

    Just to go a bit deeper about my previous reply to Geraldo, I don't think at all that any and each bare profile sounds bad by itself. I rather think that a sound which perfectly fits a mix sounds very different by itself, and usually (special in classic and hard rock and according to my experience) worse.
    Generally speaking, this means at lest two things IMO: that even a bad profile can fit a certain mix, and that there're no rules a priori for mixing down a track :D


  • Then I started getting into Michael Britt's clean profiles and they delicer what I want. Articulate and warm without being flubby on the wound strings. So much fun to play and very touch dynamic. I just finished recording a new tune with a 3rd Power Dreamweaver Blackface profile from his first pack as I was so inspired.

    Mats - is that his 3P Black Cln 1 profile? I can't find "Dreamweaver" listed in my pack from MBritt.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Take my money!!! I can tell there is some absolute gems in this pack, LOVED the ac30 big time, the divided by 13 stuff, the diezel, vibroking... AHHH whatever I loved them all! Can not even begin to decide what I will use live now between these 2 packs!

  • Thanks for the kind comments! I have found quite a few in this pack that I really love and a lot of them I like a lot. Between this and the first pack, I don't know what else I would need.

    To answer some questions… depending on the feedback from the Dumble clips included in Pack 2, I can probably do a Dumble/Dumble clone pack in the near future. There are actually 2 profiles of a real Dumble in Pack 2 as well as 3 other profiles of other Dumble clones.

    I should have them available to everyone in the next day or two. I'm just finishing up all of the e-commerce and website details.


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar