Why not some LoudPacks?

  • Why not produce some Loud Packs? It would be a set of profiles that sounds their best at very high volume for live use using most common FRFR speakers. For example: CLR Loud Pack, DXR Loud Packs, MatrixQ12A Loud packs etc.

  • Also, the so called FM curves are a statistical mean value among all the tested subjects: IOW, each person has got a specific sensitivity to freqs function amplitude :/

    Furthermore, "loud" is not an arithmetitical value and is subjective: if your loud is louder than mine, the ears' response will vary anyway... :/ :/

    Edited once, last by viabcroce: A freaking lots of iPad typos :p (August 20, 2014 at 3:11 AM).

  • If I suggest a LoudPack it's exactly because of the Fletcher Munson curve. I agree that the specific volume variable could be a puzzle. But, there are some profiles that generaly sound really good at high volume and some that sit very well in a recording mix and other that sound good with single coils and so on... The goal would be to put users in the good ballpark, nothing more. :)

  • Like Gianfranco said, Fletcher and Munson tested a lot of different human beings to develop the curve.
    For a specific individual there's only a statistical likelihood that a profile optimized for 'the Fletcher - Munson' would sound right.

    This is a general dilemma BTW and should not disturb us further: We as artists and creators of sound can never be sure how the reception of our art/creation will be, due to the anatomical differences, the expectation differences and the evaluation differences in different recipients.

    Best is to make our music, perform our art and let it go into the world.

    Is that too philosophical? ;)

  • Like Gianfranco said, Fletcher and Munson tested a lot of different human beings to develop the curve.
    For a specific individual there's only a statistical likelihood that a profile optimized for 'the Fletcher - Munson' would sound right.

    This is a general dilemma BTW and should not disturb us further: We as artists and creators of sound can never be sure how the reception of our art/creation will be, due to the anatomical differences, the expectation differences and the evaluation differences in different recipients.

    Best is to make our music, perform our art and let it go into the world.

    Is that too philosophical? ;)

    Almost poetic I would say! ;)

    So at the end we please our ears and hope that it will please our audience ears...

  • If I suggest a LoudPack it's exactly because of the Fletcher Munson curve. I agree that the specific volume variable could be a puzzle. But, there are some profiles that generaly sound really good at high volume and some that sit very well in a recording mix and other that sound good with single coils and so on... The goal would be to put users in the good ballpark, nothing more. :)

    Basically, my doubt would be that those profiles could sound good to you but not to me... And the other way round.

    Finally, the SC Vs. HB seems to me a completely different story... You can be loud on SCs and soft on HBs, can't you?


  • Basically, my doubt would be that those profiles could sound good to you but not to me... And the other way round.

    Finally, the SC Vs. HB seems to me a completely different story... You can be loud on SCs and soft on HBs, can't you?


    The SC vs HB was only an example on how a lot of variables can affect our personnal appreciation or perception of a profile other than the volume thing. :)