Has anyone ever used a KPA with a Bose L1 Compact PA?

  • Has anyone ever used a KPA with a Bose L1 Compact PA? I just ordered a KPA and it will be here in a couple of days. Just wondered if anyone had ever tried it?

    I have many amps, and wonder how the KPA will work through my tube amps. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Thanks from a newbie here.


  • The L1 is a full range system so it should sound really good! You really don't need to run the KPA through a tube amp as the tuube amp will color the sound.. the KPA already has the tube sound of the amp covered.. I used to think that a Mesa 20/20 tube amp would be great with it.. early into owning... but it's really not necessary ... any full range system works great and if you want to use a guitar speaker cabinet, you just turn the cabinet off on the KPA unit... again the tubes don't really help.. the L1 will sound fine, just wait and see..
    Welcome to Kemperland!!

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • I use the KPA through my Bose L1 compact and it is excellent. It is full range flat response mono with a180 degree sound stage and will operate as a full PA for venues up to 100 people.

    Go to your Bose dealer and try the KPA through it. Make sure you only use a line input for the KPA, you can use the acoustic guitar input on the Bose provided it is switched to "line", otherwise the tone match circuit for piezo acoustic will colour your sound. Do not use the mic input as this has a tone match circuit for an SM58 which would also colour the KPA sound. There are two other line in connections on the Bose and a line out. Download the manual if you need more detail before trying.

    I use the Bose in its collapsed position on a table at ear level for home practice and rig tuning. The sound is clear and detailed and of course it works well using direct mic and acoustic guitar inputs with the KPA connected via one of the other two line inputs.

    Give it a try.


  • Thanks for the reply. My KPA is due in today, and can't wait to try it. Just hope I can figure out how to hook it up with the proper connectors and cables, and inputs. Have read the KPA manual and hope to be able to set the rig up. I am a newbie to all this electronic stuff, and will try very hard not to blow anything up.

    Any suggestions before I start? :?:

  • I have used my L1 Compact for about 3 years and love its response. I have two of them and have run them as stereo with keyboard and guitar. I am wondering if I couldn't do the same with KPA, for a fuller response. Just got the KPA today and tried it on earphones, it is unbelievable. Now, if I can just get the same response from either 1 or 2 L1 compacts, I will be in heaven. I have the tone match as well. Should I run the KPA through it or straight to the line only inputs?

    Sorry to be a worry wart, but I am totally new to the KPA and am seeking as much advice as I may get. I hope to give it a test run this weekend when I have time to work with the KPA and the L1 Compact. Unfortunately, my real job takes a world of time, as I am still at work tonight and it is after 8 p.m.

    I really appreciate the responses from those of you who know. Thanks a million! :thumbup:

  • I have used my L1 Compact for about 3 years and love its response. I have two of them and have run them as stereo with keyboard and guitar. I am wondering if I couldn't do the same with KPA, for a fuller response. Just got the KPA today and tried it on earphones, it is unbelievable. Now, if I can just get the same response from either 1 or 2 L1 compacts, I will be in heaven. I have the tone match as well. Should I run the KPA through it or straight to the line only inputs?

    Hi Camchada

    As I said in my earlier reply, you should use only the Bose L1 line input for connecting the KPA.

    Tone-match is only for mic or piezo acoustic input and will colour the KPA sound. Through the line inputs the KPA sounds great!

    I hope you enjoy the KPA/Bose combination as much as I do.


    Edited once, last by PCB: Repeated word (May 29, 2014 at 7:35 PM).

  • <p>Hello everyone</p>

    <p>I'm putting together a guitar rig for my one man band show<br />
    I'm using a Line 6 Dream Rig at the moment [JTV69 guitar/HD500x/L2T FRFR speaker] but I'm not sold 100%</p>

    <p>I have a Bose L1 Model II with the Tonematch little mixer that I'm using the Line 6 thru and it sounds decent</p>

    <p>I'm only using the Deluxe Reverb, Plexi, Boogie and the Acoustic sounds from the JTV69 from the HD500x direct to the Bose.<br />
    <span style="line-height:1.28">I still have a few days to return the whole Line 6 system and get a Kemper Rack and use it thru my Bose L1 system</span></p>

    <p>Haven't tried the Kemper at all and I'm not sure what to expect.<br />
    The only thing I have to&nbsp;compare is the Line 6 system but from what I have seen on You Tube the Kemper is WAY BETTER.</p>

    <p>Any pointers as to which would be a better system?<br />
    The Kemper and Bose or Kemper and a FRFR power speaker then a second output into the Bose?<br />
    <br />
    Sorry for the long post but I'm totally new to the KPA and would like to know a little more before I jusmp right in.</p>

    <p>thanks a lot</p>

    <p>regards,<br />

  • The L1 is a full range system so it should sound really good! You really don't need to run the KPA through a tube amp as the tuube amp will color the sound.. the KPA already has the tube sound of the amp covered.. I used to think that a Mesa 20/20 tube amp would be great with it.. early into owning... but it's really not necessary ... any full range system works great and if you want to use a guitar speaker cabinet, you just turn the cabinet off on the KPA unit... again the tubes don't really help.. the L1 will sound fine, just wait and see..

    I agree! I have been thinking earlier to switch to an unpowered version and use an all valve amp with two speaker cabs for playing stereo. Glad I didn't, thanks to Ingolf and other mods. My Powerhead can go stereo through my 2 FRFR QSC K8 powered cabs and they sound amazing in stereo, using Direct Out and Monitor, even with the power amp switchd off. OK, it took some time and real frustrations to get there (!) but in the end it saved me buying extra stuff. I have no doubt that you're quite satisfied with your BOSE L1 too!

  • One thing to consider. Systems like Bose L1, Fender Expo, Turbosound Inspire series, ect are columnar line array designs. These systems are great for covering a medium to large space with sound. Generally, they sound just as good to the person in the front row, as they do to the people in the back rows. The problem is that they don't always make for great personal monitoring systems in high volume situations or spaces where placement is a problem. If you are playing rooms where space is at a premium, and you have to stand right in front of these systems, you'll most likely have trouble hearing yourself. If your systems is also feeding the room (instead of your main P.A.), and placement is not ideal, you coulb be blocking much of the output to the audience.

    With that said, I've found that these systems do work great for medium to larger stages, where placement is not a problem, or for smaller rooms where you won't be competing with other high volume instruments. If your buddy sets up his Matrix cab right next to your line array system, you may be hearing much more of him than you do of yourself. Of course the audience will most likely be hearing more of you than they do of your buddy. That's kind of the difference in design between array systems and traditional point and shoot speakers.

  • I think I can add some value here...
    I have 2 BOSE L1 Type IIs both with B2 bass Cabs.
    and a BOSE Compact

    I have spent countless hours trying to get a great lead guitar with sustain through my BOSE and never really got the interaction that I felt and sounded right. It sounds great and its loud but something was missing.

    So I added a FRFR powered speaker....kind of. My good buddy who is a hell of an engineer, producer and musician (Works with the Gin Blossoms here in AZ) recommended I try the new Mackie DLM112. Super small Super light (34 lbs) 1000 Watts. He bought a pair and loves them.

    So I run one channel of my Kemper to the BOSE and the other to the Mackie. That Mackie with its 1 - 12 did the trick. I run it behind me on the floor it has a built in kick stand. BOOM!!!!!! nice interaction with my PRS pickups....as much or as little feedback/sustain by just turning a little bit.

    I have used the Mackie DLM12 with Both the Compact and the L1 Type II...sounds great with BOTH.

    Also note the Mackie is a two channel/input system so I take the main out on my ToneMatch into this as well. The Compact is lacking in low end but not with the Mackie added its a perfect marriage.

    So this solved multiple problems for me and I couldn't be happier.

    Moon Dog

    Edited once, last by MoonDog (September 28, 2016 at 7:13 PM).

  • Quote from Moon Dog

    So I added a FRFR powered speaker....kind of. My good buddy who is a hell of an engineer, producer and musician (Works with the Gin Blossoms here in AZ) recommended I try the new Mackie DM112. Super small Super light (34 lbs) 1000 Watts. He bought a pair and loves them.

    Sorry, but I can`t find Mackie DM 112 in the Internet.Any link?

    Edited once, last by NEWTONE (September 28, 2016 at 4:18 PM).