Create your own (Djent)Tone

  • Hi everybody,

    since I got the Kemper, I'm on the lookout for the best Djent/Modern metal kind of tone to get. When I talk about Djent (I actually don't like that word, but everybody involved in that kind of music just knows what sound it is), I'm talking about tone in the likes of Periphery/Meshuggah/Monuments and so on...

    I tried many many profiles, but so far, none of them could really please me. Most of the time, the problem for me was that they do have the metallic/lots of treble sound, but they all just sound like they come right out of a tin of tomato soup. They just don't sound as huge as they should (nor do they in the mix, when recorded. I tried it with many of them)

    So, I thought I could just try to create my own sound, which I heard is not really common and actually not possible with a Kemper and rather an AxeFx kind of thing (that's at least what I read several times).

    I started with getting an EVH 5150 profile from the amp factory for the right amp to start with. The signal chain was something like this:

    Gate>Compressor>Green Scream>Amp>EQ

    I did a lot of tweaking and for once I came a little close to the pursued sound. But it still was just shitty to be honest.

    So here my actually concern: To all the Kemper/AxeFx/what ever device tone nerds. Maybe you could help me out by sharing tips of how to adjust the settings for each component. Which amp would be the best, what else to consider. Which set ups for each pedals etc.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one with such a concern and maybe this kind of thread could avoid future threads about asking how to get this djent tone (there the word is again, sorry)

    I also hope this thread could be used to generally exchange tips on how to create and tweak your own profiles, no matter which genre of music and tone. I don't think I saw any other thread regarding such a topic. But again, maybe you guys say as well that this is just not possible with a Kemper. In that case I'm sorry for the long text.

    All the best,

  • I'm not looking for AxeFx tone. In that case, I would've bought one.

    I tried many of those profiles, and they don't sound bad at all. But my approach here was to try to create something a little bit own.


  • I tried many many profiles, but so far, none of them could really please me. Most of the time, the problem for me was that they do have the metallic/lots of treble sound, but they all just sound like they come right out of a tin of tomato soup. They just don't sound as huge as they should (nor do they in the mix, when recorded. I tried it with many of them)

    that 'huge' sound always comes from the guitar and bass mix. Even the drums play a big part in this. It's all about frequency distribution, so to speak, the instruments must work together to create something that's bigger then the sum of the parts.

    So, I thought I could just try to create my own sound, which I heard is not really common and actually not possible with a Kemper and rather an AxeFx kind of thing (that's at least what I read several times).

    haha, let me guess where you read that ;)
    A profile is extremely flexible and the whole snapshot/fixed sample talk is from people that never player one or simply didn't get the controls of the Amp and Cabinet section ;)

    IMO you should know exactly what you want from the profile. The 'a profile that sounds like a complete mixed and mastered record'-approach won't happen, no matter what the gear involved is.
    The Keith Merrow Rig Pack is the obvious starting point, since the man knows a bit about djenty guitars and mixes. :)

  • that 'huge' sound always comes from the guitar and bass mix. Even the drums play a big part in this. It's all about frequency distribution, so to speak, the instruments must work together to create something that's bigger then the sum of the parts.

    haha, let me guess where you read that ;)
    A profile is extremely flexible and the whole snapshot/fixed sample talk is from people that never player one or simply didn't get the controls of the Amp and Cabinet section ;)

    IMO you should know exactly what you want from the profile. The 'a profile that sounds like a complete mixed and mastered record'-approach won't happen, no matter what the gear involved is.
    The Keith Merrow Rig Pack is the obvious starting point, since the man knows a bit about djenty guitars and mixes. :)

    ^Listen to the man! Another great starting point would be the 5150II pack from Stymphalian Productions (james stephenson) - at least if you´re willing to buy some profiles. There are a few that work insanely good for djent playing and can be tweaked into oblivion and back.

  • The two best "Djent" profiles I use are the TAPP Marzian and Iratus profiles. They are not on the rig exchange but can be downloaded here:

    These two profiles are my go to for 7 and 8 string stuff.

    Also, in this video I am using the "BG Mark V Djent" profile. Sounds good for the genre as well. I don't think its on the rig exchange either, but a google search will help you find it:…csJR-K0C8vsP8XQ

  • The two best "Djent" profiles I use are the TAPP Marzian and Iratus profiles. They are not on the rig exchange but can be downloaded here:

    These two profiles are my go to for 7 and 8 string stuff.

    Also, in this video I am using the "BG Mark V Djent" profile. Sounds good for the genre as well. I don't think its on the rig exchange either, but a google search will help you find it:

  • Ok ok, so I definitely learned that the huge sound comes from a proper mix in the studio :)

    But how do I get that sound on stage? I mean, I can do a lot of tweaking and stuff in home, but will the sound still be "huge" when I play live?

    So, thank you guys for your answers so far!

    DonPetersen: Thanks for your tips. I have the Keith Merrow Rig Pack, but to be honest, I don't like his sounds too much...and no, I didn't read the stuff about the impossibility of tweaking a Kemper in an AxeFx Forum, if that's what you mean ;)

    Hannes: I bought a package from The Amp Factory with some 5150 profile, who all sound pretty good. But I'll maybe check out the one you told me.

    mikenothing: thanks for the profile tips! I'll try them today!

  • Ok ok, so I definitely learned that the huge sound comes from a proper mix in the studio :)

    But how do I get that sound on stage? I mean, I can do a lot of tweaking and stuff in home, but will the sound still be "huge" when I play live?

    The answer most likely will be "no". Why? Mostly because most metal live drum sounds totally suck, compared to the studio productions. Since the drum kit makes up 70% of the total mix, you can try as hard as you want getting a great guitar sound, but as long as the drum sound is not on the same level the live sound will never be as good.

  • The two best "Djent" profiles I use are the TAPP Marzian and Iratus profiles. They are not on the rig exchange but can be downloaded here:

    These two profiles are my go to for 7 and 8 string stuff.

    Also, in this video I am using the "BG Mark V Djent" profile. Sounds good for the genre as well. I don't think its on the rig exchange either, but a google search will help you find it:


    Nice demo :)
    Just uploaded my "BG Mark V Djent MK4 3" profile to rig Exchange.
    This is a profile I just tried to get a "Djent Sound" from.
    Not an expert on Djent, just playing around with the Kemper when I made it for a couple of years ago :)
    Think I had to upload it so you guys can use it if you want :)

    // Björn

  • Agreed on trying the TAPP & the Merrow profiles. Also take a look at your pickups- that BK Juggernaut pickup is seemingly instant djent no matter what amp you use!

    Hmmm...don't know about changing the pickups. Got EMG 707's in my guitar and I'm quite satisfied with them :) Can't imagine it will make that big of a difference.

  • hey chris,

    there are some rigs from Justin in the RE. He profiled some Bulb and Nolly (Periphery) patches from the axe-fx.

    You should try them. Maybe they can help you to find the sound you're looking for.

  • Hmmm...don't know about changing the pickups. Got EMG 707's in my guitar and I'm quite satisfied with them :) Can't imagine it will make that big of a difference.

    I don't think you'd need new pickups either. Make what you've got work for you. After all, djent seems (to me) PRETTY processed, I don't know how much subtle differences between pickups would translate.

    Start by going where the gold is (i.e., the amp (profile (tweaking))).

  • There are so many good 'djent' style profiles out there it's hard to keep count.

    Sinmix's 5153, Enoly's pack, ChrisO's FAS-modern I and II, Mudrock's Uberschall, Rupatche's D60...
    The problem isn't a lack of profiles.
    I agree, it's probably not in the pickups either although 707 are definitely not suited to the job - too compressed, too bassy.

    Lower your gain, crank your mids, ditch the compressor, take a stiff pick, control your picking dynamics and get a great bass sound.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I was not lucky with my researches... Would anyone supply a good definition of the term djent?

    Thanks :)

    A particular breed of sorta-progressive metal.
    Search youtube for 'Tesseract', 'Periphery', 'Monuments'.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."