Oh no, not another Distortion Sense question!

  • Okay, so I went there. I know, I know, there's already a million threads on this, but I'm a trying my best. Give me some flame if it makes you feel better.

    I was playing around with some sounds and started to really get some of the best sound of my life. My interface input level was set to +27db with the -20db pad in so it brings it down to +7 (these number are not relevant to the story). My concern was I was occasionally hitting the red on the interface and spdif into the kemper was also showing red on the input led, not permanently, just peaks. Neither was clipping but I know my interface and if it's showing red then I'm getting dangerously close.

    The problem was that if I turn the input level down on my interface to give me more head room then it didn't sound the same, it was close but it's just missing something. I then started to adjust the distortion sense the the punch started to come back. I pulled the interface level down by -4db and turned the kemper distortion sense up to +4db. Is this how it's supposed to work? Is cutting 4db from the interface and boost by the same amount on the kemper distortion sense correct or is it just a coincidence that those numbers work.

    I'm just going by ear and it sounds pretty close. It would be good to confirm that this is how it works?

    Edited once, last by abt (July 17, 2014 at 2:15 PM).

  • Distortion sense increases gain for the distorted settings. Clean sense increases it for clean settings.
    On paper, this isn't what you're hearing.

    However, if you try a relatively uncompressed profile with gain around 5 or so and raise 'clean sense' way up you'll see that the sound 'swells' when it decays - when it starts getting cleaner after the initial attack, 'clean sense' becomes more important.
    Could be that the gap between 'clean sense' and 'distorted sense', in your case, is causing the sound to do the opposite of swelling when it decays, which could make it seem punchier.

    I would, however, make sure you aren't just reacting to a change in volume (dropping the interface's levels).

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Distorted Sens is a global way to control the amount of gain for all the rigs in your profiler.
    Its not meant to be used to compensate for any volume changes that you apply elsewhere in your chain.
    As Ingolf said-when you turn down the input of your audiointerface by a certain amount you need to use the master volume of your monitoring system to compensate. The "sound difference" that you are hearing is just a side effect of the lower level.

  • Thanks for the responses. I have two goals here, I want to pull back on the input level to my interface but have it sound the same. I also want to confirm that the Distortion sense is probably what I'm looking for because, although I've not played with it too much in the past I've just started to play with it and have notice it can make a preset that sounds okay even a bit bland sound really great yet still keeps its character.

    Distortion sense increases gain for the distorted settings. Clean sense increases it for clean settings.
    On paper, this isn't what you're hearing.

    However, if you try a relatively uncompressed profile with gain around 5 or so and raise 'clean sense' way up you'll see that the sound 'swells' when it decays - when it starts getting cleaner after the initial attack, 'clean sense' becomes more important.
    Could be that the gap between 'clean sense' and 'distorted sense', in your case, is causing the sound to do the opposite of swelling when it decays, which could make it seem punchier.

    I would, however, make sure you aren't just reacting to a change in volume (dropping the interface's levels).

    Interestingly the preset I'm working with the gain is at 5 so the clean sense doesn't really do much. I see what you're saying about the volume jumps, I'm aware that the louder signal will sound better and trying to compensate for the change when comparing.

    When you dialed your interface level down by -4db try to level up your monitoring environment by 4 dB and tell me if it's still different.

    I see what you're getting at but it's not that, because I'm feeding back from the SPDIF the output levels don't really change because I'm not changing the output levels on the Kemper. So, to directly answer you question, they don't sound the same.

    I've just discovered that the reamp sense does what I think I'm after. I think this answers my question (taken from here: http://www.wikpa.org/Recording#Reamping_with_S.2FPDIF)


    Proper gain staging is key in reamping. The Kemper manual suggests
    adjusting your DAW send level of the DI tracks to get near the same
    signal level for cleans as if you plugged into the front input. If you
    recorded the DI via SPDIF and are reamping via SPDIF, you should not
    need to worry about any such adjustments, so long as you never adjusted
    the signal level in your DAW prior to reamping. If you recorded the DI
    going straight to your interface, then you may need to make this

    As far as getting the same distortion levels, this is where the
    special Reamp Sense parameter comes in handy. Simply adjust this until
    the reamped tone has the appropriate level of distortion. "

    Well, one thing I will add is that I've always loved my Kemper but theses recent developments although subtle have really taken things to another level. I'm also really happy with my sounds, I'm just a little confused.

  • My interface input level was set to +27db with the -20db pad in so it brings it down to +7

    why would you use a boost and an attenuation at the same time? this is really bad gain staging.

    bring down the interface gain to 0 (the Profile has a healthy Output, no need to boost it on the interface - check your Master Volume and SPDIF Volume setting on the Profiler)
    and disable the pad.

    compensate the drop in volume (if there still is one with Master Volume @ 10 and SPDIF Volume @ 0.0dB - the 'normal' values) with your monitoring volume on your interface,
    or whatever controls the volume of your monitors.

  • why would you use a boost and an attenuation at the same time? this is really bad gain staging.

    bring down the interface gain to 0 (the Profile has a healthy Output, no need to boost it on the interface - check your Master Volume and SPDIF Volume setting on the Profiler)
    and disable the pad.

    compensate the drop in volume (if there still is one with Master Volume @ 10 and SPDIF Volume @ 0.0dB - the 'normal' values) with your monitoring volume on your interface,
    or whatever controls the volume of your monitors.

    If I was using discrete devices for each stage then this would be correct but modern interface preamps don't work like that. I use an HD Omni interface, without the pad in the lowest input value is +10db which really does put me into clipping.

  • If I was using discrete devices for each stage then this would be correct but modern interface preamps don't work like that. I use an HD Omni interface, without the pad in the lowest input value is +10db which really does put me into clipping.

    Why do you use the preamps at all?

  • Why do you use the preamps at all?

    I plug my guitar into the instrument input of my interface because of work flow. I always track my DIs through it. From there I can route to anything I want be it monitoring or reamp via the Kemper, a sim, a real amp.

  • right,

    from what I gathered by looking at the Avid HD Omni page quickly, the interface has line inputs on the rear panel - use these instead of the front mic pre inputs.

    I think you've misunderstood what's happening. I record to my DAW via the instrument input on the Omni then signal then gets sent to the Kemper and back via spdif.