I would love to see a USB digital interface for the Kemper, like the way I can control my PODx3 with Gearbox.

  • No need for editor. There is a very good reason people buy physical control surfaces for their DAWs. Kemper has that built in.

    Perfectly right! It's so easy to edit on the front panel fumbling with the mouse would take longer for me. Only thing that would attract more is a control vst plugin you could load up in the DAW that would recall Kemper settings; it wouldn't even have to be editable, just a way to directly recall and store settings. Rig Manager is lacking in that respect.

    Outside that, while we are dreaming, I wish Kemper would just develop a full on KPA in vst format.

    Edited once, last by Animus (July 31, 2014 at 4:13 AM).

  • No need for editor. There is a very good reason people buy physical control surfaces for their DAWs. Kemper has that built in.

    Right, and by using that same logic, there is a good reason almost every single studio switched to digital work stations in the last 15 years - it wasn't for the sound quality, it was for the ease of editing.

    I keep a small control module for my studio because I like the feel of an analog fader sometimes. I don't care about the feel of the controls when it comes to setting up a complex chain of effects (or trying to recall them) on my Kemper. If I was a hobbyist, this option would be neither here nor there for me, but I own and run a professional full-service studio with lots of outboard gear. For example, I love my Neve 1073s, and they are infinitely simpler than the Kemper as far as options go, but if there was a way to control it remotely from my PC without having to walk over to my racks, back to my desk, back to my racks, I would absolutely use it.

  • I originally thought the editor would do this and function like Fractal's Axe-Edit program. It has become painfully obvious that this is not the case.

    At this point in time, if I were purchasing again, I would 100% go with an AxeII, partially because of this. Not having software control over the hardware unit is an absolute joke in this day and age, especially considering that Access allows for DAW-based plugin control of their Virus synths.

    Kemper dropped the ball on this in a huge way.

    I tried to say it more gently, but my thoughts exactly 8)

    The Axe FX and Fractal are obviously trying to compete with Kemper with their revised "tone matching" system. It's always good to see that kind of competition, so reversely, It would be nice to see Kemper at least keep up with something as ancient and beginner-level as Line6's gearbox. In all reality, they should be going after (and trying to outdo) what Fractal is doing on the digital control front.

  • Quoted from "JeffTD"

    I originally thought the editor would do this and function like Fractal's Axe-Edit program. It has become painfully obvious that this is not the case.

    At this point in time, if I were purchasing again, I would 100% go with an AxeII, partially because of this. Not having software control over the hardware unit is an absolute joke in this day and age, especially considering that Access allows for DAW-based plugin control of their Virus synths.

    Kemper dropped the ball on this in a huge way.
    I tried to say it more gently, but my thoughts exactly

    The Axe FX and Fractal are obviously trying to compete with Kemper with their revised "tone matching" system. It's always good to see that kind of competition, so reversely, It would be nice to see Kemper at least keep up with something as ancient and beginner-level as Line6's gearbox. In all reality, they should be going after (and trying to outdo) what Fractal is doing on the digital control front.

    From what I heard from awhile back Fractals editor is bug-ridden, there were lots of people complaining that it was useless, and firmware updates break it and it's not updated regularly.

  • While the editor certainly is not high on Kemper's priority list I'm convinced it will come if it is demanded constantly and strongly, because Kemper are listening to the customers.
    IIRC CK once said in an interview that the rack form factor was done only mainly because enough potential users convinced him that they wouldn't use the profiler unless available in rack form.

  • There´s one thing I miss with the KPA from day one until today, for more than two years now, and that´s a proper editor!

    For a majority of users (studio-)life would be way easier with an editor.
    I don´t get why CK and his staff continue to not aknowlege this fact. They prefer to come up with sorry excuses.... :wacko:

  • Yeah, the Rig Manager is very very cool!

    A digital editor would really make the Kemper the be-all, end-all in the amp sim world (it's already there IMHO)

    Yep I agree with you on this one Josh. As great and easy as the user interface is on the KPA an editor would make it faster and easier in the recording studio environment :)

  • I bought probably one of the first Kempers and I have been waiting for the PC editor ever since.

    It should support

    • changing between rigs
    • Edit rigs and listening at the same time,
    • marking multible rigs for deletion

      • moving into My Rigs, Favorites .....
      • Setting the same output level
      • and everything else, that is relevant for multible rigs at the same time.
    • All effect parameters should be editable
    • direct updates without a USB key.
    • Editing all MIDI parameters

    I have a studio and tell customers that they only need to bring an amp the first day of recording if the 800+ rigs are not what they want. It's a real pain i.t.a. to edit on the Kemper itself.
    Cleaning up unusable rigs is even more painfull.....

    COme on Guys - if Line6 can - so can you - we believe in you...

  • @Barcelli
    Some of those things are possible with the Rig Manager. Editing text fields, managing and deleting large numbers of rigs, marking rigs as favorite, changing rigs on the Kemper remotely by a simple double mouse click. Those are functions where a pc interface -- keyboard and mouse, large screen to see long lists of rigs -- makes sense.

    The reasoning from Kemper headquarters -- and I tend to agree -- is that actually tweaking a rig (the sound, not the text labels etc.) works best with the Kemper's own interface, i.e. turning knobs like guitarists have been doing for decades on traditional amps.

    Then there are some additional functions that would indeed be great to have in the Rig Manager, like updating directly without a USB key. Extensive editing of midi parameters would probably work best using a pc interface as well. Maybe we'll see those in a future update.

  • Since about every other pedal/rack digital guitar interface has had a software editor in addition to the faceplate
    controls, I would have thought this might have eventually been included for the KPA. Considering a guy
    had programmed a makeshift one that was floating around in alpha or beta, I would imagine a good programmer
    type employed by Kemper could surely come up with a program.


    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Rather than make a whole new editor, I would say just build upon the existing Rig Manger and include the above features. It already has the basis of being a very powerful tool in its current state.

    While I definitely like the ability to tweak at will on the unit itself (and Kemper has done a fantastic job of putting the "key" knobs and adjustments on the front panel), there are times when all I want to do it nudge something just 0.10 of a number and doing that with the knobs is a bit difficult sometimes to get that fine of and adjustment with them. Doing that onscreen would be so much easier, not to mention naming profiles would be a piece of cake.

    I give Kemper and the unit an A+ Grade otherwise. This unit is revolutionary, to say the least.