FW 2.6 thread

  • Some people are doing old vs new profiled clips and to be 100% honest, the new profiled clips sound dead on in terms of the low end... having said that, the low end is probably too much for a recorded.. just like recording a real amp. I'll take accuracy over perfect mixes any day.

  • No. I'm talking about profiling with the 2.6 version. I've done some profiles with this version and they are spot on.

    I could now name at least 3 people who have issues with it (Lasse included) and all 3 of them are producers/sound egineers and all 3 are quite successfull so I´m gonna go ahead and assume that they are on to something. ?(

  • It really doesn't matter of 100 people agree or disagree with you. You have your own ears, own tastes, and that is certainly valid for your own music.

    For me, I have most of the profiles I'm ever going to buy. I may drop for a few here and there, but I have 99% of all I would realistically need for recording purposes, and for that, I can toggle that switch to my satisfaction and have the best of both sound worlds.

    Can't wait to be entertained by TGP thread on this one.... ;)

  • I could now name at least 3 people who have issues with it (Lasse included) and all 3 of them are producers/sound egineers and all 3 are quite successfull so I´m gonna go ahead and assume that they are on to something. ?(

    I believe what I hear and see by my self (analyzing the results using some tools). Maybe depends on the amp your trying to profile maybe there is a bug that depends on any configuration parameter. Don't discard that. My amps was never profiled accurately and now is perfect.

    Some people are already selling commercial profiles using 2.6.0...

  • By default, the KPA sets the direct out to "git+processing" for profiling, so the signal is converted to digital and processed. I change this to "git analog" for profiling every time. Maybe there is something wrong related to this added processing. I'll try it tomorrow.

    Edited once, last by pacocito (September 11, 2014 at 8:30 PM).

  • [/quote] I've done some profiles with this version and they are spot on.[/quote]

    Same here, I profiled my Marshall and now it is pretty spot on, before I always had a problem with the low end, could never get it the same before. While I'm refining, I'm sending to wavelab at the same time so I can actually listen to after, while not playing the guitar or having the amp rumbling in the back, and what I hear is pretty spot on. Espescially the chug is where I had problems before. and my Direct out is at Git+processing

    I've verfied this on my NS-10 which have no low end ;) but the mids and highs were the same, KHO300 and on my Sony 7520 and could hardly tell between the 2

    not saying those who hear difference are wrong, there's probably something in the algo for super high gain amps that screws up. My marshall gains at about 6 ...

    Kemper team will be hard at work !!!!

    Edited 7 times, last by kriswylde (September 11, 2014 at 9:36 PM).

  • So far my experience has been great better than before, but I hope that those who are having difficulty make sure to contact Kemper Tech Support, and then get back to us on the forum with the results.

    If there is a bug it needs to be fixed, if it's user error then we need to know what the error was so we don't repeat the problem, and if it's a limitation then it would be really useful to know what, how, where and maybe even why so we can work around it.

  • I gotta be honest, I was really excited about 2.6 but I am a little disappointed in these 2 specific aspects both related to the profiling process.

    1. The low end is a little extreme and overwhelming compared to the source.
    2. The midrange before 2.6 was spot on. This was the biggest sell of the kemper to me. The low end and the top end were the only aspects that needed some tweaking and I was able to more or less correct those issues during the refining process and with eq and tools. Now the midrange is just not 1:1 identical and this is the biggest concern to me. No matter what I do I cannot get the midrange to sound identical to the source anymore.

    I'm happy that Lasse's experience validated my own. I feel 2.6 is a step in the right direction however I hope these 2 major issues are considered and improved in future releases.


  • Is anyone else having duplicate profiles show up when you store -> replace a profile? About 20% of the time when I save a profile in place I end up with two copies of the profile, and when that happens my changes don't seem to be stored properly on either of them.

  • I wonder why the Profiler should freeze. The recommended way is to turn on the Profiler and when it has booted, turn on the U4K. But usually it doesn't hurt to turn them on both sametime. The interconnection protocol takes care of that.

    It didn't matter with 2.33 - 2.5. I did both all the time, sometimes on purpose, some times on accident, but I always got a proper sync.

    Now .... not so much.

    I am still not downgrading my firmware! This release has WAY too many good things in it to give them up for something so trivial as this little sync bug ;)

  • I gotta be honest, I was really excited about 2.6 but I am a little disappointed in these 2 specific aspects both related to the profiling process.

    1. The low end is a little extreme and overwhelming compared to the source.
    2. The midrange before 2.6 was spot on. This was the biggest sell of the kemper to me. The low end and the top end were the only aspects that needed some tweaking and I was able to more or less correct those issues during the refining process and with eq and tools. Now the midrange is just not 1:1 identical and this is the biggest concern to me. No matter what I do I cannot get the midrange to sound identical to the source anymore.

    I'm happy that Lasse's experience validated my own. I feel 2.6 is a step in the right direction however I hope these 2 major issues are considered and improved in future releases.


    Im pretty sure that must be a bug or something, i never had profiles that close nailed to the source before.
    What is your "Direct out" routed? Some people had wrong routing after updating..me too..

  • Not to forget: it's still a beta, so bugs will probably appear.

    I noticed that very often in the first days of a new FW-beta-release everybody is very enthusiastic about it. After a while some users will find the first bugs and often will get back to the last official FW.

    I'm not so sure about the enthusiasm for the 2.6 beta and I never had any troubles with low frequencies before. For me the most important thing is that the profile will get as close as possible to the real amp, changing lows and mids while profiling and discoloring the original sound is actually the opposite.

    I'm careful and I will stay with 2.5 until the official 2.6-FW will be released and the problems/bugs will be solved.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • For me the most important thing is that the profile will get as close as possible to the real amp

    That is what they are trying to do.
    "In response to some users complaining about a lack of bass response when a tube amp is profiled, we have found a way to improve the profiling algorithm. You will notice that less effort is needed in the profiling refinement procedure, as well as a moderate improvement in authenticity, even without refining."

    In my experience with this version, what they say is true. Even without refining, the results are closer to the miced amp but, we are talking about software and sometimes small differences in the configuration of different users matter (even those that seem completely unable to affect the process) and lead to unpredicted results.