The nice thing with guitar gear is ...that you always looks for something new. Is the journey over with the KPA?

  • I don't know, now I want another Kemper :S. As stated now I just long for profiles (PRS Archon, Randall Satan etc.) and guitars, whole new budget for guitars! First I had one 7 string, now I'm up to 4! :whistling:

  • my GAS is still alive , Ive been buying profiles like a madman , spending way too much hoping for the next best amp profile to get the sound i want

  • Same here -- my journey is at an end. More time and energy to focus on songwriting, technical prowess, etc. I still lust for new profiles, of course, but that isn't going to render me destitute. The KPA is by far the greatest investment I've ever made as a musician.

  • One journey comes to an end and another one will start. ;)

    Playing profiles of all these great amps, I've never heard of, is an interesting journey, too.

    Nevertheless the KPA definitively is a time-saver and there's more time left for songwriting, producing ect. Since I bought the first KPA, I'm playing guitar all the time, that's not bad, too. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • Nope, I'll still be buying amps I really like and kept all my valve amps I had before Kemper. Profiler works the best with profiles I make from my own amps, set up for my guitar. Kemper still can't simulate the interaction of controls on an amp.

  • I would say, Kemper Powerhead is guilty for my last purchase. Before that – it replaced my tube amps for rehearsal, recording and gigging. I noticed that I mostly play Marshall profiles so I thought I check the JVM 410 Joe Satriani Edition. At the same time I started to think about buying perhaps 2nd Kemper, because I do not like to transport gear to the rehearsal room, before Kemper I had always complete rig in rehearsal room.

    So ... I bought JVM JS for rehearsal room :) It simply sounds and feels amazing.
    Kemper Powerhead will be used now "only" for gigs, recording and playing at home :)

  • In my musical years I've experienced different forms of GAS.

    When I was a teenager I often went after new gear in the hope - now it's clear to me - that they would make me sound good: the most expensive amps, digital processors...
    In the years, I've bought and sold a whole lot of stuff, because I was obviously never satisfied with my purchases.
    At some stage, I decided I did not want to be "played" by gear any longer, and experienced a long lay-off period. Then I was back to music.
    Now, my GAS expresses itself with the curiosity of playing some gear if I come across it. But when I play I think: "nice! But do I need it?", and I realize I don't.

    For me, now, GAS (gear aquisition syndrome) is a bit like GAS (girls aquisition syndrome). When you're happy with what you have, and see a beautiful and sexy girl (or boy, depending on everyone's inclination), you enjoy what you see but may think "nice! But is it worth it?"... and I realize it is not

    Not sure I did not derail :whistling:

  • In my musical years I've experienced different forms of GAS.

    When I was a teenager I often went after new gear in the hope - now it's clear to me - that they would make me sound good: the most expensive amps, digital processors...
    In the years, I've bought and sold a whole lot of stuff, because I was obviously never satisfied with my purchases.
    At some stage, I decided I did not want to be "played" by gear any longer, and experienced a long lay-off period. Then I was back to music.
    Now, my GAS expresses itself with the curiosity of playing some gear if I come across it. But when I play I think: "nice! But do I need it?", and I realize I don't.

    For me, now, GAS (gear aquisition syndrome) is a bit like GAS (girls aquisition syndrome). When you're happy with what you have, and see a beautiful and sexy girl (or boy, depending on everyone's inclination), you enjoy what you see but may think "nice! But is it worth it?"... and I realize it is not

    Not sure I did not derail :whistling:

    That are the most wise words I´ve heard for long time.

    For me: Got Kemper, my 2 Dreamamps and all I need are more guitars (GAS!). OK, playing in front of "da real thing" will always something unique. But for rec and live, nothing goes over the KPA. I like to say: I´ve got my racing car as work horse (Kemper), my Amps for gloomy sundays and what´s left? Yes, GAS for the gas: guitars. First time in my live I´m thinking of building my own. And in a strange way, my KPA gave me this peace :)

    and one more little thing: I really hate these eliteforceplayers with too much money, alsways complaining about what they have (this amp from ´69 or that thingie that was once sucked by jimi or so), KPA finally gave me the option to KNOW that guitar amplification is something beautiful, but no magic that is only affordable by rich. lalala, I´m texting far to much today :)

  • (un) fortunately no more GAS for me.

    Comparing to two Anderson Guitars(TAG) , every other guitar ( I have 5 non TAG's currently , and used to have about 10 non-TAG's at least ) is just pathetic (apologise to my 10-15 other guitars and to all other guitars on the World,but that's it , sorry guys, you still have to find ultimate guitar ) .

    People still are buying mass produced rubbish , hooked and attracted by brand name, resulting in a pity of wasting of money ,time , effort and expectations .
    But, we (the same people) also by junk food and watch junk TV news (lies), and believe in it :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :wacko:
    That's how things works in 21 Century , nothing we can do about that (or can we ??? ;) :love: )

    Amps :

    Used to own lots of them , from 1968 up to date .
    Finished with 2 hand made/wired and fantastic Mesa amp.
    But, I play Kemper 90% of my time.
    Kemper Amplifier by it self represents much more than simply digital device .
    It is about something else, which is not about junk guitars, junk unhealthy food, junk news,junk behaviour , junk lives in general....
    Enough said .

    Good luck to everyone in a trial to find the Holly Grail tone , I managed to find it , check out my signature :thumbup:

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited 7 times, last by Rescator (August 24, 2014 at 6:50 PM).

  • go here :

    and check these specs:

    Drop Top 11-16-09Z
    Bulldog 11-16-10Z

    insert only bold text in search field

    [Blocked Image:]


    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited once, last by Rescator (August 24, 2014 at 7:26 PM).

  • I have this sadness in me (call it withdrawal syndrome) because before KPA I was very excited when I saw guitar amps in the media (magazines, Internet, etc), now I'm not that excited anymore :( But I'm drooling for guitars and pedals.... :) the thing is "GAS never ends" it just shifted to another ^^
    On the side note KPA made me realize that some of the amps I was gassing for were never that great after hearing them through KPA. My KPA investment has already earned in this regard. Luck me I didn't buy them since I'm ok with plain Marshalls and Fenders and the money wasn't there that time. But I'm still thankful for that Trainwreck profiles from TAF and the KPA. Just imagine how much money and problem saving are those.

    Edited once, last by Pentatonic (August 25, 2014 at 2:25 AM).