MW RokPak - Profiles for Kemper Profiling Amplifiers

  • Pre-order Paks have been delivered. Discount is gone. You now get access to your Pak immediately when you order.

    Make some noise!


    Great! It just arrived in my inbox this morning. Can't wait getting back home. Going to be a long night.
    Some hint for people who did a pre-order: You might wanna check your spam folder. That's where at least I found this precious.

  • Somebody has to be first.... At first glimpse.. VERY GOOD!! : :D:thumbup: can't wait to try some of them tonight with the rest of the band in our rehearsal room! (how the fit in the mix)
    Did not have the time to try them all and only purchased the studio pack..

    Thanks Michael! :thumbup:

    "We don't see things as they are,
    we see things as we are"

  • Hi,

    I'm feeling like entering an area marked as "unknown" on my map

    I bought the Über-Pak and now am hearing my way through it. One of the reasons I wanted to have the lot was the excellent "clean" Splawn- profile that was on display (net) as a clean profile and was played with a Tele. I tried it and the other (not high gain) splawn profiles with different guitars (Tele, Start, Paula): They sound great too! The four "River" profiles really are ear honey. Try them with a Paula for Billy Gibbons earlier stuff. They blow you away. I agree: tons of high-gain profiles (I don't need them, though) but that was to be expected. Really nice are some of the crunchies (I worked my way (bottom down but started with the Splawn and the River): Egn. Rebel is definitely worth a try. I was really, really hot on BM, TWIN and Deluxe profiles. So far I'm at my wits end: I can not figure out how to tweak the profiles to let my strat (Am. Standard) sound like a strat. Maybe someone can tell me how the cookie will crumble. Many profiles I did check were rather strong on the treble-side of things. Not true for the Fender ("friend") stuff though. Maybe a bit of tweaking is in order. Or crank up the volume. Can't do that neighbors won't like it.

    Thank you to M. Wagener and his team. This turns out to be lots of fun!

    Addition 1

    Now, some hours of listening adventures further down the road: The aforementioned questions concerning Fender related profiles (and others) vanish into thin air if you turn up the volume. Till now I did not find anything I would not like. Even the high gain species is quite satisfying if you make wise use of the volume control of your guitar. All "gainy" profiles do clean-up very nicely giving you a wide range of new professinal sounds. As one very famous producer put it: "Play 'em loud!"

    Mr. Wagener and his team really did a great Job and delivered a very priceworthy and welcome completion of all the 400 or so rigs already in my kpa. I won't part with a single rig from TAF,Soundside and many factory installed rigs I still do like a lot - especially after FW Revision 2.6.

    I'm just happy with the set!

    Addition 2

    It would have saved me some time and some questions if I had done from the start what I did now: Check Rig Manager and take a close look to the information there. It helps immediately if you know what guitar, what pickup etc. In my experience pick up types are not exclusive. Quite some of the SPLAWN-.profiles do Sound really marvellous over a single-coiled tele or strat. If you are expert enough - obviously I'm not - you my find all you need to know by just studying the assigned names of the profiles/rigs. 204 superb profiles are quite a bit to digest at once.

    Only a few profiles still have to be examined, I'm nearly done. I want to repeat: Most of them are exeptionally good sounding combinations of amps, mics, cabinets, eqs and the very fine musical ear of M. Wagener. Those very few profiles aiming at metal like sounds are beyond me, I can't say wether they are good or simply overwhelming.

    The set is worth every cent. :) :) :)


    Addition 3

    PS: Check out the PT (Pete Turley) marked profiles. I liked them both with SC and HB equipped guitars.

    PPS: So I'm not the only one with big question marks in my face when it comes to treble and clean (Fender-) sounds. M. Wagener explains it all a few pages on. :) :) :)

    Edited 4 times, last by HamerJo (September 20, 2014 at 4:26 PM).

  • I'm wondering, just a few reactions until now?

    Well, I had the chance to play all profiles this evening in detail, playing my '66 Fender strat (my "reference-KPA-test-guitar") and I have to say: great work Mr. Wagener :thumbup:

    From the 204 profiles I kept 70 and that's a lot, considering that I already have 270 excellent profiles installed. Generally I like the warm and authentic tone of the MW-profiles and a lot of them are very unique, too. Some profiles may have too much treble (for my ears), but with a little tweaking that's not a problem at all.

    There are unbelievable Heavy- and Crunch-profiles and also some nice clean ones, the strength of the pak (I bought the Über-pak) are all the great guitar-tones from the 70's and 80's we all love. I can recommend the Über-pak a 100% and it's a perfect addition for users like me, who already have a lot of outstanding profiles from Armin, Andy and the other vendors. I will have a lot of fun with the MW-profiles. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

    Edited once, last by guenterhaas (September 16, 2014 at 1:57 PM).

  • I'm wondering, just a few reactions until now?

    Well, I had the chance to play all profiles this evening in detail, playing my '66 Fender strat (my "reference-KPA-test-guitar") and I have to say: great work Mr. Wagener :thumbup:

    From the 204 profiles I kept 70 and that's a lot, considering that I already have 270 excellent profiles installed. Generally I like the warm and authentic tone of the MW-profiles and a lot of them are very unique, too. Some profiles may have too much treble (for my ears), but with a little tweaking that's not a problem at all.

    There are unbelievable Heavy- and Crunch-profiles and also some nice clean ones, the strength of the pak (I bough the Über-pak) are all the great guitar-tones from the 70's and 80's we all love. I can recommend the Über-pak a 100% and it's a perfect addition for users like me, who already have a lot of outstanding profiles from Armin, Andy and the other vendors. I will have a lot of fun with the MW-profiles. ;)

    Well said..I agree, great set of profiles :thumbup:

  • I played through the profiles last night. At 204 profiles it will take a few more days to get a deeper impression.

    Nevertheless, my first thoughts are, these are very exceptional profiles. Although, being a more clean to crunch player in general, I got heavily addicted to the high gain profiles (e.g. "Mr. Scary").
    I found all profiles really spot on. They are full at their perfect sweet spot (imho). No need to do big tweaking/adjustments. It strikes me, that these are more profiles of particular "sounds" rather than profiles of amps like in most other cases.

  • I bought the studio pack, not the uber. I think its great. I don't know if 2.6 has anything to do with it or even if these were created under this new firmware but to me their is a nice fullness in the mids that sounds a little special. It may simply be MW's ears and how he sets up the amp and equipment used/technique.

    I like how the tags were well utilized. In addition and possibly related to a previous post, I found that my strat shined on the profiles that were tagged as being created using single coils. By no means does it mean my strat didn't sound good on the rest but just something that I noticed. I only had time to go through it quickly. There are some very crisp cleans that are well EQ'd (Deluxe, Twins and several others) and also some nice low gain profiles sprinkled in. There was one that was low gain using some Kirk Hammett signature amp that was great.

    Definitely a recommended pack.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • For me personally, these are the best profiles I've played. I bought the studio pack and while it covers plenty of ground, I will no doubt get the rest soon.

    Agreed. Uberpak here... profiles sound rich and well balanced. Could not be happier about this purchase. Highly recommended for anyone looking for killer rock guitar tones! :thumbup:

  • Found this in my email today:

    From: xxx (name changed for privacy)
    Subject: Your Profile Packs

    Message Body:
    Mr. Wagner,
    For you to promise the KPA community a free pack then turn around and put out a commercial pack and then to still not release the free pack before the price goes up is wrong. You are a con artist rip-off of the highest order. You lied to the KPA community, period. Scumbag

    Dear xxx
    Thank you for the kind words :D

    Just to clarify again: The Kemper free MW profiles and my commercial pack have nothing to do with each other. We did the free Profiles with Kemper in May at my Studio and then it was up to Kemper to release them, they belong to Kemper I don't even have them here. The commercial RokPak was planned since January already, way before Kemper asked me about the free profiles. I had scheduled to release the RokPak in July at the NAMM show in Nashville, but I decided to keep waiting for release of the free profiles. Based on my studio schedule I finally had to release the RokPak in August. I have no idea what is going on with the free profiles and why it takes so long to get them to you, it is totally out of my hands, but I am sure Kemper has good reasons for the delay.

    On a positive note: I am glad you guys like the profiles and I thank you for your kind reviews, that gives me encouragement to possibly make another RokPak in the future.

    Now make some noise!


  • From: xxx (name changed for privacy)
    Subject: Your Profile Packs

    Message Body:
    Mr. Wagner,
    For you to promise the KPA community a free pack then turn around and put out a commercial pack and then to still not release the free pack before the price goes up is wrong. You are a con artist rip-off of the highest order. You lied to the KPA community, period. Scumbag

    So un-cool. :(

    that gives me encouragement to possibly make another RokPak in the future.

    So cool! :thumbup: