H&K Tubemeister 36 Profile

  • Have you also profiled the Lead channel? If not, please do - I have the Grandmeister 36 and use the Lead channel a ton. I am brand new to Kemper so I'm not qualified to get into profiling myself just yet, thus my request. I'll try it when I am not such a newbie.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Have you also profiled the Lead channel? If not, please do - I have the Grandmeister 36 and use the Lead channel a ton. I am brand new to Kemper so I'm not qualified to get into profiling myself just yet, thus my request. I'll try it when I am not such a newbie.

    I have profiled all channels of GrandMeister. Search my alias on Rig Exchange. These are merged 3.0 profiles.

  • I couldn´t hear a difference between the original and the profile.

    Twulf, I had (past tense) the GM36's (2 of them actually - returned for major technical glitches), not the TM36, though they're pretty similar according to most... I AM hearing a difference between the original and the profile, quite a lot really. Don't mean this in any negative way, and I appreciate anyone's efforts to get this great sounding amp profiled, (I certainly couldn't do it!) It's just an observation from a long-time H & K user. Your profile is much brighter, 'nastier' on the distortion, though tweakable of course via the GScream drive and gain controls. I may try eliminating the GS altogether. The H & K is a more subtle, sweet distorted sound, at least to me. I'll play with yours to get that sound, plus try Axewave's merged profiles as well, which I have yet to do - that's tonight's mini-project!

    Geoff Whitehorn, lead guitarist for Procol Harum for over 20 years and a long time bud of mine, sent me his own profile of the GM36 lead channel he uses. It is more what I am used to and is quite nice. He still uses this over his Marshall profiles of which he is also rightly proud of. I'd share it, but I don't have his permission to do so.

    Thanks for all your hard work and all the best!

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited once, last by prsgary (March 18, 2015 at 9:35 PM).

  • Twulf, I had (past tense) the GM36's (2 of them actually - returned for major technical glitches), not the TM36, though they're pretty similar according to most... I AM hearing a difference between the original and the profile, quite a lot really. Don't mean this in any negative way, and I appreciate anyone's efforts to get this great sounding amp profiled, (I certainly couldn't do it!) It's just an observation from a long-time H & K user. Your profile is much brighter, 'nastier' on the distortion, though tweakable of course via the GScream drive and gain controls. I may try eliminating the GS altogether. The H & K is a more subtle, sweet distorted sound, at least to me. I'll play with yours to get that sound, plus try Axewave's merged profiles as well, which I have yet to do - that's tonight's mini-project!

    Geoff Whitehorn, lead guitarist for Procol Harum for over 20 years and a long time bud of mine, sent me his own profile of the GM36 lead channel he uses. It is more what I am used to and is quite nice. He still uses this over his Marshall profiles of which he is also rightly proud of. I'd share it, but I don't have his permission to do so.

    Thanks for all your hard work and all the best!

    The profiles were taken from the "DI out" of the Tubemeister, which is a simulated speaker out. It does have a very different sound to it than a real cab (I have the tubemeister 18, so I know :-))

  • I have had H & K's for 10 years - their basic sound has not changed. My memories are quite in tune with these amps. So are my recordings and live performance videos. What I hear the difference in, true, is not the amp since 2 died on me within 6 weeks, but my years of playing them in live contexts as well as in the studio are what are guiding me, and inspiring me.. And as Michael_dk pointed out about - the TM profile was through the DI, a simulated out, not a real cab. That may be the entire difference right there.

    Having said that - Axewave's profiles are killer - as close to the real thing as I could imagine. Play one, play the other, you'll no doubt hear what I mean. The warmth he captured is the warmth I've come to know and love. No offense whatsoever intended to twulf - I could never have even got that close! My hat's off to all that make the effort and come close even.

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited once, last by prsgary (March 18, 2015 at 11:58 PM).

  • Thanks for your comments!
    Surely I compared the H&K DI-Out connected to my PA with the Kemper Profile and absolute YES - H&K with my TT 2X12" sounds much different!

    I profiled the H&K TM36 last Week with a external DI-Box without CabSim. It´s inside the RigExchange "TM36Crunch-1" and it also sounds different (surely :-))
    from the older profile I´ve done with the red-box out.
