Shame on you, Kemper!

  • I don´t actually see whats wrong with that? In that case the OP thought his very long load-up time was normal - until someone told him that something has to be wrong with his unit and that he should therefore have it checked.

    Well, in this thread, the load-time issue has been called "lame" and others have basically said "Mine load very quickly I don't see why people complain about this". From the perspective of the person who is experiencing the issue, posts like that are just a kick in the groin. If you can't help, then don't post. That's all I'm trying to say.


  • I really can't believe that we're talking about boot times of 30-90 seconds here. The real shame is that some people who call themselves a pro and who are working for ages with lots of equipment and clients are complaining about this. A real pro (no matter what profession) is someone who deals with "disadvantages" in a professional way. Dealing with it means: I make the best out of it and focus on what's really important to get the job done. And it means to be ready when expecting a client.

    You are right. My post was definitely overreacting. We always deal with compromise. We DO understand this World imperfection reality. This is the Live by itself – compromise.

    This is why I cleaned up the device and decided to keep up to 50 profiles on board. Also, compromising on RigManager, I decided to keep and organize all Rigs on HHD in folders. This compromise helps me to load/sync RigManager on every start, and escape from search/tagging imperfections (read software imperfections).

    Also I compromise on 44k SPDIF only Master mode sample rate by using two digital sample rate convertors to match it with 48k studio workflow. Maybe I’m wrong, but I can not consider a device for studio REAMPING if it does not support 48k + slave clock. But again, I can survive because the sound is a King, and I done MUCH more compromises with equipment before. I just keep in mind: today is year 2014.

    I already gave my respect to Kemper developers, and I will do more definitely!

    But, boys, be honest to yourself: if you keep KPA loaded with, say 400 Rigs, and prefer to manage Rigs via RigManager (which is pretty obvious) – this is simply impossible because: every time you start RigManager it will sync library with device and this time will be MUCH longer compare to device boot time. In my case (400 Rigs) it was more than 5 minutes (not seconds). And this is definitely hardware (some controller) issue. Very old devices are able to transmit data via MIDI (which is much slower compare to USB) MUCH faster then KPA via USB. I believe Kemper could simply fix this issue in new releases of hardware. I purchased a brand new unit, not a 3 years old unit. That is probably why I overreacted in my post. I apology for my overreacting with the hope of future hardware and software.

  • ????? 400 rigs = 5 mins ??? Mine is near enough instant when I load up rig manager and I have just under 400 rigs on mine

    Have you filed a support ticket with kemper yet

    Raoul, this is mentioned in RigManager Manual as a “first time sync time”. Also it is mentioned in KPA manual as “backup “compressed one file archive” is much faster compare to backup as original files”. There is definitely a serious Data transfer speed limitation somewhere in the hardware. You could check it by yourself:
    1. backup KPA Rigs to usb stick as “Files”
    2. Notice how fast KPA loads Preview after you double click it in RigManager. Just keep in mind the size of data been sent = 5Kb

    Anyway, I’m about to close this thread. I apology for my overreacting but I hope on future hardware and software.

    All the best to ALL guitar players on this forum!

  • Well......I was pissed off a couple of years back with my lunchbox when there was no performance mode, no rig-manager, no whammy or drop tune effects, no power amp upgrade, etc....etc.....

    Now, I'm pretty happy buying my powered rack version and have learned that Kemper works at a pace to get things done right. They will continue to tweak and I'll continue to enjoy it when it comes around! :)

  • others have basically said "Mine load very quickly I don't see why people complain about this". From the perspective of the person who is experiencing the issue, posts like that are just a kick in the groin. If you can't help, then don't post. That's all I'm trying to say.


    If you're refering to my post, the point of it was "mine loads very quickly, contact support because there's something wrong with your device". :)

    Please don't twist this into something it is not.

  • The arguments forwarded by the OP are valid, but as he himself stated, an over-exaggeration. Trust me, the Kemper isn't as bad as all that. Let's see:

    1) Rig start-up time: I think if we consider the 1-1/2 minutes to warm up a tube amp, Kemper start-up time is not so bad. As far as the rig manager, it's not supposed to sync everytime and it could clearly be faster, but at the same time, do note that load up of rigs from the exchange are damn near instantaneous. So that's 4,000+ rigs available at the click of a button.
    2) Ethernet/USB port at the back: Perhaps someone would complain if the USB port was in the front. As mentioned, the ethernet controller is expected to be used to connect and power the KPA and upcoming footcontroller.
    3) SPDIF slaveability: I think this should be a disclaimer on the Kemper Amps website. If you absolutely insist on syncing with SPDIF, be prepared to go slave only, which eliminates the possibility of higher sample rates, whether or not there is a benefit or not to doing this. If you are not satisfied with pristine 1/4" line outs, you MUST NOT buy the Kemper. Kemper justifies this by pointing out that the cost of a converter capable of slaving would drive up the KPA cost without any benefit in recording quality. If you don't buy this, buy the Axe and then be locked to 48 Khz, if that suits you better, but it's a strange argument over 44.1 khz.
    4) Is it 2014 or 2009? As you mentioned yourself, the sound is king. I'll take what I can get, this thing is about as expensive as a top-of-the-line tube amp, but has many more advantages that make up for the sizeable cost. There are features constantly being developed and as time goes by, Kemper is likely to add more FX and routing options, such as slot-assignable delay. So yes, it's 2014, but don't worry about this being a dud investment. One of the best you could have made.

    I don't see any problem with the reactions of some of our older members to this diatribe, either. The thread title is highly misleading, given the OP's praise for the Kemper team, and is indeed disrespectful. Feel a bit sorry for the OP, when I first got my Kemper, it was sheer bliss. Still is and I like to think I have exacting standards for my gear.

  • Anyway, I’m about to close this thread. I apology for my overreacting but I hope on future hardware and software.

    All the best to ALL guitar players on this forum!

    All the best to you man :) and welcome to the Kemper World ;)
    I believe, instead of "closing", that it is sufficient just to change the title of the thread with a more polite phrase ;)
    For sure the Rig Manager and other stuff can be improved a lot in the future, we all hope in continous upgrade, but we have to consider the time needed for them...

    I suggest to use thread like this
    Rig Manager Feedback
    to suggest new improvement and discuss together the various things, that is the right approach ;)

  • If you're refering to my post, the point of it was "mine loads very quickly, contact support because there's something wrong with your device". :)

    Please don't twist this into something it is not.

    If you're refering to my post, the point of it was "mine loads very quickly, contact support because there's something wrong with your device". :)

    Please don't twist this into something it is not.

    I wasn't referring to yours. Also, I'm not "twisting" anything. I'm just sharing my opinion. But for the record, I don't really think a 60 second boot up is too long. But I'm at least curious as to why some people can boot theirs very quickly with hundreds of rigs and others can't. Ultimately, I don't believe there is anything "wrong" with mine but I want to be sure.

    Edited once, last by cudbucket (May 2, 2014 at 3:44 PM).

  • Still the most important point for me is: is there help and support for the OP?
    Therefore he definitely should open a support ticket to sort out any specific issue that may be relevant here.

    The over- exaggeration of the first post is past now, so: a warm welcome, man! ;)

  • Still the most important point for me is: is there help and support for the OP?
    Therefore he definitely should open a support ticket to sort out any specific issue that may be relevant here.

    The over- exaggeration of the first post is past now, so: a warm welcome, man! ;)

    Still the most important point for me is: is there help and support for the OP?
    Therefore he definitely should open a support ticket to sort out any specific issue that may be relevant here.

    The over- exaggeration of the first post is past now, so: a warm welcome, man! ;)

    Agreed. I opened a ticket yesterday as well.

  • The boot time not only depends on the number of rigs, but also on cabs, effect presets and thing like this.

    The boot time not only depends on the number of rigs, but also on cabs, effect presets and thing like this.

    I figured that might be the case. My KPA was purchased used. The previous owner had more than the stock cabs, effects, etc. By going back to stock, and then deleting 426 rigs and replacing them with 12 others, I was able to knock off about 8 seconds.

    I'm laughing at myself a bit because while this doesn't impact my use of the profiler at all, it has become a minor obsession of mine to simply understand the issue. Thanks all.


  • Having read the debate in this post about start up times, it got me curious, as they never seemed to be an issue for me.

    With 221 rigs on the Kemper, it took 59 seconds for boot up. After seeing where someone deleted a bunch of rigs and it only shaved off about 8 seconds, it's clear that more is going on than just loading rigs. Normally for this kind of gear, at initial power on, a boot loader is loaded into memory. The boot loader from that point controls any data or program that needs to be loaded to volatile memory. The next thing requested for load should be a power on self test (POST). This will test the main processing device and all/most subsystems (display control chip, USB chip, etc). I would guess that the POST takes a good share of the time especially if there are any memory tests performed. Once POST has successfully passed, the main bios would be loaded, followed by the rigs, cabs, effects, etc. The profiler would then be ready. Everything I've ever worked on, we have a debate about the POST. It's always a trade off between ensuring all the hardware is healthy and ready to go versus how much time it takes to complete. It would be interesting to strip a Kemper down to no presets, cabs or rigs (leave 1) and see how long the start up actually takes. I'm guessing it would take 20-30 seconds (maybe more?). Anyone willing to do the test. Anyone from Kemper home base willing to tell us exactly what is going on at start up?

    I then started Rig Manager to see how fast it started up (Vista 64 bit computer). RM took 21 seconds to fully start up (request rig list from RE, download rigs, etc). No rigs were required to be loaded from RE. 5 seconds into the start up, MyProfiler was displayed with 221 rigs. So the profiler was fully synced after just 5 seconds. Nothing on the profiler was changed since last sync, therefore made for a very quick start up. For reference RM shows 7433 rigs once fully started (local files, profiler and RE). Yeah, I know, I should do some housekeeping.

    Not sure what any of this means for other folks, my curiosity got the best of me.

    IKSLIM - Welcome to Kemper and the forum.

  • It would be nice to change the title of this thread,

    The hard working guys from Kemper need to be praised for the work - and not this.

    Yes, the booting time is slow - and the KPA can be improved - but "shame on you" is not what these guys deserve ?(

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • It would be nice to change the title of this thread,

    The hard working guys from Kemper need to be praised for the work - and not this.

    Yes, the booting time is slow - and the KPA can be improved - but "shame on you" is not what these guys deserve ?(

    Seconded. Also the boot time means nothing to me, I just turn it on before I take the FCB1010 out of its case and plug it together etc, the KPA is ready before everything is else is laid out.

    I'm more concerned about if I need a mini UPS in the scenario that a power blip knocks the KPA off during a gig. What do you gigging guys do about that potential occurence?


  • I'm more concerned about if I need a mini UPS in the scenario that a power blip knocks the KPA off during a gig. What do you gigging guys do about that potential occurence?

    Andy, when I was playing out with mine I used a simple UPS box. That will handle any short outages. I never noticed any degradation of sound from the power it supplied.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

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