The nice thing with guitar gear is ...that you always looks for something new. Is the journey over with the KPA?

  • Hi folks

    many of us are suffering from "GAS" also in a positive way. Little news stomp boxes, new amps etc... makes a lot of fun to check these things out, right?

    Now with the KPA we are almost at a level where probably 90% of all needs are covered.

    Is the KPA taking that "GAS" fun away?

    What do you think?



  • I don't think so. The Profiler just takes it to another level.
    Never in the history of electric guitar everybody could actually try and use such an amount of excelent guitar amps. We can enjoy GAS at a completely new level, without the need to buy hardware (in terms of amps and cabs). So basically I think the Profiler is food for your ever existing GAS, not taking fun away but the opposite. ;) Many men have reported that they play more than ever before they owned a Profiler.

    Of course there's more than just amps and cabs. You already mentioned stomp boxes, guitars is yet another field. I think there will never be an end to guitar GAS, you simply can't "profile" the tactile feel of different guitars in just one (Variax). Stomp boxes are a different story though. While the Profiler has some great stomp box simulations, I can still feel a big difference when I use e.g. my Okko Diablo Gain+ compared to any Kemper stomp box model.
    When I bought my second Profiler, I thought I could capture the soul of the Okko Diablo Gain+ somehow. But to make it work, I would have to make 100 profiles and then I would be lost in to much choice. So I still prefer the physical stomp box and its simple knobs in front (in the loop) of my Profiler for now. I've got a few more stomp boxes that I don't use very often because the Profiler's models are pretty good. Just missing some more well made (and naturally controlable) models. As long as these aren't available I'm enjoying some stomp GAS, hehe.

  • Nah now I just have GAS for a second one! :p

    I'm (un)lucky that I live in a place where nice gear is impossible to buy locally, this means that if I like an amp enough to buy it, I have to buy it and have it shipped to me to be able to try it. The KPA gets me close enough to those amps that I just don't need to take the risk any more.

    I've never been much of a stomp box guy so what's in the KPA is plenty for me.

    As said before, it won't stop GAS for guitars though! I'm of the opinion that old amps sound better than new amps, and new guitars sound and play better than old ones. I'm always going to want a new guitar, right now I'm saving for something (very) expensive and the KPA is helping me as I don't need anything else right now.

  • Since acquiring my profiler I made a good portion of the cost back by selling off pedals. I had.... Many! I still have several, but post Kemper I've gone from around 3 guitars to... several. Much better situation this way.

    I did however just take delivery on the new Blackout Effectors Special Twosome Deluxe!

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • The Journey isn't over. It just slows down in terms of gear turnover as you find what is truly best for your world-flow.

    If I had all the money in the world, I might have a lot of other gear, but that doesn't mean it's best for my workflow. Often, wealth gets in the way of what is best for you.

    By having modest means, I've been forced to take a straight path, instead of shot-gun approach, and think harder about what works for me.

    The "journey" means that even the wrong gear was an experience worth having, if only to shape what IS worth having!

  • For me, GAS has always had to do with searching for a good tone, something I would feel connected with if that makes sense. I've never been able to afford owning several amps, pedals, cabs... So GAS for me was selling and buying new stuff.
    The Profiler has ended all this for me.

    As regards the "for the good" GAS you mentioned, I find the Profiler is able to give me endless possibilities to try new stuff, combine them, get rid of things... So it has cured this as well for me.

    For me, music-related gear has always been exciting just in terms of what it could offer to my sound, not in itself.
    I make an exception for guitars, there I can see a sense in owning several of them, both in terms of different sound experiences and beautiful objects. Which hardly happens to me when it comes to electric/electronic stuff. Could it be the fascination of wood?


  • Yeah, I'll agree with everyone who said "you just branch out a little". My basic requirement has always been four channels: clean, blues, metal, and lead, with some basic effects like chorus and delay. The KPA easily takes care of that, but I've still got guitars, pickups, and all my recording hardware that I can still tinker with. For instance, I just picked up a Fishman Tripleplay because I can't play keyboard worth shit and it's just a bucket of fun.

  • No real GAS anymore for me , but I try all those new profiles with the Rig Manager for the hidden gems . It's quite the opposite since I sold amps , pedals , guitars and modelers - I must add I bought a marshall tube combo JTM30 after trying the profiles and got some fantastic profiles out of it, but the overall money balance is very positive

    I don't need anymore profiles but it's always a very pleasant surprise to get a new tone you only heard on CD, like a new color in a painter's palette. some of us get an irrational addiction to new rigs lol

  • With at last count 2500 profiles on my Mac, I have no need for more profiles. For me it begins a case of diminishing returns. I have all the amps Ive ever wanted to own (and then some) and am not a fan of boutique amps so I am set for life.

  • I sure hope it's over, and I believe that it is. I have the last of my amplifier gear up for sale, and all of the pedals. No longer even have a cabinet, just a very good JBL PA in the studio and good headphones for home. My KPA has literally brought tears to my eyes. Covering Beatles, Zeppelin, Doobies, The Who, etc....almost 60 years old and I finally have the tone I only dreamed of for 50 years. Not looking back on guitar amps...and I have had most of them...


    Guitars are another story. Totally agree with many of the posts. Have several strats...have recently purchased a 1958 LP VOS which is unbelievable, and am now getting an SG VOS. Why? Because with the Kemper I can finally get the sounds out of these guitars that I always wanted...but that eluded me.

    Enough said. Thats my story...sticking to it...


  • My Gas for amps is totally gone yes... guitars change from time to time... less is more for me.. less things to play with, more time playing.. BUT too many profiles keep me insane :) but the novelty of new amp profiles is also loosing it gas type syndrome for me...

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • In the old days GAS was for amp's - now it's for profiles of amps ...

    Yeapp. Exactly. The worst part: you KNOW there are profiles out there that are absolutly fantastic and created and used by your favourite artists and producers and you KNOW you will never get your hands on those. Thats GAS on a whole new, much more frustrating level. But then again there is enough GAS for available profiles aswell. Everytime I see new sinmix or sytmphalian profile packs approaching my gas goes full retard :D :D :D I love the KPA.